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Evidence of aliens trying to contact us ?


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Evidence of aliens trying to contact us ?


Scientists think they have it

Two astronomers think they have plucked signals from 234 extraterrestrial civilisations.

In 2012, Ermanno Borra of Laval University in Quebec, suggested that lasers might be the method by which we receive first contact from extraterrestrial intelligence.

He hypothesised that we would see periodic bursts of light hidden in the spectrum of the host star of the civilisations, faint and frequent.

We'd discover them through mathematical analysis of the spectrum and the signal.

To send this kind of signal would not be beyond our means currently - should we wish to reveal ourselves to the universe, we could do so with the Helios laser at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.

Borra instructed graduate student Eric Trottier to comb through 2.5 million stars in search of such a signal, who found it in 234 of them, most of which are in the same spectral class as the Sun.

Borra said of the results:

    We have to follow a scientific approach, not an emotional one, but intuitively – my emotion speaks now – I strongly suspect that it’s an ETI signal.

Other astronomers are less convinced.  :lol:

Andrew Siemion, the director of the SETI Research Centre at the University of California Berkeley, said:

    There is perhaps no bolder claim that one could make in observational astrophysics than the discovery of intelligent life beyond the Earth.

    It’s an incredibly profound subject—and of course that’s why many of us devote our lives to the field and put so much energy into trying to answer these questions.

But you can’t make such definitive statements about detections unless you’ve exhausted every possible means of follow-up.

A Breakthrough Listen Initiative, set up to monitor the stars Borra found emitting these stars, later ranked the detection as a zero to one on the Rio Scale for SETI observations, meaning that it is insignificant.

An omni-directional beacon would be ranked a two on the index, whereas an Earth-specific message would be a six.

The scale does give you pause for thought - it's likely our first contact with extraterrestrial life will be a lot more ambiguous than a giant spaceship landing in Manhattan.




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Did they consider that we are able to communicate using the internet via forums and chatrooms? :think:

Didn't you ever think that if we can abduct you without you knowing it then we can certainly make contact much easier and obvious? :tooth:



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The aliens ain't stupid...if your neighbours are rowdy troublemakers you tend to avoid contact with them!!!!:D:D:D

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  On 11/25/2016 at 5:36 PM, anana said:

Yes all of them except Arrival. you also missed a few out like Super 8, Mars Attacks, The Thing, The 5th wave, The abyss, Aliens in the attic, Alien V predator, Attack the block, Battle los angeles, MIB, I happen to like alien movies the same as i like zombie movies, but getting back on track about aliens...


Why are we wasting time looking to the stars when they are already here. Walking among us.

We all know about Roswell New Mexico.. and no that wasn't the beginning. There have been numerous reports in history dating back 4000years+. 

Do i believe they built the pyramids, no...  read the book Chariots of the gods... take a look a the pictures in the books... like the airport, with trees which have grown dated to be over 3000years old.. the trees no the airport.. why? when the wright brothers didnt invent the airplane until the early 1900's or just over 100years ago.. That computer for the stars with the tiny cogs, which would be hard to make even today...

Then of course the story of mose's, you know the bloke that came down from the mountain with the tablets of the 10 commandments, who didnt die, but was "taken up in a white light" ??

Fact... Governments lie about everything... and even the people in power those who are NEW, dont get told everything.. they are just puppets on a string.. Do you think when trump became president they told him about Area 51... hell do you think they told obama...

Do you know why they stopped sending people to the moon?... why the NASA programs where shut down... and the obvious BS about it being to expensive...

Think about how fast technology has happened over the last 60years... from the first home computer in the 80's to now.. Something is going on...

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abyss is called The Abyss... the one with the group of mainly men and 1 woman, and those 4 soldiers, involving a downed submarine and they have to disarm the nukes.

michael bein ??? he was in terminator... the bloke from The ROCK, yes good movie... the aliens where able to control the water.


As for cocoon and navigator i completely forgot about them.. Navigator had judge reinhold as the alien spaceship AI, sarah jessica parker was in it aswell.


I also missed out the 4 critters movies. the prequel to alien, and about 3000 others.

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@andy2004 That's the abyss. As for cocoon, it is about a building full of senior citizens, one day they found a big ball of something in the swimming pool. One of them tried to take a look at it by diving in the water. Later he found out that he got stronger and healthier. All of them took advantage of what they discovered. Soon, the cocoon mature and an alien with butterfly like wings emerged and fly out with the gestures of being thankful for being taking cared of. That's it. hehehe! Watching it makes more sense and fun than telling it or I'm just a bad storyteller. hehehe!


The navigator....ah... one of my favorite movies.


Yes, critters! Oh! I miss the 80's movies. Many of  the best alien movies were mostly in that decade.


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  On 12/2/2016 at 12:16 PM, VIKTOR PAVEL said:

aliens afraid of humans

aliens know we know everything to beat them .... in movies! :P


good documentary ANCIENT ALIENS: http://www.history.com/shows/ancient-aliens/season-1


Oh yeah? we are watching it too so we now know what image, manifestation and concept you had in us.

In movies yes we are defeated or befriended but in reality it is not! hehehe!

We constantly appear so you feel unsecured and you are forced to buy more aluminum foil from us (translate to more profit for us) and you wear it as tinfoil hat. hehehe!

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