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How to Activate Malwarebytes Premium 3 Lifetime License


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It still does not update on my rig...........

Im finished with this piece of :shit: !

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1 hour ago, perucho said:

Today after restarting the pc it was possible to update the database

I also gave the problem yesterday of the updates but it seems to error on the update server and not the program because you use crack

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update-problems seems to be in the host-file , which to block and which not.............:rolleyes:

When deleted all the mbam-related issues ,from host-file, I can update indeed , but licence is lost...................!

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50 minutes ago, Pete 12 said:

update-problems seems to be in the host-file , which to block and which not.............:rolleyes:

When deleted all the mbam-related issues ,from host-file, I can update indeed , but licence is lost...................!

yep.... no need to block host.  need to patch dll files (  @knowledge  actions.dll  --- ???? and looking for others  mbamcore.dll)  . :)  firewallblock , host file will not work now. ....  when connected to net , every update of database , it checks license and reinstall back to free....

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OK, can you help us all to this mbamcore.dll  , etc. , making it update without losing licence.............?  :rolleyes:

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34 minutes ago, sledge101 said:

yep.... no need to block host.  need to patch dll files (  @knowledge  actions.dll  --- ???? and looking for others  mbamcore.dll)  . :)  firewallblock , host file will not work now. ....  when connected to net , every update of database , it checks license and reinstall back to free....

i have the dll u talk about



i have not had much to to play with this program i was not sure was a problem but if  is a problem we try and help fix if can be fixed

Site: https://www.mirrorcreator.com
Sharecode[?]: /files/CBH3SOPA/dll.rar_links


i have not looked at this program much  is the problem losing licence  from pro to free right?

ill have look soon i have some free time  but i am sure to stop  the problems u may have will need a patched exe ? unsure

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Indeed, after deleted the host-files , you can update the data-base, but it chances from registered to free-version. If you dont delete this host-files ( mbam) , you will stay registered but can not download the new data-base anymore , so you can not update the program which makes it worthless scanner.............


Question , which hostfiles to keep and which to delete............ ??

( looks like they have chanced some items in this host-file with the latest 3-version )


When downloading ; https://www.mirrorcreator.com
Sharecode[?]: /files/CBH3SOPA/dll.rar_links   , the folder is empty  ???

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59 minutes ago, Pete 12 said:

Indeed, after deleted the host-files , you can update the data-base, but it chances from registered to free-version. If you dont delete this host-files ( mbam) , you will stay registered but can not download the new data-base anymore , so you can not update the program which makes it worthless scanner.............


Question , which hostfiles to keep and which to delete............ ??

( looks like they have chanced some items in this host-file with the latest 3-version )


When downloading ; https://www.mirrorcreator.com
Sharecode[?]: /files/CBH3SOPA/dll.rar_links   , the folder is empty  ???

the folder is empty i reloaded seems fine but i have uploaded again for u

Site: https://www.datafilehost.com
Sharecode[?]: /d/56ff385d

untick Download with Secured Download manager  when downloading

ps ill have look at the program soon

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still empty , after download and extracting !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Even when firewall and anti-virus switched off , no files in this download............!

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i can fix the update problems and changed key and id

can now update ill post veryy soon how to get passed this problem it was pain but can be done

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22 minutes ago, knowledge said:

i can fix the update problems and changed key and id

can now update ill post veryy soon how to get passed this problem it was pain but can be done


It was great new @knowledge, and we are waiting for your fixed.

Thanks so much for your time and effort to create the new way to use Malwarebytes Premium 3 free.

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Yes, knowledge , we wait for your solution, with a little luck it will work in the final version also................:D

Will stay on 2-version untill we can switch to latest 3-version.

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do not click renew




i did not hide my key in post as i tryed to make so it not remove key so i tryed to disabled it ?


i tryed to do 1 with id and key and one with just key  but not so if will work or not 100%

to much things have changed from the last time i worked with this program i am unsure i can fix 100%?

i have uploaded maybe more files then needed not sure so i give all files i think may help ?

but i see this program will not be so easy to keep fixing  maybe sometrick can work but not so sure for howlong


the problem i have now is to were to upload the files i have   as it seem biger size and some sites not let upload give me sometime to make files smaller  sorry for the wait

ps and this program makes some problems with Shadow Defender :(

video of things working fine






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51 minutes ago, knowledge said:
  Reveal hidden contents





do not click renew




i did not hide my key in post as i tryed to make so it not remove key so i tryed to disabled it ?


i tryed to do 1 with id and key and one with just key  but not so if will work or not 100%

to much things have changed from the last time i worked with this program i am unsure i can fix 100%?

i have uploaded maybe more files then needed not sure so i give all files i think may help ?

but i see this program will not be so easy to keep fixing  maybe sometrick can work but not so sure for howlong


the problem i have now is to were to upload the files i have   as it seem biger size and some sites not let upload give me sometime to make files smaller  sorry for the wait

ps and this program makes some problems with Shadow Defender :(

video of things working fine







Making Malwarebytes Premium update well and then you could replace its license are your first achievement, keep going, Br. :)

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ok this how to fix the update problems

1 You download setup file from its websites: mb3-setup-consumer-

install and close program


2 host block

attrib -r %WINDIR%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts

SET NEWLINE=^& echo.

FIND /C /I "skipittok.com" %WINDIR%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts
IF %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 ECHO ^                   skipittok.com>>%WINDIR%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts

FIND /C /I "keystone.mwbsys.com" %WINDIR%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts
IF %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 ECHO ^                   keystone.mwbsys.com>>%WINDIR%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts


attrib +r %WINDIR%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts   



3 copy and pasta my folders

now can open program and update if want  i am not sure how long this will work for but for now its fixed :)


Site: https://dailyuploads.net
Sharecode[?]: /5p9ab35mj4en
untick Secured Download manager  when downloading

this maybe my last post for this program as seems to make little problems with  Shadow Defender :( or Shadow Defender  have problems with Malwarebytes Premium 3 ?


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8 minutes ago, SandStone said:

What happen with Shadow Defender knowledge?

just seem to playup with if want to commit files and things like that seems make pc run slow and my pc not old or slow

i think its this version of malwarebytes not Shadow Defender

but i fixed the update problems people had  so not so bad ?

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@knowledge...  tried your solution ... but skip #3 as i tried using the upgrade method using BL old keys.   


Here's my feedback.

1.  Upgrade method works quite nicely using old BL Keys. They are holding and bypass security license check and prevent reinstallation back to FREE.

 --  > can do upgrades upon testing. So no issues -->  nicely done.

2.  Loading of mbamtray.exe takes about a minute, guess this needs to be fix by Devs

3. Protection dialog bug still persist -->  just ignore and close the dialog , after several seconds, reverts to protection ON.

4. By not registering MWB from WAC  ,  performance loading times seems a bit faster... so never register MWB,   can now work hand in hand with Windows Defender.

5.  Using old BL keys hides the Identifier and only key is shown  XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX ,    Duration : Never expires.


Test Procedure:  Upgrade method.

1. Remove MBAM, completely,  using mbam uninstall tool and leftover mabamservice files in registry not able to be deleted by the uninstall tool -->  CCLeaner . Did not restart yet

2. check mbae64.sys and mbamswissarmy.sys from C:\Windows\System32\drivers  if exist  then deleted it.   if unable to delete, renamed and deleted on next restart .

3. After restart, Install Mbam 2.2.1 --> net connection on --> never launch -->  check for mbamservice if running. close. 

4. Copy activated old licensed.conf  and net.conf  to  programdata of MBam 2.2

5.  Applied the latest host block settings

6.  Added exclusion  host settings and other stuffz.

6.  Install Mbam3-->  finish installation while connection on.  Program launch automatically.  

7.  Close  mbam3 reference files running -->   Mbamservice.exe, mbam.exe, mbamtray.exe(3)

8.  Run mbam.exe  directly from program directory  not from shortcut(mbamtray.exe) , waited until it reloads while online.  

9.  Now, registered with old key.... Restart PC

10. Done.  Do scan and update.


That's it.


Note: will now test the direct method. 




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@knowledge, direct method  without upgrade from old is fine....   no need 40mb :) , will send you updated toolbox for version 3 later for further test at your end.  

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3 minutes ago, sledge101 said:

@knowledge, direct method  without upgrade from old is fine....   no need 40mb :) , will send you updated toolbox for version 3 later for further test at your end.  

the 40mb  is as it have some updates with it i think ?

sure send me files ill test

i am sure can make files size smaller

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1 hour ago, knowledge said:

the 40mb  is as it have some updates with it i think ?

sure send me files ill test

i am sure can make files size smaller

yep.. but you dont need it, ive' checked it already and ok to leave it , it doesnt affect the license server check. btw, to improve performance , mate, i did take note of the 2.2.1 settings and reduplicate it in 3,  and it does improve performance issues, resources drops down,   one is disable, register mwb to wac, disable sending anonymous information statistic to server, disable self protection module ( i noted if you enable this one, some files seems to be protected thus you need to have admin access to edit some selective files there even if you are the admin tsk tsk.... nevertheless we are on the right track at this moment... 


@knowledge --> you only need 82kb for direct method. I will send the test files to you later  as need to convert the old licenses data to the new hash format. I have about more than 20+ old licenses. I'll send you as soon as possible if i can finish at least 5 of it.

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Here's what works for me using @sledge101 ToolBox v2.2.

1. Install MBAM v2.2.1. If you already have it installed and activated using ToolBox v2.2, make sure to use both Net File & Host option for blocking. If you have it installed & not activated using ToolBox, uninstall using Revo Uninstaller.

2. After installation, run ToolBox v2.2 & activate Premium. Block MBAM with Net File & Host option in ToolBox. Go directly to step 3 if you already have it installed and activated using ToolBox v2.2 with both Net File & Host option enabled.

3. Run/Install MBAM 3.0 as Admin.

4. After installation, restart computer.

5. Open MBAM 3.0 Premium then update.


MBAM v3.0 is very buggy. It freezes my PC. Lol. Going back to 2.2.1 for now.

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@knowledge... updates on toolbox 3  ,  you have 2 methods already which you will be testing later.

1.   traditional host method

2.   firewall host method  --> am using this right now.... no need to add exclusion to host file. :)



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