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Human Beings are Disgusting (Warning: Graphic Content)


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Was stuck in heavy traffic on the turnpike due to another collision because the strong sun blinds motorists who are not used to it getting dark early since DST. After 30 minutes of this, my large coffee was telling my bladder it was time to urinate. Up ahead, I saw a McDonalds at the rest area and pulled in there real quick to do #1. Walked into the men's room, some dude was at the urinal, so i decided to use the stall. Before I even got the door, a horrible, horrible smell hit me, opened the stall bathroom and it looked like a murder scene, like a grizzly bear was in there and didn't flush, to make matters worse, was human feces on the bloddy walls, floor and all over the seat. Walked outside the bathroom and waited for the urinal to be free. I know it's a public restroom and all, but who the hell was in there and how the hell did they manage to get poop on the god damn walls. It literally looked like something from a horror movie. I told the manager of the situation after getting another coffee, upon leaving I felt real bad for whom ever had to clean up that crime scene. Yep, human beings are freakking disgusting.  

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Unfortunately it's not like this sort of behavior is relatively new :(

A friend of mine was a janitor in an office building in the early 80's He told me a few stories.


1) Someone had the habit of taking a crap at the bottom of a stairwell. The odor made its way up a few floors. The culprit was a well dressed man in suit and tie.

2) One day he walked into a stall in the ladies room to find a wall covered with feces. He told me the only way he figured this happened was that someone with diarrhea spread her butt cheeks against the wall and let go.

3) A drunk idiot puked on the metal grill used to hold the snow and melted slush in the entrance way. They had to shovel the stinking stuff out after removing the grill.


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