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I think this is a balance representation that do justice for any sides be it pro-Trump or anti-Trump.

Removing the very visual analogy and interpreting it plainly, I see it as making just one point.


Oh, the American-born (I guess) doctor specializing in heart surgery, is the protagonist used in this story that was supposed to operate Mr. Trump but since he deported him then no one can be able to operate and save his life.


The illegal Mexicans, Latinos,Hispanics, Chinese (the yellows), Indians, Filipinos, Indonesians, Koreans, Vietnamese, and some other Asian countries I have not confirmed, that has its citizen going illegal/TNT there in the U.S., were the ones doing the most dirtiest jobs for you. From cleaning the sewers, toilets, cleaning rooms, cleaning your house, washing dishes and clothes, gardening, to cutting your split ends and cleaning your toes, to scrubbing your rough skins, to caring for you in the hospitals (as a nurse), to giving assistance in caring for your physically immobile kin (as a caregiver), and  all kinds of hard work you do not want to do it by yourself and you probably have no time to do it for yourself were the ones doing it for you at a very cheap cost.

This is the only blue collar jobs, imagine the white collar jobs where you think they were taking it from you.

But if this is what you say has been taken from you, your dream job then you might have a good argument there! Wow! :clap:


Like being the best heart surgeon (as the protagonist in this movie), scientist, inventors, innovators, specialist in their respective fields, even as executive assistant, movie star, extras, stunt coordinator, could be the kind of job you want for yourself? Really? Why didn't you apply then? Is it because you believe you belong in the higher up chain than those mid-level jobs can offer? Then please do as you may with the help of these colored migrants (as illegal or legal or natural born citizen). They will be glad to help you reach your dreams as they are good to provide assistance and support, and they would be so glad to cheer for you. YOU ARE THE SUPERSTAR ANYWAY!



For many decades, America became what it is now because of the diverse people in it and several culture contributing to it that makes America become energetic, entertaining and fun to lived! So FUN, that the whites were still the main stars and couldn't have enough of the attention given to them! Without them, America will just be like any country that the white colored people inhabits, flat-boring, and slow progressing especially in technology.

Your movies will be just plain flat-boring white-only cast of actors like other countries produced B movies!

Oh, I forgot! You can give them make-ups to make them look like blacks, hispanics, mexicans and chinese! :yes::hehe:


When your wife/girlfriend shouts at you telling you to fix the clogged toilet and to drained your septic tanks then GOODLUCK doing that!

You even don't know what tools to use for plumbing. You need a AC tester for that! :lmao:


Why then brain-drained term is invented? It's because one country can benefit from external help in order to fasten its progress, technology, culture and creativity.:dance:

Deport them then who will do this job?

This is the message of this short movie.

I think this make sense. :P

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