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How to Active Kaspersky Anti-Virus/ Internet Security Version 18.0.0 License till 2020


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3 hours ago, ThisPC666 said:


oh. congrats! gonna upgrade to Win10 x64 build 14959 hope it works. :unsure:

I'm pretty sure it won't. Doesn't work on rs2 builds

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10 hours ago, Ryanbee said:

This is your: RePack KIS (pls run as Administrator when install)

Site: https://goo.gl
Sharecode[?]: /51w7sQ

Enjoy Polish friends :)

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Dziękuję :rolleyes: :D / Thanks :rolleyes::D

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kis17.0.0.611CN-EN_Pre-activated includes patch b Black edition is available for testing now :rolleyes: 


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KTS17.0.0.611 [PURE17.0.0.611.0.603.0aben]_Pre-activated will release soon for users :rolleyes: :D





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with kaspersky version 2017: making repack preactivated that is so much easy unlike version 2016 -> this is very hard :D :D 





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21 hours ago, coua said:

kis17.0.0.611CN-EN_Pre-activated includes patch b Black edition is available for testing now :rolleyes: 


Site: https://www.solidfiles.com
Sharecode[?]: /v/dmp6ddRwQPyq7


Tested this black edition on Windows 14393 x64 and installed successfully but did not activate. :s

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On 11/5/2016 at 0:59 PM, RobrPatty said:

I'm pretty sure it won't. Doesn't work on rs2 builds




yo! just upgraded to build 14959 and re-installed KIS and its working now! hahaha..... woot! woot! B)




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1 hour ago, ThisPC666 said:


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yo! just upgraded to build 14959 and re-installed KIS and its working now! hahaha..... woot! woot! B)





well well well.............................. guess my celebration was very short lived. hahahahaha. as soon as i updated KIS' database, it again blocked all browser connections.... arrrrrrrrgggghhhh...


my Adguard doesnt block ads (had to use browser extension instead), KIS blocks everything. deymm...


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3 hours ago, RobrPatty said:

Tested this black edition on Windows 14393 x64 and installed successfully but did not activate. :s


Let's me check 

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To prevent Kaspersky block license,

I introduce to you new tool to prevent that happen.


You turn off KIS/KAV Self-Defense then exit completely. 

Download tools: Lock KIS17.0.0.exe 

Site: https://goo.gl
Sharecode[?]: /0EdKD8

Run file as Administrator to prevent KIS connect to its server.

Now you open KIS again, turn on Self-Defense and using KIS as normal.

In case you want KIS coming back to normal state, you download file Unlock KIS17.0.0.exe 

Site: https://goo.gl
Sharecode[?]: /Deunkm

And do the same process above to return KIS into the original state.

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1 hour ago, Ryanbee said:

To prevent Kaspersky block license,

I introduce to you new tool to prevent that happen.


You turn off KIS/KAV Self-Defense then exit completely. 

Download tools: Lock KIS17.0.0.exe 

Site: https://goo.gl
Sharecode[?]: /y19VpR

Run file as Administrator to prevent KIS connect to its server.

Now you open KIS again, turn on Self-Defense and using KIS as normal.

In case you want KIS coming back to normal state, you download file Unlock KIS17.0.0.exe 

Site: https://goo.gl
Sharecode[?]: /roGZlL

And do the same process above to return KIS into original state.


will that still allow you to update?

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I confirm that the Kaspersky license block works.
Tested on VM of the blocking of the KISCN17_10.2019_114B.lic key,
Kaspersky license without starting block safe mode of the administrator; reinitialiser with KRT_5.1.0.29 key success reacvtiver


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13 hours ago, RobrPatty said:

Tested this black edition on Windows 14393 x64 and installed successfully but did not activate. :s


disable self-defense, turn off kaspersky completely from taskbar 


run all these reg file and run kaspersky again enjoy 






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5 hours ago, ThisPC666 said:


will that still allow you to update?


3 hours ago, boulawan said:

I confirm that the Kaspersky license block works.
Tested on VM of the blocking of the KISCN17_10.2019_114B.lic key,
Kaspersky license without starting block safe mode of the administrator; reinitialiser with KRT_5.1.0.29 key success reacvtiver



yes it allows updating 


source code :rolleyes:



Allow checking license.bat

Block checking license.bat

Host Patch.bat

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14 hours ago, RobrPatty said:

Tested this black edition on Windows 14393 x64 and installed successfully but did not activate. :s


10 hours ago, coua said:


Let's me check 


i think the issue happens because i don't get admin rights for batch file for working on win 10 :rolleyes: for others win: not necessary to got admin rights for working, :rolleyes:i edited the code and i'll update new installer :rolleyes: 







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12 hours ago, coua said:



yes it allows updating 


source code :rolleyes:


Let's try, I'm using this method and KIS till works well.


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kis17.0.0.611CN-EN [KIS17.0.0.611.0.620.0abCN-EN] Pre-activated 

Site: https://www.solidfiles.com
Sharecode[?]: /v/PMWzzgKkpn2GQ


kts17.0.0.611EN_noKSC [PURE17.0.0.611.0.603.0aben] Pre-activated 

Site: https://www.solidfiles.com
Sharecode[?]: /v/p3wqKWzq5QBYn


Cheers my kaspersky fan :lol:

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Friend this Repack works on a Spanish operating system because I have tried installing and it says license missing. Thank you, I await your response.

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On 11/8/2016 at 11:24 AM, coua said:

kis17.0.0.611CN-EN [KIS17.0.0.611.0.620.0abCN-EN] Pre-activated


Thanks for the great job and for sharing this, but the license 114B has been blocked and KIS is not updating anymore.


Any solution how to fix it? Or you are prepearing a new repack for us? ))

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7 hours ago, Furee said:


Thanks for the great job and for sharing this, but the license 114B has been blocked and KIS is not updating anymore.


Any solution how to fix it? Or you are prepearing a new repack for us? ))


waiting for ne license


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  • 2 weeks later...

Update new key 


Site: https://goo.gl
Sharecode[?]: /XWCFOO
Enjoy :cheers:





thank for the source of this key, may be the owner of this license also a member of this forum!




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