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How to active ESET Smart Security & Internet & Antivirus License till 2022


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@Ryanbee I want new fix 4 antivirus v10 

But u have provided links 4 EIS

Plz provide new fix 4 antivirus 64 bit which can work on windows 7

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2 minutes ago, ashish1989 said:

@Ryanbee I want new fix 4 antivirus v10 

But u have provided links 4 EIS

Plz provide new fix 4 antivirus 64 bit which can work on windows 7


Sorry I misunderstood, I will check for you, Br.

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47 minutes ago, ashish1989 said:

Plz provide new fix 4 antivirus 64 bit which can work on windows 7


I found out the reason,

Here the good fixed for you Active EAV10_X64_2022_V3.exe 

Site: https://goo.gl
Sharecode[?]: /cYFF4U
pls, let's me know the result.


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I really appreciate your working on this

Thank you

Please Make a list of the fixes and put it on eset fix

more people will se it there and will test it


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6 hours ago, Ryanbee said:

I found out the reason,

Here the good fixed for you Active EAV10_X64_2022_V3.exe 

Site: https://goo.gl
Sharecode[?]: /cYFF4U
pls, let's me know the result.


Tested and working on my windows 7 x64 machine very well

thank u 4 ur help, u have provided a really gr8 fix eset v10

Plz merge this post in eset fixes if possible on the front page so that it is easier to find and make the use of it

Atlast bro gr8 work done really appreciate it...

Ca u plz figure out how to update it offline too. I used to update my eset v8 offline earlier but not possible 4 v9..

Can u plz figure out is it possible to update it offline


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2 hours ago, ashish1989 said:

Tested and working on my windows 7 x64 machine very well

thank u 4 ur help, u have provided a really gr8 fix eset v10

Plz merge this post in eset fixes if possible on the front page so that it is easier to find and make the use of it

Atlast bro gr8 work done really appreciate it...

Ca u plz figure out how to update it offline too. I used to update my eset v8 offline earlier but not possible 4 v9..

Can u plz figure out is it possible to update it offline



Happy to see you could activate it

About offline update you have to change registery and make it work to update from folder

try to download updates and put it on iis and in registery put your computer ip instead of servers and see whether it works or not

Best Regards

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27 minutes ago, nma1990 said:


Happy to see you could activate it

About offline update you have to change registery and make it work to update from folder

try to download updates and put it on iis and in registery put your computer ip instead of servers and see whether it works or not

Best Regards

I have tried it in v9 by putting update files in a folder

I download them from scanwith.com

But the problem I dont know how to change server in v10

Also in v9 after offline update it always show the database version which was compiled in the app not with one which I update it with latest version

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42 minutes ago, ashish1989 said:

I have tried it in v9 by putting update files in a folder

I download them from scanwith.com

But the problem I dont know how to change server in v10

Also in v9 after offline update it always show the database version which was compiled in the app not with one which I update it with latest version


[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ESET\ESET Security\CurrentVersion\Plugins\01000400\Settings]

Registery is here

put in on IIS and see what will happen

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7 hours ago, ashish1989 said:

Tested and working on my windows 7 x64 machine very well

thank u 4 ur help, u have provided a really gr8 fix eset v10







So great to hear good new from your active successfully!

I don't know  much about update offline, I will consider about that. thanks

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5 hours ago, CreativeThinking said:



3 hours ago, Ryanbee said:

So great to hear good new from your active successfully!

I don't know  much about update offline, I will consider about that. thanks


:rolleyes: contribute for author of thread :rolleyes:



Site: https://www.solidfiles.com
Sharecode[?]: /v/Mg8zkndM2xmB3


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2 hours ago, Ryanbee said:

Is it possible for ESET update after using your fixed coua?


certainly :lol: lol your question guy :lol: but the license can be blocked in the future :rolleyes: it's just a temporary fix, i make it just for fun :lol: while waiting for tnod can activate essp in the future :ph34r: 

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12 hours ago, nma1990 said:


[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ESET\ESET Security\CurrentVersion\Plugins\01000400\Settings]

Registery is here

put in on IIS and see what will happen

i have gone to registry but what to do in that it is not clear to me

as there are so many server files which and how to change

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22 minutes ago, coua said:


 the license can be blocked in the future :rolleyes:


Let's see, it is hard to answer just ESET company know :lol:

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5 hours ago, Ryanbee said:

Let's see, it is hard to answer just ESET company know :lol:


:lol: lol



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5 hours ago, ashish1989 said:

i have gone to registry but what to do in that it is not clear to me

as there are so many server files which and how to change


Disable self defense or go to safe mode

Change server to your computer

like if your ip is

put in servers like this

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eset 10 now update from 


how update it from http://update.eset.com/eset_upd/v10


i want .nup update method not .dll.nup file


because eset 10 (http://update.eset.com/eset_upd/v10/dll/) not create proper mirror file (programming missing in update.ver)

so mirror file not update offline


please tell me how create mirror for eset 10

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12 hours ago, harry2005 said:

eset 10 now update from 


how update it from http://update.eset.com/eset_upd/v10


i want .nup update method not .dll.nup file


because eset 10 (http://update.eset.com/eset_upd/v10/dll/) not create proper mirror file (programming missing in update.ver)

so mirror file not update offline


please tell me how create mirror for eset 10


I did not do it for a long time I used software called nod32view

it took updates and I put it on IIS and in register I changed the update server to my IIS and it worked perfectly

I think getting updates from original server would be easy

Just we need a Linux guy to use a username and password and download files

we put it on IIS and test it

more details about which port version 10 uses for update and details can be found on their site I think

Best Regards

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On 3/11/2016 at 8:43 AM, Ryanbee said:

I found out the reason,

Here the good fixed for you Active EAV10_X64_2022_V3.exe 

Site: https://goo.gl
Sharecode[?]: /cYFF4U
pls, let's me know the result.


Please, can you ger me instructions for how to patch?



Tested in VM, no baloon notification after update database, but it works.

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On ‎11‎/‎4‎/‎2016 at 8:24 AM, coua said:


Site: https://www.solidfiles.com
Sharecode[?]: /v/Mg8zkndM2xmB3



Good work :wub:


but there is remnant/leftover item:




and check Windows version could be like this:


REM Check Windows Version
for /f "tokens=2*" %%A in ('reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" /v CurrentVersion') do set VAR1=%%B
if %VAR1% GEQ 6 (goto:ver_nt6x) else (goto:ver_nt5x)


instead of this:


REM Check Windows Version
ver | findstr /i "5\.0\." > nul
ver | findstr /i "5\.1\." > nul
ver | findstr /i "5\.2\." > nul
ver | findstr /i "6\.0\." > nul
ver | findstr /i "6\.1\." > nul
ver | findstr /i "6\.2\." > nul
if %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 0 GOTO ver_nt6x
ver | findstr /i "6\.3\." > nul
if %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 0 GOTO ver_nt6x
ver | findstr /i "10\.0\." > nul
if %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 0 GOTO ver_nt6x
GOTO warn_and_exit ---------- > actually, this command redirect to nowhere :unsure:


Keep up the good work :wub:

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