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inserting pictures mostly don't work after last crash


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I tried to use imgur.com 666kb.com etc and have often the problem



If the picture links are working in different forums and only here it is a problem I think it is not a picture hoster problem = the problem must be here

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Here is a workaround until this issue get fixed:


- Upload you image to your prefered image host

- Right-click on the image and choose "COPY IMAGE" not the link to it!

- Go to your post, right-click and paste it

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the problem must be here


The 'embedded links - editor option' is one of the perks for achieving the 'V.I.P.' rank.


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2 hours ago, jordan4x said:

Here is a workaround until this issue get fixed:


- Upload you image to your prefered image host

- Right-click on the image and choose "COPY IMAGE" not the link to it!

- Go to your post, right-click and paste it



thx but this workaround is not useful for me. I am using File&Image Uploader and I don't see any uploaded image  = I have to wait for the fix ore the V.I.P. rank https://i.imgur.com/qkAdU3K.gif

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no problem and about the VIP rank - that was a (maybe wrong) information from metatron. I was mad after I wrote a tutorial and find out that I can't post it. You know that I have only 300 MB volume at day and I do not use parts of it for nonsense ways.

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i think something is broken somewhere to cause I'm also having problems with posting image's via imgur.com and lookpic if i post a topic with Imgur i get "The link could not be embedded because an error occurred on i.imgur.com" at the bottom of page where it trying to load and if i upload with lookpic i get just a text with .jpg at the end of it with no picture






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We know about this issue. It seems an IPB issue and are looking to contact IPB about it. It may take time to be fixed.


Meanwhile, you can still use the method that jordan has posted. Just paste that link into the new tab and then follow the rest of the advice by jordan.


If nothing works, then just paste the link, members can alteast click on it.

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On ‎30‎/‎10‎/‎2016 at 5:02 PM, Crazycanuk said:


btw when I archive the nerd! Rank I'm am still on wannabe Nerd!   :lol:         

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On 10/30/2016 at 8:23 PM, Togijak said:

that was a (maybe wrong) information from metatron.


I'll wait & see if my info is (maybe wrong);)


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here is how you post images  without having too copy the actual image  you put the image link in code tags like this 




you guys have been on IP board v4 too long to remember the actual  tags for it i learn this years ago it still works fine  :P



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27 minutes ago, steven36 said:

here is how you post images  without having too copy the actual image  you put the image link in code tags like this 




you guys have been on IP board v4 too long to remember the actual  tags for it i learn this years ago it still works fine  :P



maybe this list is helpful for someone http://forum.vbulletin-germany.com/misc.php?do=bbcode

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1 hour ago, steven36 said:

here is how you post images  without having too copy the actual image  you put the image link in code tags like this 




you guys have been on IP board v4 too long to remember the actual  tags for it i learn this years ago it still works fine  :P




Good idea. Was thinking about it from some time now.


There is a background to this though. The background is, guys at IPB are complete idiots. Simple. When IPB 4.0 and even in IPB 4.1 - the version we waited for before upgrading, arrived, IPB started using an external editor called CKEditor. Now, this ultra powerful editor might have been used in the previous IPB versions too, but that was heavily modified. The one we are using is modified too, but is more of CKEditor than IPB's editor now. Now, when IPB 4 came, it bought a better RTE editor, which was all fine. But it also broke BBCODE. That's right, it broke it. No matter how much you ask them, they will give excuses that hey, look, you need to fix this in the settings, or you have not completed the upgrade from previous IPB properly and you need to let the background work complete before understanding it's broken or not. Nonsense. It was broken for months. It was not working atall. I personally tried a lot of things. So much so that people started wondering if IPB has forgotten about it. Then, one day, about a year later, IPB realizes that and finally releases a fix for it:



Some BBCode does not parse correctly in version 4 and we have applied some fixes for this. In general BBCode is deprecated so we only provide basic support.


That's right. BBCODE was broken for a year and nothing was done about it. That is why one could not use it on the forums.


It's only recently that I remember that yes, they fixed it and now it can be used on the forums.



How to use it. Simple, paste the link and add [ img ] [ / img ] tags in front and behind it. You can even double click on the link and in the dialog box, press on the Remove Link button if you do not want the image to be clickable or such.

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Fine if bbcode works again, but I think it has been such a great improvement that html can be used instead of the limited bbcode.

Replacing anything under source with proper html is likely to work-, with for example  <img src="http://i.imgur.com/Gmf1bY5.jpg">

<p> </p> will be added automatically here. Of course Jordan's paste method may be even easier for an image.

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3 hours ago, Fallon said:

 Of course Jordan's paste method may be even easier for an image.

i used this before images posted fine but not working so good for posting them center while the bbcode  works just fine for centering , I figured out that copying the image itself worked before this topic ever started   Anybody  who has copied  a post  from another place that has images to the board  knows this works, really it not good to use images hot linked like this.


1. if the site ever has problems with google you hotlink from  it will cause google to blacklist the board it's happened before 2; and you're using up some other sites bandwidth  they could give you a DMCA  for using there links.and it leads image owners to you're post they have ways to track trough images... 3. so i  just use  direct link uploading when i post images     


Why do i  want to use all those  other tags when the simple bbcode  works just fine? ..keep in mind the reason we are using it at all is because because posting images is broke it worked just fine by just posting the image link  tell the board went down the last time. html improvements  are  not worth a plug nickel when there broke it was great when it worked but tell they are fixed its broke and have  you ever heard of keeping it simple?


Two things i have problems with when I copy the image i have to view the image witch is extra work then the image does not center up with the center button once i paste it on the board ..When i use the bbcode i just copy it it from the share link and center it up and post it . :)


It depends on witch image host you use  do it have the needed codes . and copying the image and making it center only works with imgur try this with postimage  it want center up  this method was tested on nothing but imgur and the way things break i dont even know how long will it work? ,  Due too my browser security imgur dont work right  so i'm not using anymore . They want me too allow something  i have blocked for security/privacy reasons in my browser.. I view this like when I can't get around ads if i have too allow them to use a site I just use a alternative  site.  :P


When the board 1st started having issues with Direct image  link postimage was still working  and just imgur was broke after postimage had money problems and switched to http  postimage stop working too now postimage resolved there money problems and are back too https its still broke so i just use the bbcode witch is working well for me. So is  this image problem cloudflare related and /or partial https related ?


1. Strange postimage still worked  like normal tell they stopped using cloudflare.

2. This board didn't have these issues tell they added cloudflare and partial https witch only works when i login in with Firefox.

3. I had to figure how  to solve problems as they arise on my own because the image problem started  before this topic existed .

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Just as you guys know, the Source button is not available for all the users, except maybe ViPs and Veterans, for various reasons. I do not know if this can be changed either I think.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Alternate Method For Those Who Couldn't Insert image from URL Using Button or bbcode img:

  1. Use this template in "Source" editing mode:

    <p style="text-align: center;">
        <img alt="filename.jpg" class="ipsImage" src="http://***.***/.../filename.jpg">


  2. Edit the "http://***.***/.../filename.jpg" with the image URL and copy the filename to the "alt=" string as in above mentioned template.

  3. Now, switch to normal editing mode and double-click the image.
  4. Uncheck the "Keep original aspect ratio" and again Check it.
  5. Click on "Update" and Submit the post/thread/anything.
  6. Now, your image is added the same default way the "Insert image from URL" button does.
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