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Spamnesty – Have fun with spam!


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What is Spamnesty?

Spamnesty is a way to waste spammers' time. If you get a spam email, simply forward it to [email protected], and Spamnesty will strip your email address, pretend it's a real person and reply to the email. Just remember to strip out any personal information from the body of the email, as it will be used so the reply looks more legitimate.


That way, the spammer will start talking to a bot, and hopefully waste some time there instead of spending it on a real victim. Meanwhile, Spamnesty will send you an email with a link to the conversation, so you can watch it unfold live!



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If it works well this could be a good thing to spam the spammers :rolleyes:

I just hope that they don't collect the addresses to sale them after ....


Will give a try when next spam will arrive !

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27 email addresses, I am sure I can find plenty of spam, ideally that the same spam hit multiple mailboxes, since then I could ensure that the spammer would be receiving more than one message.  If he has lots to read he won't have so much time to send more.

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