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TorrentRover: torrents unlimited download with conversion of results of search (XML files) to CSV files


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TorrentRover search result



Conversion of XML file (search result) to CSV file



CSV file opened with CSVed


TorrentRover (all build after rel 1.0.0) do not allows to download more than three torrents for every day (after the trial period of 14 days).

Here is a quick guide for exporting search results to a CSV file.


You need of these tools:
1. TorrentRover last build (1.1.3)
2. Xml To Csv Conversion Tool
3. CSVed for view the new csv file that contains a list of searched torrents


How to obtain the CSV file:
1. install TorrentRover and insert a name in the search box: for example SketchUp
2. open File -> Save TorrentRover file as -> select a folder (for example Download) and press return
3. program saves the file 'Rovers.trf' (this is a XML file)
4. create a new subfolder, for example 'Xml To Csv Conversion Tool' and unzip the archive 'Xml To Csv Conversion Tool 1.6.1.rar' 
   in this subfolder
5. run the file 'Moor.XmlToCsvConverter.exe', Select a XML file (on the top-left) and open 'Rovers.trf' 
6. select the item 'Torrents' at the bottom of left panel and press 'Convert to CSV' (bottom-right): create a new folder on Desktop,
   for example 'TorrentRover' and press OK
7. run CSVed and open the file 'Torrents.csv' in the folder as point nr. 6
8. look the content of 
   - colums 15 (Hash = is Your torrent code) and 
   - column 17 (DownloadGUID = Site + torrent code) or Magnet link

  -  column 10 (Title) = if You do not find Hash or Magnet link use the Title for search on web
9. select a column with Hash or Magnet and right-click 'Edit Record' 
10. copy the content of field 15 (or 17), paste in Your browser and press return
11. select an item on Google search and confirm (for example in Torrentz2 that redirect to limetorrents.cc) 
12. download Your torrent
If You have a Magnet link copy from CSVed and paste in Your favorite Torrent client and start download.

This step-by-step sequence seems complicated but it require only 10 (ten) minutes


Download links:

1. TorrentRover Portable https://www.torrentrover.com/downloads/TorrentRoverPortableSetup.exe

2. Xml to Csv Conversion Tool 

  - Site: https://xmltocsv.codeplex.com/

   - download: https://xmltocsv.codeplex.com/downloads/get/806200

3. Xml to Csv Conversion Tool  Portable

Site: www.mediafire.com
Sharecode[?]: /file/h6yddw8a4747ypp/XmlToCsvConverter_Portable_1.6.1_eng.exe
4. CSVed

 - Site: http://csved.sjfrancke.nl/
 - download: http://home.hccnet.nl/s.j.francke/csved/CSVed.zip

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