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Nero 2017 18.0.06100


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Is this a portable , or a bloated installer.........?

Portable would be awsome !!            :D

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Nero 2017 - Crack+Patch+Serial [Astron]


After almost 3 months I'm finally posting the patch for Nero 2017. I had some personal issues and my computer screwed up 2 times (motherboard).
In addition to the patch I am posting the content of the file "Readme.txt", that accompanies the patch.
When new versions of Nero appear, maybe update the patch and the information, however it should work until September/October of 2017, when it will probably be released Nero 2018. It will even work with blacklist serial.









1. MAIN PACKAGE (Nero Burning ROM, Nero Express, Nero CoverDesigner, Nero MediaHome, Nero MediaBrowser, Nero Video, Nero Recode, Nero RescueAgent, Nero Disc To Device + Nero ControlCenter + Nero Launcher):
 - Nero 2017 18.0.05900 (Trial) (314.35 MB) - http://install10.nero.com/stubinfo/NERO2017-18.0.05900/files/Nero2017-18.0.05900_nsx_trial.exe
 - Nero 2017 18.0.06100 (Retail) (314.36 MB) - http://ftp22.nero.com/Nero2017/Nero2017_Platinum-18.0.06100.exe


2. CONTENT PACK (optional - recommended for Nero Video):
 - Nero 2017 Content Pack 18.0.00600 (764.52 MB) - http://ftp22.nero.com/Nero2017/Nero2017_ContentPack-18.0.00600.exe
 - Nero SoundTrax 15.0.6000 (73.68 MB) - http://install10.nero.com/stubinfo/NST2017-15.0.00500/files/Nero_SoundTrax-15.0.00500_nsx_trial.exe
 - Nero WaveEditor 15.0.6000 (68.74 MB) - http://install10.nero.com/stubinfo/NWE2017-15.0.00500/files/Nero_WaveEditor-15.0.00500_nsx_trial.exe
4. STANDALONE APPLICATIONS (not needed because they are already included in the main package):
 - Nero CoverDesigner 18.0.8000 (59.81 MB) - http://install10.nero.com/stubinfo/NCD2017-18.0.00900/files/Nero_CoverDesigner2017-18.0.00900_nsx_trial.exe
 - Nero Burning ROM 18.0.16000 (Trial) (136.37 MB) - http://install10.nero.com/stubinfo/NBR2017-18.0.01000/files/Nero_BurningROM2017-18.0.01000_nsx_trial.exe
 - Nero Burning ROM 18.0.15000 (Retail) (136.46 MB) - http://ftp22.nero.com/Nero2017/Nero_BurningROM2017-18.0.00900.exe
 - Nero Video 18.0.12000 (Trial) + Nero 2017 Content Pack (964.60 MB) - http://install10.nero.com/stubinfo/NV2017-18.0.00800/files/Nero_Video2017-18.0.00800_nsx_trial.exe
 - Nero Video 18.0.12000 (Retail) + Nero 2017 Content Pack (964.54 MB) - http://ftp22.nero.com/Nero2017/Nero_Video2017-18.0.00900.exe
 - Nero Recode 18.0.16000 (Retail) (109.14 MB) - http://ftp22.nero.com/Nero2017/Nero_Recode2017-18.0.00300.exe
 - Nero MediaHome 2016 (Retail) (159.53) - http://ftp22.nero.com/Nero2016/Nero_MediaHome-17.0.00100.exe (the version is old, don't use)


5. INDEPENDENT APPLICATIONS (not recommended because have separate license, not available):
 - Nero BackItUp (45.34 MB) - http://install10.nero.com/stubinfo/NBIU2017/files/Nerobackitup2017-18.1.01400_nsx_trial.exe (only works for 14 days)
 - Nero TuneItUp MB) - http://ftp22.nero.com/other/Nero_TuneItUp_free.exe (free version is very limited)
 - Music Recorder 14.1.15600.0 (Audials One) (71.17 MB) - http://downloads.bestmusicrecorder.com/pc-archive/AudialsSetupArchive.exe (the app is good, but limits the recordings) 
6. ONLINE INSTALLER (don't use):
 - Nero 2017 Online Installer 18.0.05900 (2.92 MB) - http://ftp22.nero.com/Nero2017/Nero2017-


7. OTHER VERSIONS (don't use):
 - Nero 2017 18.0.06000 (Retail) (314.33 MB) - http://ftp22.nero.com/Nero2017/Nero2017-18.0.06000.exe
 - Nero 2017 18.0.00300 (Volume Licensing) (1.55 GB) - http://ftp22.nero.com/Nero2017/Nero2017_Platinum-18.0.00300_vl.siar




1. If you have installed a previous version of Nero 2017, install directly a new version over the current. If this fails, uninstall the installed version (see better in the following topic).
2. Install Nero 2017 with the trial serial provided by Nero itself (806M-20AX-AU5T-6UEA-47E1-KLCL-LL11-T6WA) or if that does not work, the platinum serial (907C-81CC-XM9M-W80H-E6M7-85EM-82H5-XC2W). If it still doesn't work is because the serial is blacklisted. In this case run the Patch to allow the installation. Return to installation by inserting the platinum serial. In the installation options select the applications you want to install. "Nero Update" should preferably be installed.
3. Once installed, run the Patch again. Nero 2017 Trial turns into Nero 2017 Platinum.
4. Install, if you like, the Content Packs and additional applications. Choose the custom installation and uncheck unwanted content. After, run the Patch again.
5. If, in the future, install new applications (either directly or with "Nero ControlCenter") or make updates with "Nero Update", run the Patch again.





 - Is it possible to recover old installations of Nero 2017. Run before the Patch to test. For Nero 2017 might be considered functional, all applications should open, can't have problems with serial, "Nero ControlCenter" need to be working and internet access should be free. In addition, "Nero Update" should be preferably working. If it works and "Nero Update" is operational, you do not need to remove your current installation to install a new one. Install directly a new version over the current. May not work for some. Old applications can be upgraded to latest version with "Nero Update".


 - If even after using the Patch, your current version of Nero 2017 not work or the own Patch not work is because it has more problems. Note that if your installation is corrupted it will not work fully with another patch that exists, or any that may be released. There is also the possibility of the installation itself not work. In this case, completely remove the installed version. To do this follow the steps below:
  1) Uninstall all Nero's applications through Control Panel -> Programs and Features. You can use other uninstaller, as "Total Uninstall" or "Revo Uninstaller", but will not make much difference, because may have leftover remnants.
  2) Now come the important part: go to "C:\Windows\Installer\" to find the installers of Nero left over. Use the "Subject" column to organize and find Nero's MSI files. If the column is not visible, right-click on the top bar and select it. Then uninstall each of the remaining applications of Nero: "Nero Core Componets", "Nero ControlCenter", "Nero Update" and others. Right-click on the files, and then click "Uninstall".
  3) Delete the folders below, if they yet exist:
   - "C:\Program Files\Nero" (32-bit) or "C:\Program Files (x86)\Nero" (64-bit);
   - "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Nero" (32-bit) or "C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Nero" (64-bit);
   - "C:\Programdata\Nero".
  4) Delete the entries in the Windows registry:
   - "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Nero";
   - "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Nero" (32-bit) or "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Nero" (64-bit).
 - After that still remain Nero's files on your computer and entries scattered in the Windows registry. However the new installations will work. Very old versions, poorly uninstalled, cause problems for future versions. Nero does not provide at his website, an updated remover, for the 2017 version.
 - Note that the above procedure needs to be done only once. If Nero 2017 was installed correctly, when appear a new version try firstly install over the installed version. If doesn't work it is necessary to uninstall just the item "Nero 2017" through the Control Panel. Other applications and Content Pack (if installed) no longer need to be uninstalled, nor folders or registry entries once they already have been installed correctly.
 - Additional applications can be installed from "Nero ControlCenter" or directly from your installer. These applications can be installed independently even if the main package is not installed. However install them preferably after you have installed the main package.
 - "Nero SoundTrax" and "Nero WaveEditor" if installed alone (without the presence of the main package), don't need any patch to work and installs "Nero ControlCenter".
 - You can independently install "Nero CoverDesigner", "Nero Video", "Nero Burning Rom", "Nero Recode" and "Nero MediaHome". As they are already included in the main package that is only necessary if you want to make an individual installation.
 - "Nero CoverDesigner" is free and doesn't need any patch. Includes "Nero ControlCenter" in installation.
 - "Nero Video" comes with "Nero MediaHome" and "Nero MediaBrowser" (optional), "Nero Launcher", "Nero ControlCenter" and additionally all Content Pack, making the gigantic installer. If you want install, use the serial provided by Nero itself (8072-20A3-XA5T-23M4-H8TM-5Z9W-HC34-0UTX). Once installed, apply the Patch.
 - "Nero Burning Rom" is more reduced, but it includes in its installer "Nero CoverDesigner" (optional), "Nero Launcher" and "Nero ControlCenter". If you want install, use the serial provided by Nero itself (8070-2080-8UHH-0UEA-7753-P04M-HP5L-4249). Once installed, apply the Patch.
 - If you can no longer install "Nero Burning ROM" or "Nero Video" is because the Trial serial no longer works. In this case it is necessary to use another Trial serial or a Platinum serial (doesn't matter if it is blacklisted), specific to these applications. If there were no new serials, you need to install these applications from the Main Package.
 - "Nero Recode" and "Nero MediaHome" - These applications only exist in retail installers and there are no serial known to them. In this case it is necessary to install these applications from the Main Package.


 - "Nero BackItUp", "Nero TuneItUp" and "Music Recorder" are independent software. Their licenses are separated and don't are available on the internet.
 - Do not install "Nero BackItUp". There are other better and free software. The Patch does not support your trial license for just 14 days. Do not install "Nero TuneItUp". The free version is very limited and there are other better programs. If you want to install "Music Recorder" do not use the installer posted above, but yes, the "Nero Launcher" to do the installation. The software is good, but it has annoying warnings and recording is limited.


 - Avoid the Nero 2017 Online Installer. If eventually you have to reinstall Nero 2017, will have to download more than 300 MB again. The web installer is not necessary to have updated versions. Just use "Nero Update". However, if you really want, use the same instructions. Will work with the Patch.
 - Do not use online installers of other applications of Nero from its download page. Use the offline links above.
 - The main package and additional applications of Nero 2017 can be installed, each in a separate directory, including outside the C: drive. Will work with the Patch.
 - The internet can stay connected during installation, if you want. After applying the Patch, Nero 2017 will work. Once installed, it is not necessary to block any application with the firewall, if you want.
 - Successive installations and updates can sometimes corrupt old shortcuts of Nero applications, if they are placed in a non-standard folder. In this case pops up the message: "This action is only valid for products that are currently installed". It can also occur the entire folder to be erased by Nero himself to uninstall only one application. In these cases just use the shortcuts that comes with the Patch.
 - In some cases, sometimes strangers, Nero requires the computer to be restarted to continue an installation or function properly (even with UAC disabled).
 - If something does not work, run the Patch again. It can be executed before (to test older versions), during (to allow new installations) or after the installation (to fix it). Save the Patch and create a shortcut to it in the Nero folder, for future use. If even after using the Patch, does not work, it's probably because of some old previous installation, poorly uninstalled.






1. What is the difference between Trial and Retail installers?
 - Trial - Comes with a serial together so you can test it during 14 days. Inserts trial mark in the registry so you don't get more install it after 14 days, with the trial serial provided. Even using a Platinum serial is required a patch/crack for the trial version to work correctly. The trial version is always up to date.
 - Retail - Does not come with serial. This includes retail versions of standalone applications. That is, if you don't have a valid serial, won't be able to install the retail version. The retail version does not inserts trial marks in the registry, since you do not use a Trial serial to install it. Requires a patch/crack when the Platinum serial be blacklisted. The links available to retail versions are not always up to date.
2. What other kind of installers are there?
 - Online Installer - small program that downloads and installs the latest Trial version.
 - Special Editions - can be released eventually. They are Trial versions with some additional content (models and video effects).
 - Volume Licensing - is indicated for companies for various licenses. Are Retail versions with the Content Pack and some additional tools already included. It has the Platinum, Premium and Standard Burning ROM versions that are similar to those of geral use: Platinum, Classic and Burning ROM.


3. Which installer should I use?
 - Try installing the latest Trial version available. Retail versions are always based on Trial version, regardless of the version of the installer. And when a new Trial version appears, there is not always a corresponding Retail version.
4. What is the difference between Nero Trial, Classic and Platinum?
 - Differences basically refer to the type of license (serial) you use to activate them:
 - Nero Trial = (Nero Trial or Retail) + Trial Serial. Several options are disabled and works only for 14 days.
 - Nero Classic = (Nero Trial or Retail) + Classic Serial. Some functions are disabled: Ultra HD (4K) and HEVC H.265 video support, Blu-ray conversion and some additional content.
 - Nero Platinum = (Nero Trial or Retail) + Platinum Serial. All functions are enabled.


5. What is the correct version of the applications and the Main Package?
 - What matters is the application version (About screen) and not the installer version. This difference is only related to the type of installer and how Nero handles the license. In the doubt between a Trial installer and Retail, choose the Trial, which can be more updated.
 - In the case of the Main Package, Trial versions 18.0.05900 and Retail 18.0.06100 are the same. Internally all applications are identical and the functionality is the same. If you want to view the version of the Main Package, go to the registry:
  - 32 bits - HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Nero\Nero 2017\Installer\Suites\{FD7D2F82-22D5-44D4-9EE0-C4DD74BA666A}
  - 64 bits - HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Nero\Nero 2017\Installer\Suites\{FD7D2F82-22D5-44D4-9EE0-C4DD74BA666A} 






1. If you want, the Services of "Nero Update" and "Nero BackItUp" (if it is installed), can be placed in "Manual".
2. If you want, disable "NeroControlCenter", "Nero TuneItUp", "Nero BackItUp" and "AudialNotifier" (if they are installed) that always loads when the computer is turned on (use Autoruns).
3. If you want, disable "Nero Info", "Nero Backitup" and "Nero TuneItUp" (if they are installed) in Scheduled Tasks (use Autoruns).
4. If you want, disable the context menu in "Windows Explorer" from "Nero Burning Rom" by going to Options > Advanced Options or go to the Windows registry and delete:
 - "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\*\shellex\ContextMenuHandlers\{A41B504E-49A4-4E9E-8210-A28AC8C1BFC8}",
 - "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\Directory\shellex\ContextMenuHandlers\{A41B504E-49A4-4E9E-8210-A28AC8C1BFC8}"   and
 - "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\Drive\shellex\ContextMenuHandlers\{A41B504E-49A4-4E9E-8210-A28AC8C1BFC8}"
5. To disable the context menu in "Windows Explorer" from "Nero Disc To Device", go to the Windows registry and delete:
 - "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Drive\shell\Disc2Device"   and
 - "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\Drive\shell\Disc2Device"



1. Good for any edition of Nero 2017 (Trial, Retail, Online Installer or Volume Licensing) and standalone applications.
2. After applied, the Trial version works like Nero Platinum 2017.
3. Works even if the main package and additional applications are installed each in different directory than recommended.
4. Can recover old versions of Nero 2017. If an installed version is not corrupted, uninstall is not required to install a new (may not work for some).
5. The Patch solves the problem of blacklist serials, allowing new installations.
6. Inserts serials for the main package and additional applications.
7. Allows you to make updates with "Nero Update" and directly download other applications with "Nero ControlCenter".
8. Can be run from a pendrive or any directory.
9. Can be used even if other patches have been applied before.
10. The Patch has no malware. It does not access the internet. Works even without administrative rights (UAC enabled). This Patch was based on versions of several different authors. The Patch only works for "Nero 2017" and compatible applications, for authentic versions.




Patch (8.75 MB)

Site: https://www.datafilehost.com
Sharecode[?]: /d/f192b54f



Note #1: Thanks to @kabino for providing the serial.

Note #2: If something doesn't work in Nero 2017, run the patch again.



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  • 1 month later...

Astron you are life saver. The patch worked great, by the way do I still need to modify the Host file in the future or can I rely entirely on the patch?

By the way I don't know why but Nero Burning Rom fixed my Audio CD reading capability in my car, for some reason Imgburn was making it difficult and took forever for the tracks to start playing. Also I missed multi session burning to fill up empty space. 

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On ‎02‎/‎02‎/‎2017 at 6:25 PM, Kokain said:

Astron you are life saver. The patch worked great, by the way do I still need to modify the Host file in the future or can I rely entirely on the patch?

By the way I don't know why but Nero Burning Rom fixed my Audio CD reading capability in my car, for some reason Imgburn was making it difficult and took forever for the tracks to start playing. Also I missed multi session burning to fill up empty space. 


It is not necessary to enter anything in host file. After applying the patch is not necessary to block applications, with the firewall.
As regards the second item, need to view the write methods and settings of NBR.



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Ah yes thanks just came in to confirm the patch works without having to also mod the host file. Since I also don't use windows firewall and its disabled in services this also doesn't keep the software from working. Great job on that patch

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Thank you for this great posting Astron.  The patch is elegant and working 100%, and the accompanying instructions are well thought out, concise and thorough.  Similar to your previous Nero releases this one works great and is virus free.

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