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Accessibilty Software


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I was thinking of this thread a while back, thought it might be cool.

What software do you use to modify your OS, Programs?

What software do you use for Accessibility Management?

( Deskspace, ObjectDock....any type of desktop toy, or anything that makes your day easier )

Please include a full name, and description for the software, and a link.

( Screen shot too if you want... )



Software description and what it does



You may also include a link to resources for the/a program..

( for instance a website hosting resources for it even to your own mods )

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i doubt you get that information. besides your link doesnt work

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hey heath

Windows Post Install Wizard

Windows Post-Install Wizard (WPI for short) is a hypertext application designed for giving users choice. While Windows XP offers many ways of customizing the setup process out of the box, its major drawback is the lack of being able to select which applications an end user may install. In the past, end users and administrators needed to either download the files manually, or create overly complex scripts that could only be used once. WPI allows you to create one image, which can then be custom configured, and optionally, automated, so that end users can install any applications

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its not actually a link to a page,its put there as an example


shellxView - to add context menus BY BOX

dont use it but found it in the crack heads thread

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its not actually a link to a page,its put there as an example


shellxView - to add context menus BY BOX

dont use it but found it in the crack heads thread

shelxview isnt by box.

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ok.i thought by ur post..

who ever wrote it,i hope its appropriate hre

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For Accesibility


The fastest and easiest way to run all of your favorite programs!

TurboLaunch is a fully configurable tool-bar style application that can be set up to run many programs and perform certain pre-programmed actions. Like a toolbar, pictures are used to distinguish what a button is configured to do. TurboLaunch automatically uses the default icon, but you have complete control and can change the icon to whatever you want!

The buttons on TurboLaunch are easy to configure! By dragging and dropping programs, files, shortcuts, or folders, you can instantly configure that button to run the dropped object. You can also configure buttons manually by specifying their command, parameters, working folder, and window style. You even have the ability to assign a shortcut key to any button, allowing you to quickly run that button with a simple keyboard command


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Desktop Icon Toy

Desktop Icon Toy is an easy to use desktop icon enhancement tool, which allows you to make many funny but useful patterns out of your windows desktop icons. You can change and restore their layout with just a couple of quick mouse clicks


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Easy Desktop Keeper

Easy Desktop Keeper gives you the ability to save, restore, manage and lock your desktop layout that includes files and folders located on your desktop, placement of desktop icons, desired wallpaper and screen saver. If you choose to lock your desktop layout, every time you reboot your PC, the program will restore your desktop icons and bring them back to their original positions as well as return your old wallpaper and screen saver to the background. You can create an unlimited number of desktop layouts for different purposes such as gaming, working, surfing the Internet as well as provide different users with their own desktops. Easy Desktop Keeper is very easy to use: simply place your icons wherever you want them on your desktop, select desired wallpaper and screen saver, double click program's tray icon and click the Save button to create a new desktop layout file. If your icons ever get moved or deleted by any user or after entering the safe mode or changing the screen resolution, just open the program and click the Load button to return your desktop to any previously saved state, or simply reboot your PC if you are in the Lock Desktop mode. Many of you, after meticulously arranging all the icons on your desktop, have been frustrated to no end when somebody else or Windows itself randomly re-arranges them. It is getting more frustrating when you get your icons deleted from your desktop without an ability to recreate them back. System administrators working in educational institutions will realize that Easy Desktop Keeper is just a must for their PC labs because it can be easily used to stop pesky students from changing desktop wallpaper, deleting desktop icons and so on. This easy-to-use utility will give you new exciting abilities to manage and secure your desktop; you'll get rid of a lot of headaches, and get a peace of mind. The program is very easy to use, excellent online help is also available.


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I use Stardock ObjectDock Plus - A very handy and stylish tool. You can make as many docks and bars as you like and put shortcuts to any program or destination you want. You can also configure it to your preferences. It has a free version, but Plus has some more options which make it a level better than the free edition.

Folder Guide - A free handy utility that provides fast access to your frequently used and favorite folders. It can operate as the part of your context menu in your Windows Explorer.

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Okay a few programs that I find useful in everyday use.. I do have a ton of little toys, most full versions...some I only have trials but kept because they were really good..about 2.5 GB of installation files and extras ( resources )... Anyway, a few programs that I use everyday..


Serious Samurize

This program I came to love after installing the Windows Vista Sidebar on my XP machine. I found that when running the Client, system monitoring went from about a constant and spiking 22% to an occasional 4% spike using this program to do the same thing ( and better at it ). Not mention the cost of desktop screen real estate was at a minimum using the configuration I found. Circle by tok2, I currently use this config everyday to monitor everything from Internet Bandwidth, to DPC's Queued p/sec to Hard Drive Health. I have modified the config slightly for my system resources but otherwise I couldn't be happier. When running the Samurize Server I can access my current monitoring online when away from my machine. Even system temp... Many people are familiar with Rainmeter which I have as well...a similar program.

Samurize configs, modules, and plugins can be found at ..

deviantart.com, customize.org, and several other websites dedicated to customization.


Windows Vista Sidebar

Many Vista users are familiar with this little program, very functional, and customizable with a program written by Stanimir Stoyanov called Windows Sidebar Styler. I would provide a link to the program but I have not found a direct link to it yet. Gadgets can be easily written to monitor system resources, servers, help with system management, and provide many convienent features.

Gadgets and resources for the Windows Sidebar Styler can be found at..

Windows Live Gallery, deviantart.com, many forums, and some programs actually come with gadgets that can be used in the sidebar.

The sidebar is included with versions of Windows Vista, but for those of you without Vista...

Windows Vista Sidebar.. don't be fooled by imitations of the real deal. This IS the Windows Vista Sidebar.


This program offers users the ability to have and manage up to six desktops accessible on a six sided cube. Wallpaper, icon management, and program management. Formerly Yod'M3D written by Chris Salmon and released/actively developed by Otaku Software the makers of the popular TopDesk, one of the first windows Flip3D programs. ( which I also use )


KO Approach

This particular program I use on occasion, It allows you to use shortcuts on your desktop, and folders or locations in windows explorer, like context menus. Very Similar to the way the Windows XP Start Menu works, except your are cruising your file system. Very helpful when looking for a file.. Non-registered versions only go about 3-4 levels deep but registered versions are unlimited. Can have additional plugins that allow viewing of image files, and text files as well..



My favorite Screensaver, I currently have an older version of the screensaver and do not have the most recent version as its not available for Windows XP. Goes with the look I go for in the end result..


Program Mod

Mesenger Plus Live!

I actually use MirandaIM for my main program ( talk about mods..) but I also have the main program for each protocol as well. This add-on for Windows Live Messenger has really extended the use of the program. You can lock the messenger, use custom scripts ( extensions, and use custom skins for the program. Many options .. good program.



One of my favorite sites, and an unstoppable resource for all kinds of resources for your programs from Winamp, Firefox, to skinning your local website. Many professional designers, developers, artist and creations all in one place.


Visual Task Tips

This tiny program takes almost 0 system resources and provides popup displays of open windows from your task bar. The displays can be altered for response time, refresh rate and size.


Atomic Alarm Clock

This is a replacement for your normal time display. The clock will update to atomic time from a choice of several time servers. Includes clock skins, calendar with skins, alarms, system uptime, and has the ability to show several times several timezones.



Allows you to minimize windows in the tray area on taskbar by clicking right mouse button on the window's minimize/close box or from system menu or from window's system menu, or by Win-T hotkey. Allows to set any window in "Always on top" state from window's system menu.

NOTE: A few program incompatibilities do exist..for example Corel WinDVD window will malfunction with this running.



CFi Shell Toys

"CFi ShellToys puts all the tools you need right where you need them – just a click away on your context menu. Right-click one or more files or folders, the desktop or the window background for instant access to 50 context-sensitive shell extensions."

The description on the site doesn't quite cover it, in fact they have two pages dedicated to the description of all of the extras this program adds to your context menu. I use this program to do batch renames of files, which isn't limited to just renaming but editing formats of currently existing file names. Desktop Icon management..Like I said anything I put here doesn't do it justice..Have to see for yourself.



This is from the maker of the popular Firefox extension DownThemAll!.. Nils Maier. This will allow you to right click on an image and have a preview right in your context menu. It also allows you to view the image best fit to your screen or fullsize on your desktop. Useful if you have altered your Windows Explorer in a way that does show image previews/thumbnails. Much faster than explorer as well.


Stardock Logon Studio

Allows you to change System Logon screen..quickly.. You can also easily manage/make your own. Available for both Vista and XP


Stardock Bootskin Vista & XP

Allows you to easily change your Boot Screen..


UXTheme Patcher

Not providing a link because there are so many places and no main source.. one that would be reliable.. In short allows you to apply and use Custom Themes and .msstyles files. The patcher does depend o your OS and Service Pack version. Available for both XP and Vista in of many of its forms..

Resources for this can be found at many websites, including deviantart.com, customize.org, too many to list, not to mention you can make one of your own quite easily. Lots of documentation online. WindowsBlinds also from Stardock...widely used for the same thing.

woo.. yeah no link..LOL ..SEEEEAAARRCCCHHH... lmao

True Transparency

I use this every no and them to change up the style easily and quickly.. I use a couple of skins I found at Devianart.com.. ( ridiculous how many times I have put this in here.. ) I actually don't go for the regular transparent windows..


Anyway lots of programs out there...

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chronograph(i have version 6.40)

keeps time most accurate on your desktop.can takeover and replace windows standard tray icon time.fantastic software:)

A must use app.

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Yeah I have actually owned StuffIt! in the past... I don't know if I got rid of it because it wasn't full version or if it was more than what I needed.. and I am guessing at that.. so I dunno.. have to go take another look again..

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heres a nice app


RocketDock is a smoothly animated, alpha blended application launcher. It provides a nice clean interface to drop shortcuts on for easy access and organization. With each item completely customizable there is no end to what you can add and launch from the dock.

Now with added Taskbar support your minimized windows can appear as icons on the dock. This allows for better productivity and accessibility.

and no plus minuses here,its totally free


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Active Desktop Calendar

Blends data with desktop wallpaper

Calendar, notes, tasks, alarms, contacts

Many recurrence patterns for notes/alarms

Interactive desktop interface

Fully customizable (icons, fonts, colors)

Data export/import/print (CSV, iCal)

Included preset calendars with holidays

Detects Tablet PC desktop orientation

Dual/multi monitor systems supported

Group calendar data in layers

Share data layers on a local area network

Direct connection with Outlook®

Google® calendar support

Automatic data backup

Many icons available for marking notes

Native 64-bit version availab


make ur desktop interactive(would look realy gud on biger screens,mine is realy small :D i mean the screen)

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where accessibility is concerned

just downloaded the GOOGLE CHROME dev , oh my man its actualy the fastest,i have both IE8 and Firefox latest installed,but it outruns them.Opend wwe.com in like 4 seconds,and the INCOGNITO feature..fantastic..

must use software

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Yeah I downloaded Chrome the other day to check it out . since I haven't since version 1. To me it looks and acts like Safari..The thing is it has nothing but the browser to run. Program response seems faster in a few cases. like starting and initiating various functions, but FF ( on my end ) is loading just as fast if not faster in some cases. I found a program to skin it.. been looking into add-ons too. I believe this is the part when you start building onto a good base and things start to slow down..unless you have a good processor..

I have noticed that when browsing pages sometimes Chrome has to think about it too much.. like it has a problem with either finding DNS results..or just gets stuck for a second loading. Like Safari does. when I first started using it I was like WOW.. now I am like w/e..LOL.. but it is a good program for just very BASIC browsing.

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i would find out more once i start using it regularly.its new and programs like admuncher and superadblock doesnt support it,and ur right no worthwhile addons.

but i predict big things for it in the future,its still very young :smartass:

EDIT :Now ADMuncher supports GOOGLE CHROME

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program to create multiple virtual desktops, formerly a logical extension of free Yod'm 3D. With DeskSpace, you can create six desks, each of which represents the edge of a virtual cube, rotating which you can switch between working stolami.V is currently seriously improved. It supports working with multiple monitors, with each monitor, you can create a virtual cube

hey this is my 200th post :towel:

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Desktop Sidebar

Desktop Sidebar provides you with instant access to the information you most desire by grabbing data from your PC and the internet. The result is a dynamic visual display you configure and control.


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Real Desktop


* Functionality

o Change the size of the icons

o Rotate automatically into normal direction

o Fade automatically file names in/out

o Show or hide filenames

o Drag & Drop

* Running behaviour

o No performance losses with resting condition of the symbols

o Very less resources need

o Very efficient, thanks to the "Reality Engine

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