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Diskeeper 16 Professional 19.0.1212.0


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11 hours ago, coua said:

Medicine for Diskeeper 16 Professional & Home 19.0.1212.0 :rolleyes:


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Does firewall block work for KIS and EIS too??

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12 hours ago, JimmySvert said:



Does firewall block work for KIS and EIS too??

i think it works :lol:

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Coua, Yes I think it does work, only thing missing was blocking Firewall


Also have this batch file specific for Diskeeper 16, using same medicine of course


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I used to use Diskeeper until it became too hard to crack, then I switched to Perfectdisk. I don't know the difference, but PD seems to be working very well with my SSD and my HDD. Haven't used DK in a long time to know how it works with SSDs. However, I will say that DK was very good when I was using it. My laptop at the time ran much faster, and the scans ran by DK proved to be accurate.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I dont get it which crack to download that works?


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8 minutes ago, DeHaos said:

I dont get it which crack to download that works?


There's no proper crack for DK 2016. 


I also don't get it, is that your PC in your sig ? If yes, why you don't buy DK ? it won't cost as much as your rig,

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18 minutes ago, software182 said:

There's no proper crack for DK 2016. 


I also don't get it, is that your PC in your sig ? If yes, why you don't buy DK ? it won't cost as much as your rig,

70$ for a one PC is not worth it and plus you wont be able to active it if you reinstall you Windows.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Ok gentlemen, after deep searching there is a method that will work, for DK16 I found a video via youtube, the name of the user is "james smith" he has uploaded various applications recently with keygens and working patches and trial resetters. So keep this in mind that this DK16 copy he uploaded had a batch in it and it reads:



For /F "eol=E tokens=* delims=" %%A in ('REG QUERY HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID /t REG_BINARY /v data /s') Do (
Set Var=%%A)


So I am assuming that this will make the evaluation period go back and reset to 30 days every time it is used, so what I did since I have windows 7 was that I used a batch to exe converter and compiled that code to an exe and stuck that exe inside my start up folder so it solves the issue of ever expiring and light notifications. Let me know what you guys think. Also I did not block any servers etc, just running this exe batch activation daily when my PC turns on, Just so you know I am not using DKUserCtrl.dll while using this method, If you use both the DLL and this batch together it will say trial expired. This is better than what I have looked for so far. Cheers!

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18 hours ago, EternalX said:

Ok gentlemen, after deep searching there is a method that will work, for DK16 I found a video via youtube, the name of the user is "james smith" he has uploaded various applications recently with keygens and working patches and trial resetters. So keep this in mind that this DK16 copy he uploaded had a batch in it and it reads:



So I am assuming that this will make the evaluation period go back and reset to 30 days every time it is used, so what I did since I have windows 7 was that I used a batch to exe converter and compiled that code to an exe and stuck that exe inside my start up folder so it solves the issue of ever expiring and light notifications. Let me know what you guys think. Also I did not block any servers etc, just running this exe batch activation daily when my PC turns on, Just so you know I am not using DKUserCtrl.dll while using this method, If you use both the DLL and this batch together it will say trial expired. This is better than what I have looked for so far. Cheers!

Do you have a link of his YouTube channel?

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On 28/12/2016 at 8:40 PM, jofre said:

Download from here Diskeeper 2016 Professional 19.0.1214 with crack ( trial reset included).:-   https://docs.google.com/uc?export=download&id=0BzC73HB4GqI9ejBublFzVUM2UU0


Tested and it works !


Doesn't work here on Win x64. I'm already expired and it remains expired after a Total Uninstall pass + the cmd file wich is the same as older diskeeper version (and used to work)

Any working method?

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On 12/29/2016 at 3:40 AM, jofre said:

Download from here Diskeeper 2016 Professional 19.0.1214 with crack ( trial reset included).:-   https://docs.google.com/uc?export=download&id=0BzC73HB4GqI9ejBublFzVUM2UU0


Tested and it works !

Jofre my veteran friend.. look into the bunker.. for the fix... A tr resetter credits to knowledge will always be a TRial --> so you always need a TRial resetter...  because the registry points to istrailware = 1  you have to make sure it is 0 to make it non trial.   There is also a 2nd activation for that which is the automatic function of the program which needs another patch...   just look into the bunker...  and you wont need any TR , loader, patch dll.  ;)

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22 hours ago, sledge101 said:

Jofre my veteran friend.. look into the bunker.. for the fix... A tr resetter credits to knowledge will always be a TRial --> so you always need a TRial resetter...  because the registry points to istrailware = 1  you have to make sure it is 0 to make it non trial.   There is also a 2nd activation for that which is the automatic function of the program which needs another patch...   just look into the bunker...  and you wont need any TR , loader, patch dll.  ;)


I don't understand. 

There is no loader or DLL patcher available, right?

If it is all as simple as changing a registry key, I would do it quickly xD

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11 minutes ago, alby88 said:


I don't understand. 

There is no loader or DLL patcher available, right?

If it is all as simple as changing a registry key, I would do it quickly xD

Then do it my friend...;)

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On 3/1/2017 at 5:41 PM, sledge101 said:

Then do it my friend...;)


I don't understand..is there or not a working trial resetter for the latest diskeeper version?

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15 minutes ago, alby88 said:


I don't understand..is there or not a working trial resetter for the latest diskeeper version?

There is if you are looking for a TR way back 2 years ago posted by knowledge and has already been posted over and over again , you can search the thread named diskeeper.;)

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19 minutes ago, viggen66 said:

I have tried all cracks available to this program none worked, and a simple registry will do the trick?

all patch from sledge101 works fine, follow the instruction just simple as that.

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