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Diskeeper 16 Professional 19.0.1212.0


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2 minutes ago, Matsuda said:



it didnt work, it says that evaluation copy has expired.

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nvm used repack version and replaced  DkUserCtrl.dl.

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all older trial resetter work fine on all diskeeper programs older or newer


and this program do have home version and pro and much more versions




i see it have nop on qmgtZ8w.jpg


but not on   2Zc41GK.jpg  y like this


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8 hours ago, knowledge said:

were this Medicine  from ?


14 hours ago, kabino said:


try this


Medicine for Professional & Server.


Site: https://www.upload.ee
Sharecode[?]: /files/6204445/Condusiv_Diskeeper_2016_v19.0.1212.0.rar.html


Tested on my virtual machine and seems to works:




it's from @hamanokaito, my friend made it :rolleyes:


7 hours ago, DeHaos said:

it didnt work, it says that evaluation copy has expired.


try one of them :rolleyes:


Site: https://www.solidfiles.com
Sharecode[?]: /v/BzrDrGM6ZeRnP


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6 hours ago, knowledge said:

all older trial resetter work fine on all diskeeper programs older or newer


and this program do have home version and pro and much more versions




i see it have nop on qmgtZ8w.jpg


but not on   2Zc41GK.jpg  y like this



where are your pictures come from ? master @knowledge :rolleyes: i want to know how you have it :blink:

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7 hours ago, coua said:


where are your pictures come from ? master @knowledge :rolleyes: i want to know how you have it :blink:

from inside the dll  @hamanokaito made i just wanted to see  how the dll is patched  or if like old patched dll



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Is there a way to reset the trial everytime Windows boot, I'm using a limited account, can't use Administrator rights.


A tiny program like a Exe I could run on every Windows Startup

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oh shit do not download this Diskepper cause high than 13Gb ram attack!!!! i go uninstall diskeeper not problem

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13 minutes ago, Gamkutopolowk said:

oh shit do not download this Diskepper cause high than 13Gb ram attack!!!! i go uninstall diskeeper not problem


Disable Intellimemory caching technoligy to improve I/O performance.

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14 minutes ago, Gamkutopolowk said:

oh shit do not download this Diskepper cause high than 13Gb ram attack!!!! i go uninstall diskeeper not problem

Install instead Diskeeper 16 Home,


"Diskeeper Home limits the DRAM caching engine to 2GB of memory used for caching. For users who want uncapped use of idle memory for cache, choose Diskeeper 16 Professional. With as little of 4GB of idle, available DRAM, PC Mark scores reveal a 73% boost in the Microsoft Office Productivity test and a 31% boost in the storage bandwidth test."

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4 hours ago, viggen66 said:

For those who wish the Diskeeper 16 Home Edition, here's the link




u have file to remove evaluation copy

so it say diskeeper 

not with  diskeeper home ?

i am sure can be done like that ?

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1 hour ago, viggen66 said:

I have run DkAutoReset.exe, and still have 30 days left, does it reset trial everytime it boots?


Use Task Scheduler of windows to make reset trial everytime it boots.

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I will try some days, it seems this DkAutoReset.exe, does make the 30 days last forever, even though not making it run every time it boots

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IntelliMemory caching requires a minimum of 3GB of memory on the system and at least 1.5GB of idle, available memory before caching will initiate.

If your computer has <3GB of memory (like me) you won't have to worry about this feature might cause memory leak ^_^

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You are right, it need to be on scheduled tasks, now it is always 30 days, hence making it forever on.


Tomm, I have 3 Gigs of ram 32 bit, I notice a good improvement, with their IntelliMemory, btw install Home edition, which has a cap of 2 gigs for that.

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IntelliMemory in Diskeeper 16 is unusable, makes system unstable. better to use V-locity Endpoint this do not uses all your ram and has better management of caching.

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(big thanks to @hamanokaito my friend) :rolleyes:



Site: https://mega.nz
Sharecode[?]: /#!hFdWFTCD!E8pk6Dpkr-NC49rfL6x27Nt7TMcxiRkXIbsJlvTUAyc


Password unpack: hamanokaito


How to use 


Just run it ^_^

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You can use this simple script




@echo off
net file
if %errorlevel%==0 goto:ADMIN
set VBS=%TEMP%\runas.vbs
echo Set UAC=CreateObject^("Shell.Application"^) >%VBS%
echo UAC.ShellExecute "%~0", "", "", "runas", 1 >>%VBS%
echo Operation in progress, please wait . . .
if exist %TEMP%\runas.vbs del %TEMP%\runas.vbs
set status=0
for /f "eol=E tokens=*" %%A in ('reg query HKCR\CLSID /s /k /e /c /f MiscStatus /v Data /t REG_BINARY') do cls&set status=1&reg delete %%A /f
for /f "eol=E tokens=*" %%B in ('reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID /s /k /e /c /f MiscStatus /v Data /t REG_BINARY') do cls&set status=1&reg delete %%B /f
if %status%==0 cls&echo The specified key or value not found.
echo Press any key to exit . . .
pause >nul



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