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Still haven’t got Windows 10 Anniversary Update? Here is the fix


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Still haven’t got Windows 10 Anniversary Update? Here is the fix


If you are ready for Windows 10 Anniversary Update, it can be annoying to wait if it still hasn't reached your PC.

If you don't wish to wait for Anniversary Update any more, here is a fix you can apply.

Windows 10 anniversary update logo banner


Microsoft is delaying the rollout of Anniversary Update for many users. They are balancing the load on their servers to handle the huge amount of traffic caused by the update delivery. So, if Anniversary Update is not appearing for your machine, this means that it is postponed for you and will be delivered later. If you can't wait any more and need to get Windows 10 Anniversary Update right now, then do the following.


Point your browser to the following web site:Windows Update History

The top of the page reflects the most recent build available to consumers. As of this writing, it says "Get the Aniversary Update now".


Click the link.Alternatively, you can download Windows 10 Anniversary Update HERE.

You will get the official Windows 10 Anniversary Update ISO image. Once it is downloaded, just double click it. The contents of the ISO file will appear in Explorer:




Double click the setup.exe file and pick the upgrade option and keep your existing files and settings:




This operation is exactly the same as the official upgrade procedure except the fact that you need to trigger it manually from a Microsoft website instead of Windows Update and answer a few questions.




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Are the iso the full updated 1607.1493.189, if so I can make a clean install instead of upgrade and it still shows 1607.1493.189, clean install are prefer and better than upgrade.

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Hey donkey-girl!!!! Long time no replies XD!!!! Hope all is great with you!!! The build 1607.1493.189 is a mobile OS. Doesn't sound like you want that. After the 'Windows 10 Anniversary Update ISO' release from July 2016 there is only 'Insider Preview' releases which are very, very buggy. Stay with the last official release and get updated builds through WU. Hope this helps!!! Stay Well My Friend, Peace!!!!

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