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Malwarebytes v


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I had Malwarebytes v Premium installed and working fine for months. Then yesterday I noticed that it had stopped updating the database. I clicked to update and it tried then gave me the message "unable to connect to update server". I tried changing my license details..still didn't update. I uninstalled it, used the MBam cleanup tool, rebooted and installed using another setup file..it showed the database as March 2016 and when I tried to update I got the same message. I tried some of the other cracks, keygens, host blocks  etc etc on Nsane, but nothing worked. When I installed the Home version and clicked to try the free Premium trial it said "you must be connected to the internet.."???? Obviously I am connected to the internet. As I said, I have uninstalled, blocked hosts with the recommended entries and still the damn thing won't activate/update. I tried MBam toolbox2 by sledge 101, the fix by Knowledge..nothing worked. I also have the hosts file entry in malware exclusions. I'm going round in circles...can anybody throw some light on this?..or maybe just shoot me and put me out of my misery!!!:D

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Lots of information on Malwarebytes about this kind of problem.



We apologize for this inconvenience, below is a work around for the bug.

1. First, launch Malwarebytes Anti-Malware and click on the Settings tab > Update Settings and uncheck the option to ‘Check for program updates when checking for database updates.’
2. Uninstall Malwarebytes Anti-Malware using the Control Panel > Programs and features>Uninstall a program
3. Reinstall the previous version, from this link.:
4. After installation, activate the license in this version.
5. Lastly, re-enable ‘Check for program updates when checking for database updates.’ and perform a manual update, and install the new version when it is downloaded. Or – download the latest version from this link below and install it right over the existing Malwarebytes Anti-Malware:



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did u use from patch


and then u can use old keygens again  with out host block  or can use from


 so key not seen


 or can use from


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Straycat & Knowledge..thanks for your fast replies, I didn't expect anyone to reply so soon. Meanwhile I had reinstalled the previous version, but it showed the database from Feb 2016 and it tried to update..but after about 3 minutes it said "no updates available". I then installed the current version ( over the previous version and it says my "Premium Trial will expire in 13 days", and it still shows the database version as 16th Feb 2016, and doesn't/can't update it. I think I used your patch on one of my previous installs Knowledge..I think it was the one where the configuration file is copied and used to replace the existing one in Program Data. I'll try the Hidden 2000 patch next. If that doesn't solve the problem I'll try Straycat19's suggestion. I'll get back to you both later (my wife wants my attention now!!!!) and let you know how things go. Thanks again guys.:D

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1 hour ago, funkyy said:

I had Malwarebytes v Premium installed and working fine for months. Then yesterday I noticed that it had stopped updating the database.


Haven't updated database since some time, guess about 3 - 4 weeks. So, just updated without any problem to database, probably the most recent for today. Time for a scan, so it's not hobby. Just a wild guess: might be they don't like you license? Don't know. Probably my key came from the same box of KornFlake Cereals.


For the record, good advices are appreciated but haven't followed any of those indications by staycat19

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I'm back!! Straycat19, Knowledge, Kalju, Luisam. Ok, you have no idea how many different "fixes" I have tried in the last 24 hours...I really scoured Nsane Malwarebytes threads reading and trying the various suggestions. I'm not the type of person who just cries for help when confronted by a problem, I really do try to solve it without bothering anyone. I have booted my computer so much it has bruises!!! lol. I was going to try Kalju's off-line update idea, but unfortunately the link kept giving me a time-out message. So I tried to find THE HIDDEN 2000 patch as per knowledge's suggestion, but I couldn't find it anywhere. I tried Straycat's link (to download version 2.1.6. 1022) but the link said the file no longer exists!! So I went back through the Malwarebytes thread and downloaded Diakov's version...and it installed and updated  and is now running a scan.!!! It's early days yet, but this is the furthest I have gotten since the problem appeared yesterday. I don't want to start cheering yet, just in case the problem reappears tomorrow, but I want to thank you guys once again for your time and for your suggestions. You are what makes Nsane down such a great site.:D:D:D

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I also spotted this issue yesterday unable to receive any updates ( server issue)

On investigating I found if I remove the line in hosts below data-cdn.mbamupdates.com


the updates started working again

have malwarebytes changed something now on updates it looks that way ?



other lines in hosts file remain keystone.mwbsys.com sirius.mwbsys.com bactem.mwbsys.com



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rorymi6....today when I had a look at the version (by Diakov) that I installed last night, I noticed that it hadn't updated the database (from 2016.9.17.2). I clicked to update manually and it updated to 2016.9.17.6). I'm going to see if I have that line you mention in my Hosts file and I'll remove it and see what happens. Thanks for the tip.;);)

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Just checked..my Hosts file had data-cdn.mbamupdates.com......I have removed it to see if Malwarebytes updates automatically during today.

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Hmm, it appears that automatic updating isn't working, I have to click to update the databases.:angry::angry:

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Crazycanuk....thanks. I uninstalled Malwarebytes, rebooted and reinstalled from the set up file on Nsane. I didn't run the program as advised and I ran the ToolBox fix as administrator. I immediately got a Microsoft NET Frame handling exception error message that gave me the option to continue or terminate the fix...I continued and the patch opened..although half of it was invisible and only appeared when I hovered the mouse over the blank space and clicked..I could see the options for the keys and as in your case I selected the second key and clicked below in the empty space again and it said key was successful. I opened Malwarebytes (it shows Premium) and updated the data bases. Everything appears ok at the moment. The database is 2016.9.17.9.....so I'll wait to see if it updates automatically. Thanks again for your help.....fingers crossed again.:D:D:D

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I still have to update manually even though it says Premium.:(

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try adding the option for a scheduled task to update in automated scheduling within the settings menu ?

here you can set it to auto update every 1 min > daily > weekly etc.

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rorymi6....brilliantly obvious!! Why didn't I think of that? ('cos I'm a noob!!). I did as you said, first setting it to update every minute just to see if it worked...it did!!! I have now scheduled hourly updates. Thanks a million for supplying the last piece of the puzzle..I was thinking about uninstalling, rebooting and starting afresh before I read your post!!! Thanks again.:D:D:D

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