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gonna put the spotlight on a sex offender! cuz i cant kill him!


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There is a freak i work with who is just so strange that today i searched online and found out he is a registered sex offender. he was busted and convicted for raping a minor girl. (under 18 years old). he is in his 40s and just to look at him makes me sick. I called the local authorities and they said he was allowed to work were I do. (we employ minors for summer work, some are high school girls). I said WTF! he is a convicted sex offender and is allowed to work with HS girls? They said they were powerless, so i printed up his arrest record, complete with his pic and complete details. Tomorrow i will be placing this printout on everyones windshield at work in the parking lot! I think his time is to be short were i work!

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just be careful you do not get seen doing it...best you get someone who does not work there to put the posters up .... or just leave them around various places at work for people to "find" but again.... anonymously 

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28 minutes ago, 46&2 said:

I think his time is to be short were i work!


Or yours! He probably could sue you for defamation... Nice world we live in...

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57 minutes ago, lurch234 said:


Or yours! He probably could sue you for defamation... Nice world we live in...

He was imprisoned for what he did. That means that the court sentence has been satisfied. You better forget what you wanna do to him, because, if the ”ex convicted” will sue you for defamation, he will surely win.

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Why cant you kill him I mean yea you might go to jail for killing someone.  I personally think if they do something that disgusting they should lose there person hood which takes the title of them being able to be called a human being away from them did you see ted two?  The teddy bear wanted to be a person a human being I dont think these so called people are human beings should be allowed to be called human beings after they do such disgusting act's.  I think you should bring it to everybody's attention go ahead and post the poster's or ask someone to do it post them anonymously.

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I think you should bring it to everybody's attention go ahead and post the poster's or ask someone to do it post them anonymously

Yes its a done deal. i have a way to distribute them anonymously.

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Somebody hired the guy knowing his background & kept his secret for some reason.

You are in conflict with that person hiring him and would guess whomever hired him got approvals from the top brass.

Your opposition to the power-to-be's  decision,  might be putting your position on delicate ground.  

If I was your boss, I would take offence that you didn't query me before taking action and probably quietly let you go as you cant get along with management decisions nor get along with fellow employees..  you're a gossip maker.

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When it goes to sex offenders who gives a shit about business ethics.

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7 hours ago, 46&2 said:

Yes its a done deal. i have a way to distribute them anonymously.

OR maybe just maybe he's turned over a new leaf & reformed himself, you stirring shit up is just gonna make his life miserable! Also isn't this the same thing (chequered past) which makes convicted felons virtually unemployable in the US? So before you go on destroying someone else's life how about get to know him first, at the very least make it certain he's the same deranged lunatic you think he is.



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Yeah because killing people has always solved all the problems... Be civilized FFS, we are not animals killing people we don't like, should they be convicted sex offenders or not ! Should have voted better if the judiciary system is not good in your country.

Raise the question with your management and ask them if they were aware. See their reaction and ask what are they going to do about it ? If they don't want to take preventive measure, tell them that you will make the information public but don't go as stupid as some posters here would be !

8 hours ago, Holmes said:

Why cant you kill him I mean yea you might go to jail for killing someone.  I personally think if they do something that disgusting they should lose there person hood which takes the title of them being able to be called a human being away from them did you see ted two?  The teddy bear wanted to be a person a human being I dont think these so called people are human beings should be allowed to be called human beings after they do such disgusting act's.  I think you should bring it to everybody's attention go ahead and post the poster's or ask someone to do it post them anonymously.

It's because of reasoning like this that innocents gets killed. Who the hell are you to decide whether someone deserves or not to be killed ? If you think like you write you are not better than the criminal you want to kill... Whether or not our judiciary system are failing sometimes YOU should not decide who will live or die.

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It's astounding how fast people get their panties in a twist. ?

Anyway, the best thing you can do is directly talking with your boss and tell him that you feel uncomfortable working with him because you know the secret and that you would like to avoid it if possible. At the end it might happen that everyone doesn't want to work with him, in case you make your info public to all and that decreases your chances getting a possible deal with your boss. In case he refuses, you maybe should consider a job change, while it may be possible, i doubt they weren't aware of his past before employing him. I had something similar, in my house few years back lived two single guys, one was a flasher, the other a abuser, if i had known beforehand, i'd never have moved there. While the flasher has been arrested meanwhile, the abuser remained free but there wasn't much i could do except for moving again, especially after some a$$hole broke into my basement and stole tools and other crap. I simply don't wanted to deal with such people, so i've avoided direct confrontation and never communicated with them, just doing my own business instead of punching the $hit out of an abuser, that would have fit nicely as the thieve i've caught, if you know what i mean. I know it's hard to ignore the obvious and you want to do something, just do the right thing.

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You can't just mind your own business right? 


I'm not defending rapists or sex offenders, all of them deserve to die when you think of the situation and the time when they were doing that disgusting inhuman thing. there are so many of them among people and usually you can't find something to sue them with. 


but, you come here talk one-sided about that person and say whatever you think it's right about him and others also all insult him and say yeah go kill him. but you still haven't learned to mind your own life. you don't know anything about him, just that he has a sex offender badge in his record and he was convicted. it could've happened for whatever reason, even might've happened by mistake, anything is possible. maybe he regrets it now and wants to start a new life and he has plans for his future, and there you wanna ruin it and force him to do bad things again. you really need to consider everything and mind your own business and life. 



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2 hours ago, saeed_dc said:

You can't just mind your own business right? 


I'm not defending rapists or sex offenders, all of them deserve to die when you think of the situation and the time when they were doing that disgusting inhuman thing. there are so many of them among people and usually you can't find something to sue them with. 


but, you come here talk one-sided about that person and say whatever you think it's right about him and others also all insult him and say yeah go kill him. but you still haven't learned to mind your own life. you don't know anything about him, just that he has a sex offender badge in his record and he was convicted. it could've happened for whatever reason, even might've happened by mistake, anything is possible. maybe he regrets it now and wants to start a new life and he has plans for his future, and there you wanna ruin it and force him to do bad things again. you really need to consider everything and mind your own business and life. 




I agree, we are talking about POSSIBLE past crimes, after all, if he paid his debt to the society it's certainly not to us, citizen to destroy others' life because of what we think they did in the past. I don't question if what this guy may have done but it's not a valid reason to expose him without even questioning him and/or the "evidence" you found...

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15 hours ago, 46&2 said:

Yes its a done deal. i have a way to distribute them anonymously.


No you don't.  You have already left tracks all over the internet and on anyone's computer that read this.  I have met a lot of sex offenders in my life and about half of them don't deserve the title.  And if the laws were different back when I was growing up, most of us would have been labeled as sex offenders because of the 18 - 15 age range in high school where it was not uncommon for seniors to date freshmen.  It's hard enough for some of them to live with the stigma without you becoming an asshole.  Personally, if I was going to kill someone it would probably be you, not the sex offender.  I see you as of less value than him because you have no empathy and no knowledge of the circumstances.  Remember Rob Lowe had recorded sex with a 16 year old that he met in a night club because she had a false ID and the club let her in, who would suspect she was 16.  

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I have a friend that had sex with a twelve or sixteen year old I dont know how old she was I heard this from a friend of mine and he went to jail and has pedophile on his record like what stray said how do you know there twelve or sixteen.  Yes he may have regretted doing it and regrets it now and hes a new person I agree.  I now think he should go to the boss and ask them if they knew and then go from there.  If the police know about it and hes not hiding there then find a different position there to work or find a new job if your uncomfortable with it.  I posted my first response thinking about how the disturbing sex offenders out there that have done horrible acts and that are living in our community hiding how much I abhor them if this person has changed then it would be better to find that out and not going on blind assumptions.

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