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VeraCrypt 1.18a


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VeraCrypt is a free disk encryption software that is based on TrueCrypt 7.1a. VeraCrypt is a software for establishing and maintaining an on-the-fly-encrypted volume (data storage device). On-the-fly encryption means that data is automatically encrypted right before it is saved and decrypted right after it is loaded, without any user intervention. No data stored on an encrypted volume can be read (decrypted) without using the correct password/keyfile(s) or correct encryption keys. Entire file system is encrypted. VeraCrypt adds enhanced security to the algorithms used for system and partitions encryption making it immune to new developments in brute-force attacks. VeraCrypt also solves many vulnerabilities and security issues found in TrueCrypt.

Thanks to ARMOUR for the update.


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1.18a UPDATE, August 18th 2016 : The Windows installer for VeraCrypt 1.18 has been updated to include drivers signed by Microsoft that allow VeraCrypt to run on Windows 10 Anniversary Edition. Windows Installer version was incremented to 1.18a but there is no changed at VeraCrypt level. Linux and MacOSX installers remain unchanged.

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