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Member's Total Reputation


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Could any one tell me what "Member's Total Reputation" is. I just noticed I have +14. Is that bad? I see some members have some 1000s.


Thank you



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13 minutes ago, bigjohn said:

Could any one tell me what "Member's Total Reputation" is. I just noticed I have +14. Is that bad? I see some members have some 1000s.

G'day to u :)


The reputation is the number of "Like/Thanks" received. It depends on how good your contribution to nsane. If you post good threads/comments which helped someone, they'll thank you. So, start posting good threads/comments now. You'll surely get more reputation.


Since you've joined years ago, in Nov 2005, it shows that either you were not using nsane/been only a reader.

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No its not bad Reputation is based on thank you post since there's no way too down vote a members individual  post  there's no way but up . I have been on sites were post can be down voted  so you have to be a people pleaser to get a  good rep witch  is really unhealthy. 




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1 hour ago, Ice Frog said:

but what will i get with more reputation? :think: 

  • The more reputation you get, the more chances of being a mod/staff/admin. Note: Only applies if you are applying voluntarily and it is just one of the criteria.
  • It attracts more members to be your followers/fans/friends
  • Your posts/threads get more concentration and rated hot thread/post if you get 7 or more likes.
  • You'll be in Top contributors list.
  • You won't get any goodies/anything if you have more reputation.
  • In earlier IPB version 3.x.x, we can keep track of our like/thanks posts. However, this feature was removed in latest IPB version update few months earlier.
49 minutes ago, Ice Frog said:

i not think so. i saw some of the staff et. al have less reputation than other members here.

It might look like that. However, it isn't. They might've lost their reputation due to archived threads/data loss after upgrade/new profile or reset request of their profile.

I think @Crazycanuk can explain well.

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1 minute ago, vissha said:

The more reputation you get, the more chances of being a mod/staff/admin.

i not think so. i saw some of the staff et. al have less reputation than other members here. do we get something if we cross certain no. of reputation points?

9 minutes ago, steven36 said:

No its not bad Reputation is based on thank you post since there's no way too down vote a members individual  post  there's no way but up . I have been on sites were post can be down voted  so you have to be a people pleaser to get a  good rep witch  is really unhealthy. 

what do the reputation mean on other sites? any goodies? :D 

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2 hours ago, vissha said:

The more reputation you get, the more chances of being a mod/staff/admin.

Staff mod group didn't even exist at this site tell a few months ago other than  the front page staff .When they done that they said they didn't need anyone else in the post and i know people who became mods here that were not even veterans yet.   If they want you as a mod a admin will approach  you about  it . If they think you got great problem solving skills. 


I seen people give thanks rep  just  to troll other members they would give so many they would run out of thank yous for 24 hours, it can be abused .  They dont make mods based on thank yous here .. if this was so many veterans would of been admins by now.. ,the reason for thank you button  is its against the rules to tell a member thank you any more so you are  to click on thank you. Because people were saying Thank You just to get there post count up.   Some still do it but they just say something besides thank you now . When I 1st joined here there were no Veterans  group  that was added latter on as well.


Not everyone wants to be a mod or is cut out for it. I was a Mod before somewhere else , But i have refused it from other sites.  because most people i seen who became Mods and decided they didn't want to have too enforce rules and went back to lesser title  stop contributing .. because they was faced with choices that  made them dislike there site.


If you want too be a mod  you can PM the admins and  tell them why you think you will be a good mod its explained here even in this post below even . You dont need a lot of thank you rep to do this you just got to convince them you're the right man or woman for the job :)


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Some still do it but they just say something besides thank you now .

There is more than one way to peel a potato.

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  • Administrator

All things said above are quite good.


Except the reputation for being selected as staff part though, it can be an indication, but it's one of many. It depends a lot on past and current behavior, helpfulness to the staff and members, contribution to the site, behavior to the staff and members, knowledge of the common things of the internet and the forums and such. These are just indications. In addition, the open slot available for the staff and members which fit for that slot - not that we want members to target those slot, but a member being expert in that part would be quite important, all round good members are considered too. Having said, we consider all aspects and we try to get the best of the staff for the site.

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