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Wikileaks confirms Hillary sold weapons to ISIS


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Wikileaks confirms Hillary sold weapons to ISIS


US24.co     9th August, 2016 12:06:23printer

Wikileaks confirms Hillary sold weapons to ISIS



Although Hillary Clinton has repeatedly denied that she sold weapons to the Islamic Stats while serving as Secretary of State, Wikileaks founder Julian Assange claims he has proof to the contrary.


Thepoliticalinsider.com reported: In Obama’s second term, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton authorized the shipment of American-made arms to Qatar, a country beholden to the Muslim Brotherhood, and friendly to the Libyan rebels, in an effort to topple the Libyan/Gaddafi government, and then ship those arms to Syria in order to fund Al Qaeda, and topple Assad in Syria.


Clinton took the lead role in organizing the so-called “Friends of Syria” (aka Al Qaeda/ISIS) to back the CIA-led insurgency for regime change in Syria.


Under oath Hillary Clinton denied she knew about the weapons shipments during public testimony in early 2013 after the Benghazi terrorist attack.


In an interview with Democracy Now, Wikileaks’ Julian Assange is now stating that 1,700 emails contained in the Clinton cache directly connect Hillary to Libya to Syria, and directly to Al Qaeda and ISIS.


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Underdeveloped proofs and too short reasoning in this article. The title is totally misleading and taking shortcuts. Although European and American arms dealing and gifting to Middle Eastern states and sometimes organizations led to ISIS entering in possession of some of these weapons. However let's not forget which policy allowed ISIS to develop that far : Bush junior (W) decided to invade Irak for bulshitt reasons, European (except UK), chose to stay out of it but didn't do enough to stop him, and thus Sadam was remove, destabilizing the whole region.

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Trump Trump  hero trumpo :D


12 minutes ago, tiliarou said:

Bush junior (W) decided to invade Irak for bulshitt reasons, European (except UK), chose to stay out of it but didn't do enough to stop him, and thus Sadam was remove, destabilizing the whole region.


oh yea that fuking iraq war...was not good. saddam was good as he fuk and cut these jehadis into pieces.....

in his time no jehadi have balls to raise his voice and minority community of iraq was also safe.

1st war..  kuwait stealing oil lol.. .. was ok.

but the 2nd attack/war on iraq was useless... do they found any mass destruction weapon there... fools

U.S did big mistake by killing him.

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1 hour ago, tiliarou said:

Underdeveloped proofs and too short reasoning in this article. The title is totally misleading and taking shortcuts. Although European and American arms dealing and gifting to Middle Eastern states and sometimes organizations led to ISIS entering in possession of some of these weapons. However let's not forget which policy allowed ISIS to develop that far : Bush junior (W) decided to invade Irak for bulshitt reasons, European (except UK), chose to stay out of it but didn't do enough to stop him, and thus Sadam was remove, destabilizing the whole region.


You really should read the emails, the proof is there.  The US never does anything for bullshit reasons.  Saddam refused to let inspectors in, which he had previously agreed to, so the fact he did not have any WMDs could not be verified. 

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Odd, but I thought Hollywood made a movie wherein a country or nation state invented an

enemy so that their war machines and armies could continue to do the business of the world

as the business of the world is business and war is business...


Does anyone remember the name of that movie ??


I don't think it was Wag the Dog...






Anyone remember its name ?? 

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1 hour ago, straycat19 said:


You really should read the emails, the proof is there.  The US never does anything for bullshit reasons.  Saddam refused to let inspectors in, which he had previously agreed to, so the fact he did not have any WMDs could not be verified. 

Do you actually believe that ? Blair and Bush should be held responsible for the state of the world today. Unless W was too dumb and he was manipulated by CIA evidences that were quite "improved" version of the reality (cf Green Zone movie, although it's just a movie)... Whether or not it was legitimate to invade Irak, removing Sadam by force was a mistake.

The proof in the email proves that USA, as a weapon manufacturer, sold weapons to gulf countries and more obscurely to rebel/guerrilla groups, but so as other weapon sellers: probably France, Germany, UK etc... Not defending US or the other in any way but they are not alone for sure. They probably see that it was not an effective strategy I presume... And who has to deal with the consequences ? Civilians and citizens as usual.

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@ straycat19 You country wanted Iraqi oil because of energy crisis. You should read the latest report from Britain (your ally) about fake reasons for this war and that Blair was willing to help Bush with this war in any case, no matter if there was any real evidence of WMDs . Hundreds of thousands of Iraqi people died because of this war. You are a sheep if you believe anything your MSM say - that some leader is evil, when in reality your country is only realising its own geopolitical agenda. After Iraq there was Libya. People of Libya are unable now to get back to the same high standards of living as they had during Gaddafi rule. Now your MSM is making an enemy from Russia which possesses nuclear weapons to protect itself unlike poor former Yugoslavia (Serbia), Iraq and Libya. Hillary Clinton and Obama both share their guilt for what happened in Libya. In case of war of the NATO against Russia millions of Americans will die too. You are being ruled by crazy neocons who are ready to devastate the entire planet for sake of their interests about doing away with rivals and independent leaders. Diplomacy is the best way to keep peace but you never bothered. You wiped out Amerindians and your corporations took their holy lands. You have no sympathy for anyone and I hope there`s a good place in hell for all of your politicians that scream Russians and Iranians should be killed in Syria in order to scare Assad, propose to bomb Assad etc, never caring about what will happen after that:


Crimea was Russian before, and Russia could not allow the NATO to enter it when Sevastopol has always been home for Russian sailors and Russians gave many of their lives in the past to defend it. Residents of Crimea didn`t want the NATO to come after US-sponsored coup in Ukraine in 2014 in case your MSM never let you know: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2006_anti-NATO_protests_in_Feodosia


Why don`t you set Puerto Rico free and close Guantanamo prison on sovereign Cuban territory - what Obama promised to do when he entered his first term? Also, your country`s history has the annexation of Hawaii and taking Texas plus California from Mexico in a war. Are you sure you are the nice guys who cannot be judged by someone else? Your history is much shorter than Russian, even though you are the only superpower left - this is exactly the reason why everything in the Middle East is in chaos, migrants flee to Europe and ISIS attacks France, Belgium and Germany. I tell you - Germans would like to be set free as well, from the presence of your soldiers, atomic bombs and drone control. You are pushing them to war with Russia and they remember bitter lesson of fighting against Russia in WW2, even though puppet Merkel does whatever Obama wants - 57% of Germans are against unnecessary confrontation with Russia. You should care more about your local problems at home than absolute control of everything in the world. Your exceptionality ends when many of your citizens are unable to afford their education and medical care.

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Saddam hold up a illusion about WMD's to protect from possible threats from Iran, it basically was a fake defense about things that never existed. Despite Saddam's refusal to re-invite inspectors, it was already clear at that time that WMD's cannot exist since the U.S. previously (1998) bombarded several infrastructures that gave the possibility to create and/or store WMD's.

The decision for Saddam's refusal afterall was a failed Coup from the CIA in 1996, who wouldn't understand the decision and do the same thing?



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23 hours ago, tiliarou said:

Underdeveloped proofs and too short reasoning in this article. The title is totally misleading and taking shortcuts. Although European and American arms dealing and gifting to Middle Eastern states and sometimes organizations led to ISIS entering in possession of some of these weapons. However let's not forget which policy allowed ISIS to develop that far : Bush junior (W) decided to invade Irak for bulshitt reasons, European (except UK), chose to stay out of it but didn't do enough to stop him, and thus Sadam was remove, destabilizing the whole region.

Always someone else's fault..  You think maybe some Middle Eastern Arabs fund and harbor them?  Maybe?

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On 13/08/2016 at 9:57 PM, sternog said:

@ straycat19 You country wanted Iraqi oil because of energy crisis. You should read the latest report from Britain (your ally) about fake reasons for this war and that Blair was willing to help Bush with this war in any case, no matter if there was any real evidence of WMDs . Hundreds of thousands of Iraqi people died because of this war. You are a sheep if you believe anything your MSM say - that some leader is evil, when in reality your country is only realising its own geopolitical agenda. After Iraq there was Libya. People of Libya are unable now to get back to the same high standards of living as they had during Gaddafi rule. Now your MSM is making an enemy from Russia which possesses nuclear weapons to protect itself unlike poor former Yugoslavia (Serbia), Iraq and Libya. Hillary Clinton and Obama both share their guilt for what happened in Libya. In case of war of the NATO against Russia millions of Americans will die too. You are being ruled by crazy neocons who are ready to devastate the entire planet for sake of their interests about doing away with rivals and independent leaders. Diplomacy is the best way to keep peace but you never bothered. You wiped out Amerindians and your corporations took their holy lands. You have no sympathy for anyone and I hope there`s a good place in hell for all of your politicians that scream Russians and Iranians should be killed in Syria in order to scare Assad, propose to bomb Assad etc, never caring about what will happen after that:


Crimea was Russian before, and Russia could not allow the NATO to enter it when Sevastopol has always been home for Russian sailors and Russians gave many of their lives in the past to defend it. Residents of Crimea didn`t want the NATO to come after US-sponsored coup in Ukraine in 2014 in case your MSM never let you know: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2006_anti-NATO_protests_in_Feodosia


Why don`t you set Puerto Rico free and close Guantanamo prison on sovereign Cuban territory - what Obama promised to do when he entered his first term? Also, your country`s history has the annexation of Hawaii and taking Texas plus California from Mexico in a war. Are you sure you are the nice guys who cannot be judged by someone else? Your history is much shorter than Russian, even though you are the only superpower left - this is exactly the reason why everything in the Middle East is in chaos, migrants flee to Europe and ISIS attacks France, Belgium and Germany. I tell you - Germans would like to be set free as well, from the presence of your soldiers, atomic bombs and drone control. You are pushing them to war with Russia and they remember bitter lesson of fighting against Russia in WW2, even though puppet Merkel does whatever Obama wants - 57% of Germans are against unnecessary confrontation with Russia. You should care more about your local problems at home than absolute control of everything in the world. Your exceptionality ends when many of your citizens are unable to afford their education and medical care.


If I was Russian I would not start my thread by directly naming US. In terms of invasion and annexion Russia was not the last... As European during colonization, Russia (former USSR) invaded many eastern Europe country during the 19th and 20th, and even nowadays with Ukraine. Although I can understand some willingness to get back to a united Russophone country, I don't think that the sovereignty of a democratic country should be smashed as it was in the past years.

Who are you to talk in the name of Germany ? Or in the Name of France and Belgium ? Who tells you they really want US to go ? Don't you think that it would be too simple if only US did this ? European western countries are everywhere in Africa, Russia is everywhere in Eastern Europe, US is pretty much everywhere except in South America where the CIA completely (except in Chile) failed to stop "communism". And in terms of intelligence and espionnage, although the NSA is probably the worst, your formerly named KGB (FSB ?) must have some good spying program of its own, like many other countries, but most likely they are more discreet.

So before naming and shaming others, look at your own country first...

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16 hours ago, sternog said:

In which way did you address my comments in this post ? I only see links to unrelated articles (or not directly)...

Reliable evidences ? Soon ? How do you know ? Do you work for a government agency/ministry ?

We all have reliable evidence of organized use of drugs and illegal performance enhancement used by the russian sport federations, but you will probably tell me that it's a conspiracy by the US ? You should stop dreaming, you don't have only enemy in this world, no need to see that every move is to harm Russia.

Anyways it seems that we will not agree on many points^^ at least we are free to share our opinion and that's a good thing.

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