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Retroshare: P2P Secure Communication for Everyone


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Connect with Friends and Family

Retroshare creates encrypted connections to your friends. Nobody can spy on you. Retroshare is completely decentralized. This means there are no central servers. It is entirely Open-Source and free. There are no costs, no ads and no Terms of Service.




How does it work?

Retroshare is a network of computers. These computers we call nodes and every user has it's own node. The exact location (the IP-address) of nodes is only known to neighbors. You invite someone to become a neighbor by sending your public key to them.


Forums use pseudonymous nicknames to identify people. The nickname system uses cryptographical keys to verify messages come from specific authors. The nickname information travels wherever the forum post goes.


If you send a message to a user, the system delivers it to his node by searching for a route by forwarding it via a chain of neighboring nodes. If you want a certain file, your node asks your neigbours and they in turn request it from their neigbours.


More info & download here>> Retroshare

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