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Translation needed


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Ïðîöåäóðà ñáðîñà òðèàëà:
1 ñîçäàåì ïî÷òîâûé ÿùèê èëè èñïîëüçóåì ñâîé.
2 ñîçäàåì íîâûé àêêàóíò íà îô. ñàéòå.
3 èñïîëüçóåì òðèàë 30 äíåé.
4 óñòàíîâèòü Reset trial EDIUS8.2_bet.
5 â ïàïêå ProgramData íàéòè ïàïêó òèïà Gugnsmzsuhrslbsj\Oaulfwti. Íà êàæäîì êîìïüþòåðå ýòà ïàïêà è ôàéë èìååò ñâîå íàçâàíèå è îíà ïîÿâèòñÿ ïîñëå óñïåøíîãî çàïóñêà Ýäèóñ 8. Ñêîïèðóéòå íàçâàíèå ïàïêè è âñòàâüòå â â ôàéë folder, êîòîðûé ïîÿâèòñÿ íà ðàáî÷åì ñòîëå, ñîõðàíèòå. (Ýòà íàñòðîéêà ïðîèçâîäèòñÿ îäèí ðàç, äàëåå ýòîò ïóíêò ïðîïóñêàåì).
6 äëÿ ñáðîñà òðèàëà èñïîëüçóåì çíà÷åê reset trial EDIUS8.2 íà ðàáî÷åì ñòîëå è ïîâòîðÿåì ïóíêòû 1-3.


is the text from an nfo (Grass Valley EDIUS Pro 8.20.312 (x64)) but what it means?


any help / translation?

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Google Translate

trial reset procedure:
1 create a mailbox, or use your own.
2, create a new account at the office. site.
3 use trial 30 days.
4 set Reset trial EDIUS8.2_bet.
5 in the ProgramData folder, find the folder type Gugnsmzsuhrslbsj \ Oaulfwti. On each computer, the folder and file has its own name and it will appear after the successful launch of the Edius 8. Copy the name of the folder and paste it into a file in the folder that appears on the desktop, save. (This adjustment is made once, then skip this paragraph).
6 to reset the trial use reset trial EDIUS8.2 icon on the desktop, and repeat steps 1-3


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0N1wDki.gif Google translate was the first thing i try ed but maybe I am to ..... to use it




thx and some c060.gif


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People, who want to share text files, please do not save text files using ANSI (it means your local language encoding, yours pc default language), use UTF8 or Unicode and everyone can read it.
If You got such a file, where is used ANSI, then You must use such a text file reader, where You can select, which encoding to use. You must know in which language it was written. For example I use often EditPad to open such a files.

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