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Tearful mum thanks Pokémon Go for changing autistic boy’s life


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Reading this will give you shivers.


Anyone with kids will already be well aware of the Pokémon Go craze that’s exciting and uniting kids across the world.

But there’s one group of children whose lives could change dramatically as a result: children with autism.


Now, one mother has shared a heart-wrenching thank you note explaining the impact it’s had on her son Ralphie – giving him the freedom to play, talk and socialise with new-found friends.

The power of Pokémon Go

Like many children with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) Ralphie isn’t usually able to interact with other children, she writes.


He doesn’t talk much, and only feels comfortable going to public places like the playground at certain times.


But after catching his first Pokemon he was shrieking with excitement, and when another little boy showed him his collection, and the pair even shared a high-five.

“I almost cried,” says the emotional mum.

A moving thank you note

Ralphie then surprised her further by begging to go to the playground to collect more Pokémon.

“He’s usually so RIGID about his routine,” she writes, “but tonight he was happy to change things up and do it! We were in shock!”


“He was interacting with other kids. Holy crap! I didn’t know if I should laugh or cry.”


Even other adult Pokemon fans were able to share Ralphie’s new found love.

“These total strangers were giving him advice like ‘there’s one right around this corner, buddy! Go get it!’ and he would run off laughing to get it. He would even look up at them and say Thank You!”

A better life for children with autism

The life-changing power of Pokémon Go has left the happy mum in shock:



“Talking to people. Verbalizing. Participating in speech. With total strangers. Looking up at them. Sometimes even in the eye. Laughing with them. Sharing something in common. This is AMAZING”


“Thank you Nintendo! ASD mama’s DREAM!!! I love you”


We love it when technology makes life better.

Let’s hope Pokémon Go gives kids around the globe the freedom to have fun that every child deserves.


Read ‘ASD mama’s’ full post below…




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Maybe gamers won't agree with me but I believe that computer games convert people temporarily to functional autistics. While playing, they can't interact with anything else but the GAME!

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Its called multitaskking and I do it all the time I agree to disagree respectfully.

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