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TeamViewer 11.0.62308


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TeamViewer is a simple and fast solution for remote control, desktop sharing and file transfer that works behind any firewall and NAT proxy. To connect to another computer just run TeamViewer on both machines without the need of an installation procedure. With the first start automatic partner IDs are generated on both computers. Enter your partner's ID into TeamViewer and the connection is established immediately. With many thousand users worldwide TeamViewer is a standard tool to give support and assistance to people in remote locations.

Thanks to BLAite for the update.


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Portable TeamViewer 11.0.62308 Multilingual Online

By PortableAppZ


Download Portable TeamViewer Multilingual Online (0.7 MB)

Site: http://www.mediafire.com
Sharecode[?]: /download/b8hefb1d59i8wyo/TeamViewer_Portable_11x_Multilingual_Online.exe


Portable TeamViewer QuickSupport Multilingual Online (0.6 MB)

Site: http://www.mediafire.com
Sharecode[?]: /download/bk8p0y9jkm0436d/TeamViewer_QS_Portable_Multiversion_Multilingual_Online.exe


Extract and run TeamViewerPortable or TeamViewerQSPortable.

Settings of installed TeamViewer should be preserved.

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Benny Insomer's

How To Solve TeamViewer "Commercial Use Suspected :s

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TeamViewer 11.0.62308 Patch v3.4

By DeltaFoX/TeamURET

(Corporate, Premium, Server Enterprise , Professional )





Info .:



TeamViewer - the All-In-One Software
for Remote Support and Online Meetings

Remote control any computer or Mac over the internet within seconds or use TeamViewer for online meetings. Find out why TeamViewer has been activated on more than a billion devices.



Changelog Patch .: 




1) Support for latest v11.0.62308

2) Removed more two nag Screen Sponsor

3) Check file Integrity Nulled (Thank's AoRE Team)..

4) Professional License Added
5) Minor Bug Fix


For any problems :



1) Remove all Teamviewer installation..
2) Start the command %appdata% on menù windows and in this folder remove all directory Teamviewer
3) Remove also C:\Program Files (x86)\TeamViewer\
4) Reinstall teamviewer selecting Personal Use and re-apply Patch..


Download Apps + Patch v3.4 for v11.0.62308 English TW :




Download Apps + Patch v3.4 for v11.0.62308 Italian TW :




Download Only Patch v3.4 for v11.0.62308

MD5 Patch Exe: 6A005ED4842C1196A77E9BEB23EFF9E2




..:: DeltaFoX ::..


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The patch went well execpt for one add keeping popups



This Popup is not present into Exe code.. Or at least I have not found.. You can ignore this.. The data of messages box It appears to be sent via internet connection when close connection after some time of use from internal general communication tw channel...

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12 hours ago, Deltafox said:




This Popup is not present into Exe code.. Or at least I have not found.. You can ignore this.. The data of messages box It appears to be sent via internet connection when close connection after some time of use from internal general communication tw channel...


Thank you very much Deltafox, is normal that as soon as the patch was applied on having got connected with an external team it appears in the top part of the window that this license is of free use.







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Yes if during installation you have set this correct selection

Inviato dal mio HTC One M9 utilizzando Tapatalk

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To del and clean teamviewer about commercial used and above


Del all teamviewer on your os, use Revo unistaller or iobit,


Change your mac adresse with tmac and reboot


Take teamviewer 10, install the 10 version and upgrade to 11 apply delta patch


If you reinstall with the 11 version it keep your id even you change your mac adresse, it's not with the 10 version.


Hello Staff Nsane and all posters

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Sponsor session PopUp is there in Patch Version 2.8.

Please read my observation care fully. I have uninstalled previous version. Then removed all the TeamViewer Folders, deleted all the registry entry having TeamViewer using Registrar Registry Manager and also all the registry entries using TrashReg. After restarting the PC, I have installed and used you patch, Sponsored Session Popup is again coming.

I think you missing something due to your overconfidence as I see This Popup is not present into Exe code.. Or at least I have not found.. You can ignore this. It not coming from internet. Kindly seed the String Id 71 of TeamViewer_Resource_en.dll. This strings are coming after closing the session/sessions. It is very much annoying. Please fix it.

Please see!

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1 hour ago, hp owner said:


Sponsor session PopUp is there in Patch Version 2.8.

Please read my observation care fully. I have uninstalled previous version. Then removed all the TeamViewer Folders, deleted all the registry entry having TeamViewer using Registrar Registry Manager and also all the registry entries using TrashReg. After restarting the PC, I have installed and used you patch, Sponsored Session Popup is again coming.

I think you missing something due to your overconfidence as I see This Popup is not present into Exe code.. Or at least I have not found.. You can ignore this. It not coming from internet. Kindly seed the String Id 71 of TeamViewer_Resource_en.dll. This strings are coming after closing the session/sessions. It is very much annoying. Please fix it.

Please see!


String found in Resource.dll.



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On 07/08/2016 at 11:42 AM, PistalPete said:

What do you mean mountain man?


TV doesn't need meds. TV activation is two parts, program & server. TV meds appear to register the program, but it's a cosmetic fix. TV catching you using the software for 'unauthorized commercial use' is difficult to remedy.


1 hour ago, hp owner said:


Sponsor session PopUP



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1 hour ago, dickmaster said:


String found in Resource.dll.



can remove that yes ?

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14 minutes ago, knowledge said:

can remove that yes ?


Maybe someone can think of a way to fix, myself i can't do anything. 

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1 hour ago, dickmaster said:


Maybe someone can think of a way to fix, myself i can't do anything. 

maybe u can test this  i used patch from Deltafox

on a older version

i tryed to remove TeamViewer "Commercial Use  popup  and edit TeamViewer_Resource

Site: http://www113.zippyshare.com
Sharecode[?]: /v/yfZ4HiHZ/file.html
change 51 to 113 for link to work

on tests make sure u have same files on both pc

 seems fine with out problem



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3 hours ago, dickmaster said:

Maybe someone can think of a way to fix, myself i can't do anything. 


Please excuse me for pointing out the obvious & repeating myself. :doh:



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7 hours ago, TheMountain said:


Please excuse me for pointing out the obvious & repeating myself. :doh:




We are not talking about that popup.

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let me no if it works on older version maybe i can fix for newer versions  but need people to test it  be for i try on newer versions


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New patch v3.0 for TW 11.0.62308 Online...


P.S. = all resource dll file and desktop/service on 11.0.62308 file have a many checksum/head check.. if you edit this dll tw can't load relative language...



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35 minutes ago, knowledge said:

let me no if it works on older version maybe i can fix for newer versions  but need people to test it  be for i try on newer versions



Seems to work fine :)

Nice one buddy.

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