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Space agency 'found city on Mars but tried to stop YOU seeing it'

IF true, it would be possibly the most historic discovery yet in the exploration of space - a UFO hunter claims Nasa has found evidence of a "city on Mars".

Mysterious photographs of the Red Planet, taken by Nasa¹s Rover, show buildings and windows on Mars, an alien conspiracist has suggested.

He also sensationally claims Nasa has tried to cover up the discovery and prevent the public from finding out.

Arch alien conspiracy theorist Scott C Waring revealed the outlandish suggestion in a blog post entitled "Mars NASA Rover Takes Close Up Photo Of Buildings On Hillside, June 23, 2016".

Mr Waring has tried to bring out the "buildings" with colorisation - a tactic he has been slammed fo
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Mr Waring claims NASA tried to avoid being accused of a cover-up by releasing the image at the size of a postage stamp, so it is "impossible" for anyone to make out what it shows.

He blogged on ufosightingsdaily.com: "I found a photo on the NASA site, but the original is only 4kb in size.

"For those who don't understand digital sizes, this thing is so small that it could be a app icon on your cell phone - fingernail size.

"So, I was wondering why? Why would they want to make such a small photo when all the other photos were 280kb or more in size?

"I took the photo and enlarged it and found that along the ridge of a hillside were dark structures with windows and doors."

Mr Waring claims, during six years of research into photographs of space from Nasa and other space agencies, to have found evidence of bases on our moon and other planets in our solar system.

All of these are, of course, his theories and completely unproven.

He added: "Now it all made sense to me

"NASA had to release the photo to the public to sayŠ'we didn't hide it, we released it to the public.'

"This way they won't get caught for hiding evidence later. But we know that trick, and we are onto them."

NASA denied being involved in any cover ups, and says it is one of the most open spaced agencies in the world with its information.

The so-called discovery of buildings, ancient monuments , and even animals or humanoids, in Mars pictures, is said by scientists to be the result of pareidolia - a phenomena when the brain tricks they eyes into seeing familiar objects, patterns or shapes in textures such as rocks or clouds.

It has also been said that the new pictures are pixellated and not clear because Mr Warinmg has blown them up.








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 Hogwash!  It is pixelation that he sees from enlarging it.  The world is full of gullible people and he wanted his 15 minutes of fame by showing what an idiot he is.

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