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Eating junk food can damage kidneys...


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Eating junk food can damage kidneys...


as much as diabetes, study finds


Both type 2 diabetes and a high-fat diet can lead to elevated blood sugar levels – and have troubling knock-on effects for people's health


Eating a junk food diet can be as damaging to the kidney as diabetes, according to a new study.


The problems caused by eating junk food or a diet high in fat are similar to those found in type 2 diabetes, the new research shows.


The study took rats and fed them a diet of either junk food – consisting of cheese, chocolate bars and marshmallows - for eight weeks or a special food that was high in fat for five weeks.


The researchers then looked at the changes those diets made to the animals’ blood sugar levels and the glucose transports that are in the kidneys. Those transporters have a central role in diabetes and problems with them can lead to significant problems for internal organs.


The study found that the rats with type 2 diabetes had more of certain kinds of glucose transporters and regulatory proteins. But the diet caused similar changes in those same receptors – meaning that it could lead to the same problems as experienced by people with diabetes.


Type 2 diabetes occurs when the body has a problem producing enough insulin or doesn’t react to it properly. When that happens, levels of blood sugar increase, which has knock on effects for organs including the kidneys.


But since those same problems can be found with junk food and high fat diets, similar problems might be seen in the future, the researchers said.


"The Western diet contains more and more processed junk food and fat, and there is a well-established link between excessive consumption of this type of food and recent increases in the prevalence of obesity and type 2 diabetes,” said Dr Havovi Chichger, a senior lecturer in biomedical science at Anglia Ruskin University.


“In our study, type 1 and type 2 diabetes both induce changes in glucose transport in the kidney, but junk food or a diet high in fat causes changes that are very similar to those found in type 2 diabetes.


The study and those like it may help treat the effects of such problems with high bloody sugar, the researchers said.



"A new treatment for diabetic patients constitutes blocking the glucose transporter in the kidney to reduce blood glucose levels,” Dr Chichger, who was the lead author on the study, said. “Understanding how diet can affect sugar handling in the kidneys and whether the inhibitors can reverse these changes could help to protect the kidneys from further damage."




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The thing is people know what's classified as junk food.. but have no idea WHY it's classified as junk food.

So let me blow your minds.. then maybe you might understand why there's such an obesity and general health epidemic (Cancer/diabetes/heart disease/Kidney stones/high blood pressure/strokes etc)

*generally speaking*
Burger) Bread. Meat. Some greens. Sauce. *JUNK FOOD*
What's junk about it? Greens? definitely not.. Sauce? There's some sugar in it basically dead food so pretty much but there's not a lot of it so big deal. Meat? We know too much is bad.. we know charcoal is very bad.. but overall probably not terrible if not overcooked/burnt and in smallish quantities (less than 100gm) Bread? Quite possibly the biggest killer and issue creator of our time.. but goes unnoticed because everyone eats it every day. 

Now let's flip it over.

Sandwich) Bread. Meat. Some greens. Maybe sauce. *HEALTHY*

Ye gods.

So I'll give you all a heads up cos I've been seeing some shit over the last five years that I've changed my diet fairly considerably.

Bread is shit, stop eating it. Sugar is shit, stop eating it.
Meat is okay just don't over do it.. I'm talking like hundreds of grams per day every day.. don't rely on meat for sustenance and by meat I mean chicken/pork/beef etc. Red meat can be quite troublesome cut that back..
Fish.. great for your health.. I eat a lot of salmon.. need fats for your brain, low fat diets are bad for your health stop that low fat crap!
Greens.. EAT AS MUCH AS YOU CAN. I cannot stress this enough, pack greens into EVERYTHING. They will always be your greatest source of nutrition.. By greens I'm also including vegetables.. Don't overdo the starchy stuff.

Do that and watch your skin clear up, watch your hair grow back, watch your body start to regenerate.. I have been.

Depresses me to see so many people with skin problems, rotting teeth, lost hair, extra weight etc. You literally control the speed of your aging in your hands.. Live a healthy life everyone.

Oh and get some exercise every day, the blood needs to flow, also saunas and hot/cold showers bring blood up to the skin to assist healing.. 
Just gave you more useful dietary advice than you'll hear from most doctors or just about anyone else.. I wish I saw this post 20 years ago.. would've saved me from a few health issues. Hope it helps someone.

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