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Ex-Witch Warns Occult Rising...


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Ex-Witch Warns Occult Rising...

Ex-Witch Reveals How the Occult Is Affecting Your Life Every Day

Hidden magic, astrology, supernatural powers or agencies, also known as the occult, has slithered its way into society with little fanfare.  

Just as terrifying is how many in today's culture consider the elements of witchcraft practically mundane.  

In a recent video blog, ex-witch Beth gave a rundown of some of these items, including horoscopes, fortune telling, contacting the dead, speaking to the dead, Ouija boards, chakras, channeling energy, yoga and incantations, among others.  

"When each time they do witchcraft they are inviting in demon spirits. Each spirit brings something in with it to connect them within your person. This could be false beliefs or sickness or addiction, etc. More importantly, it causes you to feel that you have tapped in to a power, which you have. The power of the demonic (aka the occult or witchcraft). You feel the power in some way or another.


It may be a high, a surge, a force and "awakening" or something similar.

This feeling is incredibly satisfying to our senses and fleshly ways and it creates a desire within us to continue to do it. So the person wants to delve deeper into the witchcraft practice, to reach higher levels of this power they have experienced," Beth writes in her blog.


"What is actually happening is they are granting more and more access to the depths of their soul to the demonic, giving them more and more rights into them. Rights are permissions to use our bodies for their works and feed our soul with their beliefs and demonic spirits.


Satan wants us to become portals for his evil work. Once (give) we him access, we are connected to his power, and he sets up things inside of us that can work without our conscious knowledge. So basically, we are actually doing witchcraft and we are not even aware of it. The connection has been made and we have done it on our own free will."




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