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The KMPlayer is all in one media player covering various formats. It has an extra feature to play Incomplete/Damaged AVI file, Locked Media Files while downloading or sharing, Compressed Audio Album (zip, rar) and so on. It handles a wide range of subtitles and allows you to capture audio, video, and screenshots in many ways. The player provides both internal and external filters with a fully controlled environment without grappling with DirectShow merit system. The player can set multifarious audio and video effects, control playback speed and octave, select parts of a video as favorites, do a powerful A-B repeat, remap the keys of remote interface for HTPC including overlay screen controls, change a skin dynamically depending on a media type playing, and many more. It is completely customizable thanks to a wide selection of skins and color schemes.

Thanks to Astron for the update.


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Portable The KMPlayer Multilingual Online

By PortableAppZ


Download Portable KMPlayer Online (0.6 MB)

Site: http://www.mediafire.com
Sharecode[?]: /download/zfrwm9gq0ifsgxh/KMPlayer_Portable_Multiversion_Multilingual_Online.exe


In first screen enter version number:
Extract and run KMPlayerPortable.
If you drag'n drop a file on (or open with) KMPlayerPortable: it will be opened in KMPlayer.
Language set by launcher according Windows localization: Albanian, Arabic, Belarusian, Bosnian, PortugueseBR, Bulgarian, TradChinese, SimpChinese, Czech, Dutch, English, French, German, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian.
If you don't want, write SystemLang=false in KMPlayerPortable.ini.
Capture in portable folder. If you don't want, write PortableCapture=false in KMPlayerPortable.ini.
Settings of installed KMPlayer should be preserved.
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PAF Portable


Launcher will associate KMP with the default file types:


Upon first launch, you will be presented with the following message:



This patch is safe to download and run. It only takes a second to run.

I don't know exactly what it patches or why, but it will only ask you to do this once per computer you run the portable on.


Site: http://www.upload.ee
Sharecode[?]: /files/5834065/KMPlayerPortable_4.0.8.1.paf.exe.html

MD5: B16C4376AC1E0479BA3AAB8DF7F2643F

SHA1: 462E5E3B3E5318ACFB280500E105DD0EE9227A85

SHA-256: EE92F34FA1A7EBE2043831F60081FDA778B8C5177F95F291BF0CB65D88AD62E0

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