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Also you've posted this in the Software Updates forum, where it clearly does not belong...

I'm sorry but I can't help this: if you'd ask a proper question I'd be glad to help you out, but this is just... sad. You can't expect anyone to actually know what you mean by this, can you?

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Chill out shought, he's just asking for some info. Although he should have been more specific with his needs. highmario, if you're going to post please do it in the correct section. Also, when posting use more descriptive words & refrain from using so many characters when only one is needed (?). Since I'm in a good mood I'll give you the info, but don't make a habit of this ok?

Read this description from Brothersoft

It wouldn't hurt you to google once in a while. The above was the first result...

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Take a look at the rules, especially this:

Furthermore requests for illegal materials are not permitted.

And I see you still haven't taken my advice. Click the google link again. Laziness will get you no where...

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Chill out shought, he's just asking for some info.

I'm not here to 'chill out'...

Take a look at the rules, especially this:
Furthermore requests for illegal materials are not permitted.

Also he didn't make any request, so according to the Forum Rules there was nothing wrong with this post. ;)

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Hello and welcome to nsane forums. :welcome:

We hope that you enjoy your stay here, and we encourage you to ask as many questions as you like, however please remember to take a look at the rules section for posting. Also don't worry too much about this incident, believe me lots of people make the mistake of asking for a crack or serial in their first post even though there is a note right on top every page that says

Please note: Requesting and posting links to illegal materials (including cracks, keygens and serial numbers) is not permitted. Further information is available in our forum rules.
I see you already apologised for it so let there be no hard feelings, I know you will remember to not do it again. :rolleyes:

Once again, welcome and enjoy your stay, also feel free to tell your friends about nsane forums.

A totally unrelated note: damn, I was too slow on the draw, shought beat me to the reply. lol. :cheers:

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@ Shought

Who scraped the icing off of your cupcake? ; & yeah he did, but he edited the post. Take a look.

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Of course I beat you, I'm fast as lightning :P

@Rock Lee

My bad ;) But I'm still not here to 'chill out'. (Been working +/- 8 hours a day for a whole week(no, not 5 days, 7), maybe that has something to do with it, I actually knew my reply kind of sucked, that's why I reconsidered it and made it a bit more acceptable, believe me, it was worse first(didn't post that one though, reconsidered before posting)).


Hope you're not really a guy with red pants who is high.

LeetPirate's reply is obviously a lot better than mine, so you'd better read his ;)

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@ Shought

Yeah I see how that can have you on edge. That's why I work nights, when I come home the only person to be mad at is myself :lol:

@ highmario

Yeah highmario, I apologize for my posting & shought's (he's just angry because someone put sandpaper on his toilet seat :P). :welcome: to the forums (you should've made an intro thread ;)), be sure to familarize yourself with the rules. They're really easy to follow.

Good luck :)

► Rock Lee - out.

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