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AnyDVD works in the background to automatically remove the copy protection of a DVD movie as soon as it's inserted into the drive, allowing you then to backup the movie using a DVD backup tool such as CloneDVD and CloneDVD mobile. You can also remove the RPC region code, thereby making the movie region free and viewable on any DVD player and with any DVD player software.


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Did you bought a "lifetime-key " once ?


Too bad for you ,coz Slysoft-licences dont work anymore on 8-version !

These mean "tricks" make people use patches,keygens and other medicins , or do you want to buy for second time a "lifetime-licence"...................?

It makes me feel f***** :angry::angry::angry::angry: grrrrrrrrrrr !

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54 minutes ago, Pete 12 said:

Did you bought a "lifetime-key " once ?


Too bad for you ,coz Slysoft-licences dont work anymore on 8-version !

These mean "tricks" make people use patches,keygens and other medicins , or do you want to buy for second time a "lifetime-licence"...................?

It makes me feel f***** :angry::angry::angry::angry: grrrrrrrrrrr !

Fortunately i'm not one of those people who bought a licence. I doubt that slysoft has made much money over the past few years as dvd sales have decreased significantly. I guess they thought creating a new company to get new licences paid for was their only option to survive.


Lets hope that BRD cracks this soon or someone else.

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"their only option to survive. " ?

If you have to survive in such an indecent way , by stealing and cheating honest people , youd better look for an other job !

Well, Im not surprised if you look at the RedFox-logo ...............this animal looks like a burglar , in fact he is one...............:angry:

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2 minutes ago, Chancer said:

If you bought a lifetime licence for 7, does it still work for 7?

Yes... There are NO licenses for 8 yet...  Only trial mode at the moment!

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Just now, buzz123 said:

Yes... There are NO licenses for 8 yet...  Only trial mode at the moment!

Then if it still works, you didn't get ripped off :-)

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Lifetime-licence = Lifetime-licence ,  right or not right ?


If right , and you have to pay again, then you are f**** , right.............. so you are indeed ripped off !


( btw, I only live once ,not twice ..........)

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2 hours ago, Pete 12 said:

Lifetime-licence = Lifetime-licence ,  right or not right ?


If right , and you have to pay again, then you are f**** , right.............. so you are indeed ripped off !


( btw, I only live once ,not twice ..........)

Ahhh, but there's the rub!  WHOSE lifetime?   Obviously, they meant Slysoft's, not YOURS! 

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duh y'all paid from SlySoft so RedFox is new name so pay new license under RedFox maybe in eventually directory folders registy entries etc will be in RedFox instead of SlySoft so I just don't understand why it haven't done it yet since it is version 8 now.

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I have lost lifetime Licenses for Admuncher, Outpost Firewall Pro and now Anydvd, it leaves me with a bitter feeling that Anydvd renamed and now requires new License, now I will be using DVDFab.

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15 hours ago, FunBoy87 said:

duh y'all paid from SlySoft so RedFox is new name so pay new license under RedFox maybe in eventually directory folders registy entries etc will be in RedFox instead of SlySoft so I just don't understand why it haven't done it yet since it is version 8 now. 2016 03 01
- AnyDVD reborn! SlySoft is dead, long live RedFox!
- This is an intermediate release, so old customers can continue
  to use their existing AnyDVD license to watch their discs.
- This version can access the new RedFox Online Protection Database
- This version will only work, if already own a valid AnyDVD license
- For compatibility with 3rd party programs, AnyDVD will still use "SlySoft"   for directories and registry paths
- It will replace an existing SlySoft AnyDVD installation
- New (Blu-ray): Support for new discs
- Some minor fixes and improvements

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9 hours ago, donaddams said:

I have lost lifetime Licenses for Admuncher, Outpost Firewall Pro and now Anydvd, it leaves me with a bitter feeling that Anydvd renamed and now requires new License, now I will be using DVDFab.

Also I lost these 3 legal licenses lifetime... Also the I send to them an idea and request to have the old customers a discount at least the compensation of $ 20 rather than the whole price, but not accepted the proposal so those who I call bringing such clients now and they gave up from AnyDVD.

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I too was not happy when I upgraded and noticed my "forever" license is now "trial".  I have a problem with any company selling lifetime licenses or support, etc when nothing lasts forever.  Long multi-year reasonable-cost licenses, sure, but not "forever".  Anydvd and associated suite of software I've used to the max for years, it's one of the very few things I went out of my way to support with my meager funds.  Dvdfab, eh, their pricing structure is way too high imo and I suspect most everyone elses opinion.  They have become a top "fix" target.  That tells you right off more people who could would buy it more if the price was more affordable.  If I were dvdfab, I'd think about coming down on licensing fees right now to get more legit licenses sold.  Btw I bow to you, mighty exe and dll fixers of dvdfab.  I owe you a drink or six of your choice any day :-) Dvdfab does some wonderful things with blurays and now x265 that are easy to do and way cool.  If it were a little less expensive, you would have a legit convert.  Anydvd has always been my go-to tool for difficult rips and the like.  It usually "just works" and when it did not, they were right on top of it.  I just know someone from the redfox mob reads around the boards, so I ask you guys to please consider your licensing and don't kick it way into the ionosphere now that you have a chance to blow up everyone's licenses and start over.  It'll keep your street cred high and more beer / food / cat food money coming in to the devs.  If you set a really high price, everyone will lose.  Its like the price for smokes: where I live they are insanely expensive but you can drive a couple of hours, load up the car, bring 'em back for 1/3 the price.  Lots of cars making that trip, I tell ya.  Gotta have that disc ripped err I mean cheaper smokes ;-)

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Disc are obsolete anyway. Usb is the way to go now. Most dvd players and pc's will use usb's now.

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The way I see it I would rather pay 60 bucks for a DVDFab Passkey life time license than pay a yearly subscription to Red Fox.
My only need is to create ISO's of DVD's put on USB Hard drive and play on media player. and the way I avoid the high cost of smokes is to grow my own.

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Good Lord, does anyone actually buy lifetime licenses ?  How many companies last for ever ? Did you really think they would last forever with such a big target on their backs..   I mean they break Bluray encryption.. The world police have ruled that illegal..

"mean tricks"... you mean AACS and their band of henchmen / lobbyists twisting the arms of foreign governments to do their bidding ? ( as in going after Fentgao and Slysoft ?.. yes "mean tricks" ).

I bought a new car .. came with lifetime oil changes offered by the dealership ....a number of years later ( after many free oil changes) dealership shut down and reopened under a new brand ( car maker) ... should they have to provide me with free oil changes for my VW even though they now sell Honda ?  ( They even have some of the same employees ... right .. those employees should pay for my oil changes out of their pockets...).. should I get a discount ? 

Some of the former employees got together and opened a new VW dealership , so that they would have a future ... should they now have to pay for my free oil changes ?  LOL  seriously .. that is how you think ??...   

Any don't try to to use that to justify using keygens and patches, you do or you don't. Saying's it because the new company won't honor another companies licenses is just a cop out.


Ummh I have a sneaky feeling that  DVDfab passkey only exists becasue of Anydvd....When was the last time you saw Passkey work before Anydvd fixed the latest AACS update for them ... coincidence ? mmmmh makes you wonder ,doesn't it ? 

So the way I figure it, you can pay Redfox now or pay them later ... and if not Redfox, who will work on AACS2.0 ?

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12 hours ago, SB7 said:

Good Lord, does anyone actually buy lifetime licenses ?  How many companies last for ever ? Did you really think they would last forever with such a big target on their backs..   I mean they break Bluray encryption.. The world police have ruled that illegal..

"mean tricks"... you mean AACS and their band of henchmen / lobbyists twisting the arms of foreign governments to do their bidding ? ( as in going after Fentgao and Slysoft ?.. yes "mean tricks" ).

I bought a new car .. came with lifetime oil changes offered by the dealership ....a number of years later ( after many free oil changes) dealership shut down and reopened under a new brand ( car maker) ... should they have to provide me with free oil changes for my VW even though they now sell Honda ?  ( They even have some of the same employees ... right .. those employees should pay for my oil changes out of their pockets...).. should I get a discount ? 

Some of the former employees got together and opened a new VW dealership , so that they would have a future ... should they now have to pay for my free oil changes ?  LOL  seriously .. that is how you think ??...   

Any don't try to to use that to justify using keygens and patches, you do or you don't. Saying's it because the new company won't honor another companies licenses is just a cop out.


Ummh I have a sneaky feeling that  DVDfab passkey only exists becasue of Anydvd....When was the last time you saw Passkey work before Anydvd fixed the latest AACS update for them ... coincidence ? mmmmh makes you wonder ,doesn't it ? 

So the way I figure it, you can pay Redfox now or pay them later ... and if not Redfox, who will work on AACS2.0 ?

I agreed I didn't pay lifetime at all but it wouldn't hurt for me to pay yearly subscription since I am getting high paid job so I will be fine so either yearly or lifetime is no problem for me but I think I know why guy is not happy with lifetime because they didn't update new versions till next week or 2 weeks usually so why not selling prepaid just like Collectorz products? like 3, 6, 9, or 1 year prepaid versions?

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