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IRAN says Obama Told Us Keep Missile Tests Secret...


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IRAN says Obama Told Us Keep Missile Tests Secret...  :lol:


Iranian Military Officials Says Obama Told Them to Keep Missile Tests a Secret

“We all know the Iran nuclear deal made by President Obama is a total disaster and massive threat to our national security, but I don't think we really know just how awful this thing truly is.


However, if what an Iranian military commander claims is true, it's absolutely frightening and sickening at…” -


“Iranian Military Officials Says Obama Told Them To Keep Missile Tests A Secret”. Below is an excerpt from the article. Let us know what you think in the comments.


    We all know the Iran nuclear deal made by President Obama is a total disaster and massive threat to our national security, but I don’t think we really know just how awful this thing truly is.


    However, if what an Iranian military commander claims is true, it’s absolutely frightening and sickening at the same time.


    A senior Iranian military commander claimed that U.S. officials are quietly encouraging the Islamic Republic to keep its illicit ballistic missile tests a secret so as not to raise concerns in the region, according to Persian language comments.


    Amir Ali Hajizadeh, commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps’ Aerospace and Missile Force, said in recent remarks that the Obama administration does not want Iran to publicize its ongoing missile tests, which have raised questions about the Islamic Republic’s commitment to last summer’s comprehensive nuclear agreement.


    “At this time, the Americans are telling [us]: ‘Don’t talk about missile affairs, and if you conduct a test or maneuver, don’t mention it,’” Hajizadeh was quoted as saying during a recent Persian-language speech that was translated by the Middle East Media Research Institute.






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Just so you guys know, MEMRI is run by the Mosad,Yigal Carmon its founder and President was a Colonel in the Military Intelligence Directorate in the IDF, he has also committed countless war crimes and crimes against humanity when he was the Israeli Acting Head of Civil Administration in the occupied West Bank.



MEMRI is notorious for the production and dissemination of incomplete translations and by selectively translating views of its opponents.

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5 hours ago, onlyme2 said:

Just so you guys know


Who cares.  Lies, incomplete translations, disinformation, it is all politics and governments do what governments do.

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3 hours ago, straycat19 said:


Who cares.





At least eight million displaced Palestinian refugees who were driven out at gun point from their homeland (which happens to be the last occupied country in the history of humanity), along with another three million who are still living under occupation in the West Bank (who happen to be used as target practice on a daily basis), add to above two more million Palestinians living as fifth rate citizens in Israel itself, do care.

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5 hours ago, straycat19 said:


Who cares.  Lies, incomplete translations, disinformation, it is all politics and governments do what governments do.


they exactly want to make citizens careless, like you, so they can do whatever they want. it makes US citizens stupid..dont you get it? whatever they do they're sure there won't be any riot or revolution because they got people busy enough with stupid stuff already

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