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by Adam Alessandrini


* * *

Pirate, Bandit, Raider, Thief… Hacker. As the times change so does the moniker, but the underlying concept is
the same. You’ve got something valuable–maybe even only to you–and you’re willing to pay money to protect
it or get it back if stolen.


 In the last 5 years, cybercrime has gone pro. Instead of robbing a bank, why not get the bank to send you their
funds without them even being the wiser? Instead of stealing company data, what if you could just have the
person stick them in a safe that only the criminal knows the combination to, then ransom the combination. It
really is that easy. It is the Internet “Wild Wild West” right now in terms of cybercrime and it’s every user’s
responsibility to be aware of the dangers and to take steps to protect yourself and your company’s assets.




               TABLE OF CONTENS :


                 1. What is Ransomware?
                      a. Ransomware
                      b. Bitcoins
                      c. TOR

                2. Am I Infected?
                      a. Symptoms
                      b. Infection Vectors
                3. I’m Infected, Now What?
                      a. Disconnect!
                      b. Determine the Scope
                      c. What Strain of Ransomware?
                      d. Evaluate Your Responses: Restore, Decrypt, Do Nothing
                  4. Negotiate/Pay Ransom
                       e. First Response: Restore From Backup/Shadow Volume
                       f. Second Response: Try to Decrypt
                       g. Third Response: Do Nothing (Lose Files)
                       h. Fourth Response: Negotiate / Pay the Ransom
                       i. Ransomware Attack Response Checklist
                   5. Protecting Yourself in the Future
                        a. Defense in Depth
                        b. Security Awareness Training
                        c. Simulated Attacks
                        d. Antivirus, Antispam, Firewalls
                        e. Backups
                 6. Resources
                        a. Ransomware Attack Response Checklist
                        b. Ransomware Prevention Checklist



 Download (PDF) :    https://www.datafilehost.com/d/63ded59e



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