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78-year-old CNY woman beaten so badly...


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78-year-old CNY woman beaten so badly...


she doesn't recall her kids, 4-decade marriage...





 This hospital photo of Elanora Herzog, 78, was provided by her daughter to show how badly the elderly woman was beaten during a New Year's Day 2016 attack on the city's North Side. The port in the victim's head was added by doctors to drain blood after the assault. Herzog does not remember her family anymore.

On May 03, 2016 at 11:33 AM, updated May 03, 2016 at 9:33 PM

Elderly woman Elanora Herzog is pictured with her late husband, William, in this undated photo.Provided by family


Syracuse, NY – Elanora Herzog took care of herself for 19 years after her husband died. In that time, she survived two heart attacks and two bouts of breast cancer and continued living on her own, her children said.


The 78-year-old woman still drove, kept doctor's appointments, shopped and managed her finances. She even found a boyfriend six years ago. They were inseparable, said daughter Marchell Casolare.


But on New Year's Day, Herzog was walking alone on Syracuse's North Side to get coffee when she was brutally beaten.


Now, she doesn't remember any of her nine children, ranging in age from early 40s to late 50s. She doesn't remember her marriage of more than 40 years to the late William Herzog, her children said.


"She doesn't know any of her kids," son William Herzog Jr. said. "She doesn't remember her boyfriend. She doesn't really remember anyone."


"She doesn't hardly talk anymore," Casolare added.


Syracuse police arrested a convicted killer, Willie McKee, and charged him with the unprovoked attack in the 1600 block of Lodi Street. Herzog's stolen purse was found with the suspect, who was caught minutes later a block away on Ash Street.


The attack left Herzog crumpled in the street. She was stomped on, leaving footprints on both sides of her face, Casolare said. Both of her eye lids were left purple and swollen shut. The beating caused brain damage to the left side of her head and a hematoma – blood clotting – in the right side.


The beating fractured the woman's ear drums, left eye socket, jaw, nose and cheeks, her daughter said. Herzog spent 3 months in the hospital. Doctors put a drain in her skull to release the blood.

"It just takes this monster to ruin her whole life," Casolare said.


Herzog will never return to her North Side home, her family believes. "There's no way," Casolare said. She's been in a nursing home since leaving the hospital.


The family has taken an active role in the accused attacker's court case. Three of the children came to court last week with their families for McKee's hearing.


McKee, who spent 18 years in prison for killing a woman with a two-by-four, told arresting officers that the elderly woman owed him money for drugs as a supposed rationale for the beating. Herzog's family scoffed at that suggestion.


"My mother has never even taken a painkiller," Casolare said. Her mother's biggest vice? Smoking.


Assistant District Attorney Anthony Germano said there's no evidence that McKee knew the victim before the attack.


Police: Convicted killer claims 78-year-old woman robbed and beaten 'owed me money'


Willie McKee faces 25 years in prison if convicted of a vicious attack on an elderly North Side woman.


Casolare said her family spoke about her mother's beating to raise awareness about the dangers elderly face. They provided photos of Herzog before and after the beating.


"There are people out there that can get hurt really bad," she said. "It's scary. My mother lived there almost 12 years. She walked those streets every day."




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I like the comment in Original post:


"Thank god the Northside isn't burning."


It was a white woman that's why its not!

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There are no words in any language to describe the "person" that carried out this attack. These acts are prevalent not only in the USA but in all countries where the drug culture is spawned. Personally I'd put all junkie scum on an island with a big sack of heroin and say "there you go, knock yourselves out guys", then leave them to overdose. I have zero sympathy for drug addicts, and even less for those who sell the stuff. They ridiculed the "Just say no" campaign and mocked society for its attempts to deal with drug abuse..the same society that has to support them with therapy, drug substitutes like Methadone, doctors' time being taken up by them, an increase in crime from burglary to murder. They made the conscious decision to start taking drugs, nobody forced them, and they laugh at us for being "square" because we don't follow suit. They laugh at us , but it's our taxes that have to pay for their treatment and the trail of damaged lives they leave behind in their desire for a "high".

You would think that with all the examples of tragically lost lives that are reported everywhere, every day on TV and in the press that there would be no new addicts, but they don't heed the warning, they just want what they want..and innocent old women like this one have to pay the price. It's about time some politician with guts spoke up and stopped allowing these people to be treated with sympathy as if an act of God struck them down with an illness. They are a drain on the health services of our countries and a blight on society.

I have seen my home town suffer the effects of these scumbags and become unrecognizable from the place where I grew up, in a time when the word "drugs" was associated with doctors and hospitals 

Oh, and before someone attacks me with "so we shouldn't treat alcoholics etc". ...don't bother, this is specifically about junkies and has no connection with other addictions. I'm not usually so serious in my posts, but three weeks ago a 30 something year old junkie (a few days out of "rehab") forced his way into my 85 year old mother's home at 2:20 in the afternoon, knocking her onto the floor. This was after asking her "Is your son home?'".(because a few minutes earlier he had knocked on the door of an 88 year old woman and was talking to her at her door when her adult son appeared and told him to "f*ck off").When she looked up she saw he was locking her door from the inside...fear and adrenaline kicked in and she got up and ran through the house to the back kitchen and out into the street. Some neighbours came and the piece of human filth was caught in my mother's kitchen. The police came and arrested him and took him away. His lawyer pleaded him "not guilty" to the charges of forced entry with intent  to commit...what??...and he's out on bail. Meanwhile, the day after the attack my mother was hospitalized with back injuries where she hit the hall table when he pushed the door open. Both her legs swelled up, probably due to her fleeing from him, and other complications. So spare me the sob stories about junkies...the only good one is a ...you know the rest.:angry::angry::angry:


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