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[Book Review] What are you reading?


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Can't seem to be able to find a similar topic, so I thought I should start one.

What am I reading, currently, recently finished and about to start.

Good question I will answer it.


I am currently on John Grisham's, The Runaway Jury.


I just finished, a book written with reference to Michel Foucault (Foo-Co). Foucault and Theology (Philosophy and Theology) by Jonathan Tran.

Umbereto Eco, The Care of The Self, Madness and Civilization and Foucault Feminism I am going to do all together, so five (5) reads in a few sittings.
I am also going to read, War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy, been meaning to start it, (it is currently in the post,) for many years.
Took me twenty (10) years I think to finally get around to reading a Pelican Brief, brilliant read.
So does anyone have any good reads on Theology and Philosophy, with respect to education, for my partner, or some other Theology and Philosophy, by others.
My science and sports are at level A, my English language I got a C g.c.s.e, so I want to improve my English language skills and have different conversations, other than, ''alright, did you see the match last night,
what was Wenger thinking bringing on Walcott that early''!
Or listening to people whine on about the same crap they watch on T.V. night after night after night.
I dare tell them I only watch T.V. for sports, news or repeats of Porridge.
Otherwise, I listen to L.B.C. from 04:00 a.m. then Classic F.M. from 07:00 a.m. till 17:00.
They might think I am odd, laughs out loud!


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For me I currently reading light Novel  ピリオドからはじまる魔導機書


Sorry I don' know how to say the name in English :huh:




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There is/was in fact a thread already started some time ago. No one seemed much interested here in adding anything  to it. It died...


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2 hours ago, Akaneharuka said:

For me I currently reading light Novel  ピリオドからはじまる魔導機書


Sorry I don' know how to say the name in English :huh:




Looks like Manga, my daughter reads loads of those types of books.

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Currently rereading Hermann Hesse's  "The Glass Bead Game"  (German: Das Glasperlenspiel), which was Hesse's last novel, the book portrays the essence of Hesse's philosophical and spiritual conclusions and insights into the condition of the human race.

I first read "The Glass Bead Game" over twenty years ago, and made a mental decision then, to read it again in a few years time, it is the kind of book that matures as one gains better insights and understandings of life.

Before The Glass Bead Game I came across a new (to me at least) contemporary writer who's name is Rawi Hage who comes from Lebanon/Canada. I read somewhere a review of his first book titled "Deniro's Game" and thought I'd give it a shot, after reading maybe 30 pages of it, I decided to search for other works by Hage, I was that impressed, I ended up getting his other two published books "Cockroach" and "Carnival", and read all three back to back.

Hage style is lyrical in an indirect way, and very accessible, jam packed with ideas and black humor, a breath of fresh air in our current best seller of the week literary culture, I would imagine if Hage keeps it up he will become one of the twenty first century's great writers.

As to what book to start on next, I am not so sure, I have a house full of books waiting to be read or reread.

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War and Peace arrived yesterday, nine hundred and ninety four (994) pages to read.

Pelican Brief was the longest book I think I read before.


I started on Madness and Civilization by Foucault, interesting few chapters.

I am already on Runaway Jury, answers seem to be give away in first chapter.

I won't tell any plots as others might want a read of the books mentioned.

Other books, will (when got a break today) read at least their first chapter.


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