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Dead could be brought 'back to life'...


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Dead could be brought 'back to life'...

in groundbreaking project  





A groundbreaking trial to see if it is possible to regenerate the brains of dead people, has won approval from health watchdogs.


A biotech company in the US has been granted ethical permission to recruit 20 patients who have been declared clinically dead from a traumatic brain injury, to test whether parts of their central nervous system can be brought back to life.



Scientists will use a combination of therapies, which include injecting the brain with stem cells and a cocktail of peptides, as well as deploying lasers and nerve stimulation techniques which have been shown to bring patients out of comas.


The trial participants will have been certified dead and only kept alive through life support. They will be monitored for several months using brain imaging equipment to look for signs of regeneration, particularly in the upper spinal cord - the lowest region of the brain stem which controls independent breathing and heartbeat.


The team believes that the brain stem cells may be able to erase their history and re-start life again, based on their surrounding tissue – a process seen in the animal kingdom in creatures like salamanders who can regrow entire limbs.



Dr Ira Pastor, the CEO of Bioquark Inc. said: “This represents the first trial of its kind and another step towards the eventual reversal of death in our lifetime.


“We just received approval for our first 20 subjects and we hope to start recruiting patients immediately from this first site – we are working with the hospital now to identify families where there may be a religious or medical barrier to organ donation.


"To undertake such a complex initiative, we are combining biologic regenerative medicine tools with other existing medical devices typically used for stimulation of the central nervous system, in patients with other severe disorders of consciousness.


 “We hope to see results within the first two to three months."


The patients will be monitored using MRI scans for several months  Credit: Chronis Jons


The ReAnima Project has just received approach from an Institutional Review Board at the National Institutes of Health in the US and in India, and the team plans to start recruiting patients immediately.


The first stage, named 'First In Human Neuro-Regeneration & Neuro-Reanimation' will be a non-randomised, single group 'proof of concept' and will take place at Anupam Hospital in Rudrapur, Uttarakhand India.


The peptides will be administered into the spinal cord daily via a pump, with the stem cells given bi-weekly, over the course of a 6 week period.


Dr Pastor added: "It is a long term vision of ours that a full recovery in such patients is a possibility, although that is not the focus of this first study – but it is a bridge to that eventuality."


Brain stem death is when a person no longer has any brain stem functions, and has permanently lost the potential for consciousness and the capacity to breathe.


A person is confirmed as being dead when their brain stem function is permanently lost.


However, although brain dead humans are technically no longer alive, their bodies can often still circulate blood, digest food, excrete waste, balance hormones, grow, sexually mature, heal wounds, spike a fever, and gestate and deliver a baby.


Recent studies have also suggested that some electrical activity and blood flow continues after brain cell death, just not enough to allow for the whole body to function.


And while human beings lack substantial regenerative capabilities in the central nervous system, many non-human species, such as amphibians and certain fish, can repair, regenerate and remodel substantial portions of their brain and brain stem even after critical life-threatening trauma.


“Through our study, we will gain unique insights into the state of human brain death, which will have important connections to future therapeutic development for other severe disorders of consciousness, such as coma, and the vegetative and minimally conscious states, as well as a range of degenerative CNS conditions, including Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease,” added Dr Sergei Paylian, Founder, President, and Chief Science Officer of Bioquark Inc.


Commenting on the trial, Dr Dean Burnett, a neuroscientist at the Cardiff University’s Centre for Medical Education said: “While there have been numerous demonstrations in recent years that the human brain and nervous system may not be as fixed and irreparable as is typically assumed, the idea that brain death could be easily reversed seems very far-fetched, given our current abilities and understanding of neuroscience.


“Saving individual parts might be helpful but it's a long way from resurrecting a whole working brain, in a functional, undamaged state.”






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I really can't decide if this is a "good thing" or "a bad thing". Assuming we have a "soul" or some other kind of undetected life-force or spark that kick starts a living being, it may have left the deceased body and the question then is "What are we left with?"..some kind of zombie? Maybe it's better not to know.

Also, even more worrying, what happens if a person who has been clinically brain dead for many months is then brought back to life using the above methods? Will they have any memory of the afterlife..if there is one? Imagine the implications for all of the world's disparate Religions!!! Imagine the panic if he describes something that scares the bejeezus out of people.

Doctor Melisandre I presume?:D:D:D

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We are just organic robots, what has been described as soul is the software inside us and our body is the hardware. Few moments from our death this software leaves our body and returns to the central server. This is the reason people experiencing near death situation find themselves travelling through a black cave. We are progremmed this way. Unless we find the process to stop this exodus, we may not be able to resurrect the dead.

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10 hours ago, funkyy said:

I really can't decide if this is a "good thing" or "a bad thing". Assuming we have a "soul"


Working on a faulty and nonsensical assumption is never a good way to make decisions.


All that we are is our brain.  Our body is just an extension.   If brain can be revived so are you.   Obviously brain damage is a possibility which would lead to you not being same person.  For example personality change etc.

The concept or even consideration of a "soul" is just utterly absurd,  childish and belongs back in days of ignorance where people didn't even know where sun went at night and thought world was flat.

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We do have a soul I respectfully agree to disagree.  Are bodies are like drones like a virtual body I guess you could say like a robot a guy I used to be friends with used to say to his son we run off batteries and eventually those batteries are going to run out (this is under the assumption that we are like robots we have cars that rely on gasoline and we are going to have cars in the future that are electric and unfortunately some genius came up with hybrids which I think are a joke).  I think the ones that believe we dont have a soul are with all do respect close minded.  If you think we dont have a soul you dont know science.  Are bodies are made up of energy and energy doesnt dissipate its transferred I think there may be some place else we go to when we die.

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21 minutes ago, GRiM said:


Working on a faulty and nonsensical assumption is never a good way to make decisions.


All that we are is our brain.  Our body is just an extension.   If brain can be revived so are you.   Obviously brain damage is a possibility which would lead to you not being same person.  For example personality change etc.

The concept or even consideration of a "soul" is just utterly absurd,  childish and belongs back in days of ignorance where people didn't even know where sun went at night and thought world was flat.


And you found out all that information that we don't possess a soul on your own? 


wanna know what is ignorance, childish and absurd? talking about something uncertain with 100% certainty.

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2 minutes ago, saeed_dc said:


And you found out all that information that we don't possess a soul on your own? 


wanna know what is ignorance, childish and absurd? talking about something uncertain with 100% certainty.


16 minutes ago, Holmes said:

We do have a soul I respectfully agree to disagree.  Are bodies are like drones like a virtual body I guess you could say like a robot a guy I used to be friends with used to say to his son we run off batteries and eventually those batteries are going to run out (this is under the assumption that we are like robots we have cars that rely on gasoline and we are going to have cars in the future that are electric and unfortunately some genius came up with hybrids which I think are a joke).  I think the ones that believe we dont have a soul are with all do respect close minded.  If you think we dont have a soul you dont know science.  Are bodies are made up of energy and energy doesnt dissipate its transferred I think there may be some place else we go to when we die.



Energy in your body is not YOU.    You are your brain,  your personality is from your brain,  not electrical/energy in your body.  Yes all bodies have energy,  that's not even a question.  Energy just transforms into one form or other.   That has nothing to do with your personality or who you are as a person.

If you moved electricity from one PC to another PC would you be moving the PC memory/software?  No you wouldn't.


All you're trying to do is add a "soul" label to body's energy with no real meaning/definition.    What you're saying is nonsensical.  For example if you die and then frozen and later revived in 100 years because of breakthrough,  what happened to this so called "soul"  did it go "some place else" and now you're alive again with no "soul" or "energy".

People make these stories up because it makes it easier for them.  It's just a psychological comfort blanket.

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24 minutes ago, GRiM said:




Energy in your body is not YOU.    You are your brain,  your personality is from your brain,  not electrical/energy in your body.  Yes all bodies have energy,  that's not even a question.  Energy just transforms into one form or other.   That has nothing to do with your personality or who you are as a person.

If you moved electricity from one PC to another PC would you be moving the PC memory/software?  No you wouldn't.


All you're trying to do is add a "soul" label to body's energy with no real meaning/definition.    What you're saying is nonsensical.  For example if you die and then frozen and later revived in 100 years because of breakthrough,  what happened to this so called "soul"  did it go "some place else" and now you're alive again with no "soul" or "energy".

People make these stories up because it makes it easier for them.  It's just a psychological comfort blanket.


that's somehow correct but doesn't explain why we should believe whether the soul exists or not.

our body controls our personality, we have energy in our body Kinetic and Potential energy, so what? there's no relation between those two subjects.


the brain is an important part but without a beating heart it's as useless as other parts of the body.


that is really nonsensical! when you die so you're dead, you don't revive some years later. (unless there be a Jesus Christ)


I don't think they make them up for their comfort, making things like this up only makes it more complicated. 

those who ignore it like when atheists say they don't believe in God and respectively in soul they want more comfort.


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5 minutes ago, saeed_dc said:


that's somehow correct but doesn't explain why we should believe whether the soul exists or not.

our body controls our personality, we have energy in our body Kinetic and Potential energy, so what? there's no relation between those two subjects.


the brain is an important part but without a beating heart it's as useless as other parts of the body.


that is really nonsensical! when you die so you're dead, you don't revive some years later. (unless there be a Jesus Christ)


I don't think they make them up for their comfort, making things like this up only makes it more complicated. 

those who ignore it like when atheists say they don't believe in God and respectively in soul they want more comfort.



Your BRAIN controls/is your personality not body.  My point is what exactly are you defining as a "soul"?    If you're saying the body's "energy" then basically any electrical item also has a "soul".   If you mean personality/memory then that is not a soul,  that is part of your brain.

"that is really nonsensical! when you die so you're dead, you don't revive some years later."
Ok you obviously missed my point here or it went over your head.  My point is that at some point in future we will be able to cure and repair bodies much better than we can today.  So for example when we're able to revive somebody who has been Cryogenically frozen for 100 years,  where has this magic "soul" gone or did it return etc.

The fact is that you can be revived from death today in circumstances that were not possible 100's of years ago.    So when these people die then get revived later it's same scenario as if they get revived 100 years later.

Your last paragraph made absolutely no sense.  An Atheist is simply somebody who doesn't believe in God for same reason any other person doesn't believe in Unicorns.  It has nothing to do with comfort.   Religion gives people comfort because it fills in blanks of things they do not understand with things that make them feel better or feel safer.   Religions started to fill in blanks and create community.

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11 minutes ago, GRiM said:


Your BRAIN controls/is your personality not body.  My point is what exactly are you defining as a "soul"?    If you're saying the body's "energy" then basically any electrical item also has a "soul".   If you mean personality/memory then that is not a soul,  that is part of your brain.

"that is really nonsensical! when you die so you're dead, you don't revive some years later."
Ok you obviously missed my point here or it went over your head.  My point is that at some point in future we will be able to cure and repair bodies much better than we can today.  So for example when we're able to revive somebody who has been Cryogenically frozen for 100 years,  where has this magic "soul" gone or did it return etc.

The fact is that you can be revived from death today in circumstances that were not possible 100's of years ago.    So when these people die then get revived later it's same scenario as if they get revived 100 years later.

Your last paragraph made absolutely no sense.  An Atheist is simply somebody who doesn't believe in God for same reason any other person doesn't believe in Unicorns.  It has nothing to do with comfort.   Religion gives people comfort because it fills in blanks of things they do not understand with things that make them feel better or feel safer.   Religions started to fill in blanks and create community.


If there is no soul then there is no afterlife and when we die it's all over and whatever we did in this world, good or bad, is left in this world and nobody is going to pay for what he/she did. then what was the point of creating humans in the first place?


when did you see doctors could've revived a Cryogenically frozen person after 100 years? 


when you're dead, when your heart stops beating for a specified period of time you're officially dead (your brain cells are dead too) and can not be revived. you're welcome to prove me wrong though.


you're saying that a unicorn is equal to the God in terms of definitions yet you call my paragraphs nonsense? Lol.

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10 minutes ago, saeed_dc said:


when did you see doctors could've revived a Cryogenically frozen person after 100 years? 


when you're dead, when your heart stops beating for a specified period of time you're officially dead (your brain cells are dead too) and can not be revived. you're welcome to prove me wrong though.


you're saying that a unicorn is equal to the God in terms of definitions yet you call my paragraphs nonsense? Lol.


I'm not saying they can now,  I'm giving you a hypothetical situation.  It's not a matter of if but when.

You can be officially "dead" and still be revived.    However after some time without oxygen brain death occurs.  That is the whole point of the article in question.  They're experimenting with reviving people who are brain dead.   People 100 years ago could not be revived with technology/knowledge back then.  Today is a different story, people are revived from death all the time.


Yet again you have completely misunderstood.   I was explaining to you that people who do not believe in God, do not believe in a God for same reason people do not believe in Unicorns.  If you can not understand this then I'm not sure what else to tell you.   You do not believe in Unicorns because there is no evidence and no reason for you to believe otherwise.  That is same for people who do  not believe in God.  There is zero evidence or any logical reason to just believe.


"When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss" - Stephen F Roberts

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18 minutes ago, GRiM said:


I'm not saying they can now,  I'm giving you a hypothetical situation.  It's not a matter of if but when.

You can be officially "dead" and still be revived.    However after some time without oxygen brain death occurs.  That is the whole point of the article in question.  They're experimenting with reviving people who are brain dead.   People 100 years ago could not be revived with technology/knowledge back then.  Today is a different story, people are revived from death all the time.


Yet again you have completely misunderstood.   I was explaining to you that people who do not believe in God, do not believe in a God for same reason people do not believe in Unicorns.  If you can not understand this then I'm not sure what else to tell you.   You do not believe in Unicorns because there is no evidence and no reason for you to believe otherwise.  That is same for people who do  not believe in God.  There is zero evidence or any logical reason to just believe.


"When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss" - Stephen F Roberts


if they revive from death then their soul is still in their body, if it doesn't be they will be just body.


when you can't see something doesn't mean that it doesn't exist. there are logical reasons for the idea that God does exist. you aren't scared of reading Quran, are you?


why don't you ask your dear Stephen now that he's dead as an atheist, he still thinks God and soul doesn't exist? ;) 


"Does man think that he will be left neglected?" Al ghyame


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You sound like a atheist I workked with at one time you cant touch taste feel or see god so he must not exist you can say the same **** for love people fall in love all the time they have chemistry they jjust clickk you cant feel smell or see love it must not exist wrong.  There is no evidence or logical reason to just believe its called hope faith.  Unfortunately arguing with a atheist is completely useless there never going to see your point of view and your never going to see theres.  Does that make them or you wrong or right no it just means you cant see eye to eye and sometimes that happens likkke I said before I respectfully agree to disagree we do have a soul just because you cant see feel or hear it doesnt mean it doesnt exist.

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2 minutes ago, saeed_dc said:


if they revive from death then their soul is still in their body, if it doesn't be they will be just body.


when you can't see something doesn't mean that it doesn't exist. there are logical reasons for the idea that God does exist. you aren't scared of reading Quran, are you?


why don't you ask your dear Stephen now that he's dead as an atheist, he still thinks God and soul doesn't exist? ;) 


"Does man think that he will be left neglected?" Al ghyame



And what time-frame does this soul leave body then?  What if somebody was revived a 100 years later after they died,  what point does soul leave?   Do you get my point?     If your soul leaves body when you die,  what happens when people are revived after death.


Stephen who is dead as an Atheist?

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No one knows what happens when you die because no one has died and came back to life to tell about it.  If someone has and they told someone about it we our scientists passed it off as something else because we dont understand yet this project is going to help contribute to that knowledge.

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3 minutes ago, GRiM said:


And what time-frame does this soul leave body then?  What if somebody was revived a 100 years later after they died,  what point does soul leave?   Do you get my point?     If your soul leaves body when you die,  what happens when people are revived after death.


Stephen who is dead as an Atheist?


I'm a Physicist, not a doctor, but I can say that a decompositioned body has already lost its soul. there is still a chance to revive even after few days your heart stops beating or we think it's stop beating, but after few months being buried deep in the ground then it's very unlikely to be revived and soul must have left the body before decompositioning starts.


I don't know much about his personal preferences but his quotes seem mostly atheistic



1 minute ago, Holmes said:

No one knows what happens when you die because no one has died and came back to life to tell about it.



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Phew!!..I seem to have kicked a hornets' nest with my post last night. @GRIM, I wasn't saying there is or there isn't a soul inside us, I was just contemplating the two possibilities (i.e. either there is or there isn't) and what happens with a revived body if there is one, and what happens with a revived body if there isn't. It is true that many people use their belief in God as a "comfort blanket", but equally there are many people who truly believe in their God. I don't go to church (funerals and weddings excepted), I used the term "soul" because it was the most convenient one word description for what may make us special...special in the sense that we hunger and strive for knowledge and answers unlike the other species that inhabit our planet. I don't believe that when I die I will wake up to see a guy with a long white beard, angels with wings, and untold billions of us walking in a beautiful sunny landscape. BUT I MAY BE WRONG!!! The one thing I will not and cannot accept is that when we die there is nothing. I don't know for sure what awaits us, nobody does, but I believe there is something...and I believe the guy with the long white beard will forgive me if it's him!! :D:D:D

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In every religion from ancient times there has been a concept of soul, and it has been said that the soul never dies. We have software inside our computers and mobiles. We can easily create a backup of the software and the documents that we have. It lives for ever. Then, if some time our computer or mobile breaks down then we can restore the software and the data back to a new device an we get a nearly identical device. Its the same for Humans. Our soul has a backup somewhere and it gets a final (incremental) backup  just after we die. If the software doesn't get back to the central server just after we die then it may get corrupted. But the question is that why this backup made. May be its used somewhere else. There is a possibility of eternal life, but thats going to be in a very different way. I will tell about some more interesting aspects of Human life later on.






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People still believing in god, souls and all that shit. Your type are partly the ones holding our species back from greatness. Life and death isn't 'Sunshine, Lollipops And Rainbows'. Religion and the possibility of life after death is made up for two reasons. 1) It was early law and order. 2) Death scares us. We're lied to at an early age when someone/thing dies to make us feel better. Comfort blanket white lies as mentioned.




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Religion is like language, every body is saying the same thing but in a different way. Science is also another language. God can be termed as the creator, the creator of Us, may not be the creator of universe. Also God is termed differently by different people, its like calling the same person with different names. This doesn't change the person. I am called by different names but that doesn't change me.

Religion was like science today, it was the tool to make people understand very complex things about the Universe, but it couldn't explain everything, the same is with modern science.  Our science has lot of flaws, it can depict the reality of the universe. 

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