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Is your spouse cheating ?


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Is your spouse cheating ?


Smart mattress lets you know if your partner is cheating


A Spanish company has created a hi-tech mattress intended to tell the buyer whether their partner is being unfaithful in the conjugal bed when left alone at home.


The “Smarttress” looks like any other mattress, but the manufacturer says that its concealed sensors detect suspicious movements in the bed.


If the pressure matches algorithms based on research carried out on sexual motions, the worried partner will receive a warning on his or her mobile phone.


“If your partner isn’t faithful, then at least your mattress will be,” is the slogan being used by the bed maker Durmet.


“You can’t imagine the tests we have done to make sure the system works correctly”
Iván Miranda



With surveys suggesting that Spaniards are among the most unfaithful lovers in the world,  company spokesman José Antonio Muiño said the Smarttress had a public service to fulfil.


The latest figures from extramarital affairs website Ashley Madison put the number of subscribers in Spain at over a million, with men having an average of 2.4 secret affairs each year, compared with 1.3 for women.


“Seeing the latest research on infidelity in Spain and considering that 94 per cent of Spaniards’ preferred place for love-making was in their own home, we thought we could give peace of mind to men and women, not only at night, but also during the day when they have to go out to work,” he said.


According to one of the engineers who developed the so-called Lover Detection System, when the ultrasonic sensors inside the mattress detect rhythmic movements, the communication system sends information to a server.


“If it detects suspicious activity regarding time of use, frequency, intensity or speed, it sends a notification to the phone terminal with which it is linked," said Iván Miranda.


Durmet say the technology is so advanced that the jealous app user will be able to see in real time what parts of the bed are seeing the most activity, giving him or her a mental picture of exactly what their partner is up to.


“You can’t imagine the tests we have done to make sure the system works correctly,” laughed Mr Miranda, explaining that the mattress can distinguish between, say, a pet dog jumping onto the bed and the sensual movements of a furtive lover.


The cost of a basic double-bed size Smarttress is around £1,200.





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5 hours ago, humble3d said:

“You can’t imagine the tests we have done to make sure the system works correctly”

Yes I can ....


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I think she is. She always gets  Boardwalk and Park Place :)

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