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Best Internet Accelerators


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Which is the best internet accelerator, or a combination of connection boosting utilities.

respect to the guru's

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i pay for 512kb/s and am getting 0.24mb/s at down.

i have installd cfospeed and it has improved performance.

can i use tcpoptimizer and cablenut along with it?

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I'm not sure.

I have used TCP Optimizer in the past, but I think CableNut is much easier to use.

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I would follow a few steps for the 'AVERAGE' connection out there.. to make sure you have everything in order before you start hacking and patching your system...

1. If you are connecting with a router...or other device..anything in between your system and the place in the wall where it comes in. Make sure you have went through your settings for the device. Make sure you have the most recent version of firmware. There are also a few 'custom' firmwares available out there.. I would be careful because you can brick your device. Make sure you have the proper numbers together to identify it beforehand and make sure you follow the instructions carefully. When you go into the settings make sure your using WPA encryption to protect your bandwidth from being used by ANY outsider, not to mention this opens a HUGE vulnerability on your network.. especially if you have a typical system set up with default with a NetBIOS running sharing various files.. You can also be hacked much easier...just isn't smart. Make sure you adjust your settings to enable the device to perform at its optimum.. Sometimes this can be trial and error..Some settings will vary depending on the environment..( walls, type of walls...other structures.. ) especially when dealing with wireless.. Some have settings for channel and strength...various other settings.. the best way is to work along side a tab in which you can research anything you do not understand.. or even question...and don't forget about interference from other things in your home..

2. Make sure you have the most current drivers for network card(s). These sometimes can keep your connection from being stable and performing as it should. Make sure all connections are hooked in well...There can also be 'NOISE' or interference that can occur if you run your network lines parallel to other power sources/lines so make sure your have DSL filters in place, and that you do not span more than a 3-4 foot section alongside others...

3.cFosspeed.. one of my favorite programs..( I would stick with it ) I like being able to prioritize various protocols and programs..Does it all really..for me... It offers a lot of useful features, like an additional firewall, and Layer-7 Protocol Detection. Several others.. Plus there is an optimization that is done when it is installed. Something about opening the TCP window.. Its fully described on the main site.

I use WinPcap.. I am not for sure if this speeds up my connection or not .. but I know I use it..uhh hmm

Half-Open Limit Fix I believe will do this as well.

SEConfig XP is a nice little program that lets you change a few settings that CAN in some case optimize the activity going on, on your network.

I actually disable most services which are not necessary to my current usages of my network. Therefore I have less being polled/requested/randomly updated/less vulnerabilities... My router configuration also allows me to choose two levels of firewalls, including one which enables me to completely disable or control in/out flow of various protocols..A lot of people have that option.. but don't even know it.. in fact some don't even protect it with encryption.

You can also use something like OpenDNS.com for your DNS server, depending on your service, it can be a lot faster. Completely free.. good options..

Peer Guardian is a good software to keep crap from slowing down your connection from various places...I mean you spend the time to make sure your line is running as smooth as possible and what happens, someone starts putting CRAP resources on all the pages we view..POKIN' around polling for info... I mean YES I do know what marketing and advertising does for free sites.. BUT something that slows down a page loading and that can be harmful to your system.. I would filter it.. and I do..Good program..with the right filters in place.

I also use ADBlock Plus, with Filter Von Dr. Evil, Malware Domains, EasyPrivacy&EasyList, and Fanboys Tracking/Stats Blocking Lists for FF3, along with Better Privacy and Fasterfox Lite 3.6.2.. and I use IE7Pro for IE8 with AdBlock Pro.. Opera I have cranked up a few key settings in the Advanced Properties...Safari I have and use two custom CSS files which block various resources...( since there are not add-ons for Windows Version )

Just with ADBlock Plus I seen an unmeasurable decrease in page load times on various sites. Fasterfox allows my browser to utilize all of the things I have done for my Internet connection. I mean what good is all of it if your programs can't make use of it anyway? IE8, has 99 simultaneous connections it can use, instead of the normal 10, using IE7Pro...RAM and cache handling can also play a role in page load times as well...

Now believe it or not my connections are actively monitored and have SEVERAL methods/types of filters...but I get exactly what I am paying for .. and I get lightning fast load times.. I didn't always, before I started learning a bit about networks(ing).

My absolute last thing ... there are a ton of programs out there that state that they can make your connection GO FASTER...or Optimize it...There are only a few things that can be done...next to reconnecting another 'INTERNET' for the DoD to control..There is not going to be a whole lot you can really do...So don't sell out to a bunch of hype...and don't get TOO concerned about it.. but yeah you do all this.. with no increase..You should call your ISP and have them come out and look at the line...

I have a ton of other cool little things I have for my network too.. but I have to quit writing books in the forums..LOL.. some one is going to put me in a muzzle or something..

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i pay for 512kb/s and am getting 0.24mb/s at down.

i have installd cfospeed and it has improved performance.

can i use tcpoptimizer and cablenut along with it?

For 512kbps....your download speed should be about 64KB/s.....or 0.64MB/s(ie. changing kilo bits to Kilo Bytes....divided by :(.

If you are using line for connection, you should receive at least 64KB/s

For wireless, you will have less depending on your location from router.

Trying with cablenut and tcpoptiminzer together is ok.....But I have experience çablenut causing me not able to open my router for configuration.

But lately...I've been using .NetSpeedboost 6.0 Pro for auto configuration with TCPOptimizer to tweak it. (ie combination of both).

I use it on XP, Vista and Windows 7 OS without problem....Both my download and upload speed are to the max...so no complain.

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heath u realy no this stuf man.this is why i love this forum.thanks for the tricks and tips,let me follow them 1 by 1, then i wll post the status.This forum loves people who help out,and ur certainly doin that.

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u rock,like u always do.

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  • Administrator

If he has 512kb/s speed he should probable get 55-60 kb/s max not 64kb/s. Ask shought about it.

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If you're on a 512 kb/s it's the same as 64 kB/s. (512/8=64) However this is a purely theoretical maximum speed because you will most likely never reach this as a certain percentage of your speed might get lost because of stuff going on between you and your ISP. Your maximum speed will probably be anywhere between 52/58 kB/s :P

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  • Administrator

Thanx for the info. shought.

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i have a 512kbps cablenet connection that is ofcourse, cable plugged into my lan card and the other end into a switch or hub located at a street lamp pole outside my gate.i have the recent network drivers and firmware installed using uniblue driverscanner and windows update.

i have a typical system setup with default settings with a netbios running.i have manualy not put anything to share.what to do?i hav a pentium d 3.2 with 1gb ram.

how to enable my device to perform at optimum?(the device here would be my lan card?)


i have cfospeed, and have not manualy altered anything from the settings or connection menu.i use.please tell me if i hav to manualy alter any settings for better performance.hoe do I open and configure my router?which protocols to set to high and which to low?

i use .netspeed boost 6 along with it.

i wll try the softwares u mentioned and wll let u no.

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For 512kbps....your download speed should be about 64KB/s.....or 0.64MB/s(ie. changing kilo bits to Kilo Bytes....divided by 8 ).

Actually, he should see 0.5Mb/s. :welcome:


So young, and you are already am expert. :D

Cheers :P

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Not only expert but also a Moderator :P . And also a person who hasn't answered my PM yet.

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1&2.. Question, you say you have Cablenet service.. I am assuming you have cable service and not broadband/DSL. I found a few sites when I was searching for it, one was in Greek, and from what I could tell...It was cable. Most cable services have a cable modem in which the actual coaxial cable comes in through the wall and screws into. Then you will have a typical RJ45 line which will run from that into your computer. Unless you are somewhere, where it is totally different. The cable modem would be your device..

Most of the cable modems, routers, and devices actually have a default IP that you can type into your browser and access your settings. For instance I can type in,, or into my browser and access my router's home page and settings. Some of these systems will only allow this from a hard connection, not with wireless, while others will. If your settings have been password protected, then you will be prompted from the password.

Firmware is a type of 'microprocessor driver' which a horrible technical description but it serves its purpose for now. This would be for your router or device... not your system. You will need to research ( using search from your browser ) to see if your make a model of cable modem/router needs firmware, or if there are any updates to the current version; which you will find once you make it to your settings and inside.

Your network card, you said is up to date on the driver. This may be all you will need to do for it. Some cards will have settings in the properties for each network card, but for the most part they are already set to be the most efficient for your system. I really don't recommend changing anything in this area unless you have an issue directly related to your network card, which would trace back to it.

NetBIOS can be disabled with SEconfig XP that I mentioned above in my previous post or you can comb through your running services and disable it. That would be what I would recommend, plus its the easiest if you ever want to re-enable it for any reason. I mentioned this because of the idea of having an open un-encrypted wireless connection with a file share available to everyone out there.. was a bad idea. Don't be too worried...being that you have a cable modem, you may or may not have wireless even running from it, depending on your setup. Which you will find out once you get to the settings.

3. cFosspeed is very simple to run and configure. Right click the icon, and go to Options > Settings. This will open the preferences page. Yo should select 'fixed' if you are on the network alone, Layer-7 Protocol detection, Activate Firewall, Automatic MSS ( MTU ) Optimization.. ( and then don't mess with that number in your router or anywhere else )..and finally select Strict RTP checks.

The rest of the tabs and settings are going to be according to how you personally use your Internet, and your objective in using traffic shaping. You have five sections under protocols in which you can adjust and prioritize. ( I never mess with this area ... for the most part ) You have to have a basic understanding of network protocols to know exactly what yo are doing here...Then you have five sections under programs. This area is simple enough.. You can add programs by finding and listing their EXE. And lets say when you are listening to a streaming radio station Windows Media Player, and browsing the internet, possibly downloading.. That your streaming radio station cuts in and out, dropping connection in some cases from its source, and you would like to have a smooth Internet stream, while downloading. You would then either turn down prioritization for your download manager or internet browser, OR you could turn up the prioritization for Windows Media Player. After which time you would notice that the stream is now smooth and un-interrupted. So when setting these things you have to think about what you want the most out of your connection and adjust it accordingly. So if you wanted more bandwidth allocated to your browser for downloads and surfing over, say torrent traffic, or something you can do that. You can also remove any of the already included programs to help make it easier to manage...

cFosspeed will work behind firewall drivers such as ESET NOD 32 as well. They may show up as ekern.exe in the connections window, but the traffic shaping is still being done. Be sure to calibrate the line once in a while.

EDIT: The .NET program I am going to check out when I have more time but.. I don't know..MY BEST ADVICE, and this not to undermine anyone's suggestions, but more of like a per/stage thing. BUT my advice would be to address all of your hardware wit no changes FIRST. Then once everything has at least been looked at... and setup correctly. THEN come back and use programs to change system settings. If you have one weak link in the chain, it breaks and the whole chain is no good. n other words you can add programs but if you have a hardware issue/router/modem so on. it may not do any good...

So take it back to step one, and take it one step at a time. You can start to jump around or even ahead of what you need to be doing and just confused yourself more too. LOL ( not to mention me )

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@ heath

thnx for the info.i will use it n let u no if theres a problem.

great help man.thnx again.


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If you're on a 512 kb/s it's the same as 64 kB/s. (512/8=64) However this is a purely theoretical maximum speed because you will most likely never reach this as a certain percentage of your speed might get lost because of stuff going on between you and your ISP. Your maximum speed will probably be anywhere between 52/58 kB/s ;)

Not quite true...shought.

You need to choose the test site nearest to you....I have.....and I always max out.

I paid for 3 Mbps....and my test show 3002 kbps. (after tweaking, of course).

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If you're on a 512 kb/s it's the same as 64 kB/s. (512/8=64) However this is a purely theoretical maximum speed because you will most likely never reach this as a certain percentage of your speed might get lost because of stuff going on between you and your ISP. Your maximum speed will probably be anywhere between 52/58 kB/s :P

Not quite true...shought.

You need to choose the test site nearest to you....I have.....and I always max out.

I paid for 3 Mbps....and my test show 3002 kbps. (after tweaking, of course).

I highlighted some parts of my post ;)

I know it's not always like that, some ISPs are fair and all, but most are not.

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hey heath

Half-Open Limit Fix,opendns.com,peer guardian and seconfig xp are all fantastic programs.i wll hav to say again u no ur stuff.


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But shought is never wrong.

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But shought is never wrong.

I am, in fact it is highly likely that I've been wrong more than any of you ever have :bag:

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  • Administrator

Where is the :bag: ?

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