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The coffin industry is booming...


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The coffin industry is booming...



In the newly crowned most violent country in the world, El Salvador, business is booming for a grim industry: coffin manufacturing.


Workers in the tiny town of Jucuapa are abandoning the coffee and agriculture industries for the steady stream of business, according to Reuters. Already there are 18 such businesses.


Homicides spiked by 70 percent after the disintegration of a 2012 truce between the rival MS-13 and 18th Street gangs. A new cease-fire was announced by the gangs in March.


Sitting shoulder to shoulder but never looking at each other, the two gang leaders explained the pact in a video interview with the Washington Post.


“No, we’re not friends, but the three gangs are united in this effort to come together to stop the violence that’s assaulting our country, so the Salvadoran people can see that it’s not just gangs that kill,” the man representing MS-13 said. The homicide rate has dropped by half.



But how long the reprieve will last is unknown.


Meanwhile, Jucuapa’s sewing machines still hum over coffin lining and painters continue to paint. Cesar Cruz, who works for his father’s coffin business, told Reuters: “With or without murders, one can always (find) work because caskets go to other countries like Honduras and Guatemala.”






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