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Java Runtime Environment 8 Update 91


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The Java Runtime Environment (JRE) provides the libraries, the Java Virtual Machine, and other components to run applets and applications written in the Java programming language. In addition, two key deployment technologies are part of the JRE: Java Plug-in, which enables applets to run in popular browsers; and Java Web Start, which deploys standalone applications over a network. Users should install the 32-bit version if they are using 32-bit browsers. If you use both 32-bit and 64-bit browser interchangeably, you need a Java Plug-in for each browser. Hence you will need to install both 32-bit and 64-bit Java respectively.

Thanks to Hung_UT® for the update.


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Java Runtime Environment Version 8 Update 91 32Bit And 64Bit silent (Size: 101 MB)


1- Silent install
2- Update disabled
3- Update Scheduler Startup disabled
4- Start menu shortcut removed
5- Only start menu shortcut removed in WinXP (Java will install as default installer)
6- Any old version will be uninstalled first
7- Close any program that use java while setup to avoid system restart
8- Enjoy!


Site: http://www.mirrorcreator.com
Sharecode[?]: /files/130O52PH/Java8u91-silent.zip_links
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Portable Java Runtime Environment 8 Update 91 b14  32 & 64 bit

By PortableAppZ


Download Portable Java 8 Update 91 32 bit (38 MB)

Site: http://www.mediafire.com
Sharecode[?]: /download/hfb9cr3whgss5on/Java_Portable_8.0.910.14_32-bit.exe


Download Portable Java 8 Update 91 64 bit (40 MB)

Site: http://www.mediafire.com
Sharecode[?]: /download/dknh9rip7gdrtiu/Java_Portable_8.0.910.14_64-bit.exe


Extract in your PortableApps folder (CommonFiles and *Portable folders at the same level).



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    Changes in 8 Update  92:


jav9.pngJava™ Runtime Environment 8.0.920.14 (JDK 8u92)[Silent- Dual x86 & x64]
0.- Silently uninstall any previous version before install
1.- Disable Java Update
2.- Enables Java applications in the browser
3.- Not to reboot the system after installation
4.- Disallow the installer to send installation-related statistics to an Oracle server
5.- Stops the installer creating any start menu shortcuts
6.- Install x86 and x64 packages by default

Tamaño: 114.2 MB

Site: https://www.sendspace.com
Sharecode[?]: /file/5vh3m1


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JRE 8 update 92 also available.

They are not giving 92 through autoupdate. So i have listed 91.

Sent from my A0001 using Tapatalk

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14 hours ago, angel said:

    Changes in 8 Update  92:


jav9.pngJava™ Runtime Environment 8.0.920.14 (JDK 8u92)[Silent- Dual x86 & x64]
0.- Silently uninstall any previous version before install
1.- Disable Java Update
2.- Enables Java applications in the browser
3.- Not to reboot the system after installation
4.- Disallow the installer to send installation-related statistics to an Oracle server
5.- Stops the installer creating any start menu shortcuts
6.- Install x86 and x64 packages by default

Tamaño: 114.2 MB

Site: https://www.sendspace.com
Sharecode[?]: /file/5vh3m1


Good camouflage, friend... but you could say the true author of the true installer (packed inside), I am... http://repacks.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=13   you only have packaging and added a bat...



@echo off
color 6
title  Java8u92b14 Silent- Dual x86 x64  Desatendida Por Geoda
echo .      Installing Java8u92b14 Silent- Dual x86 x64  - Please Wait.
echo .         (This window will close once installed)
echo          ::::::::: NOTAS DE INTERES :::::::::
echo Espere a que finalice el proceso de instalacion...
echo Cuando el proceso termine este dialogo se cerrara.....

jre-8u92-windows-dual.exe /verysilent





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  • 2 months later...
On 4/21/2016 at 7:49 AM, anuraag said:

They are not giving 92 through autoupdate. So i have listed 91.

Sent from my A0001 using Tapatalk

@anuraag Wow! Its amazing to know that we both are Indians, & we both have the OnePlus One A0001! :D

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@alfreire You are right. @angel is using your repack inside his SFX. Infact, his SFX is completely dependent on your repack. I checked it myself i.e. when I ran the installer it extracts the files to a folder in %temp% & in that folder contains alfreire's repack. 


@angel It is OK to use other's repacks, but atleast have the courtesy to give credits to them, dude... Please don't do this next time.


Cheers & Regards ;)

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Java SE Runtime Environment - v8.0 Update 92 Build 14 - Highly Compressed x86/x64 RePack

  • Uninstalls any previous version before installing.
  • Enabled running of Java applications in Web Browsers [WEB_JAVA=1]
  • Disabled Java automatic update checking [AUTOUPDATECHECK=0]
  • Disallowed sending of installation-related statistics to Oracle server [WEB_ANALYTICS=0]
  • RePacking Method: I ran the installers, took the MSIs from AppData folder, edited & unpacked them in Advanced Installer and then packed all of them into an 7z SFX with very high compression.
  • Command-Line Parameters: http://pastebin.com/3wjmSkid
  • NOTE: The size of the original x86 & x64 installers combined would be 111.8 MB, after repacking it has been reduced to 83.4 MB, thereby 28.4 MB lesser.


Site: https://mega.nz
Sharecode[?]: /#!Yw5SzQ6B!eTLpxK4tUqrcTlTgNu7c4ztFfDYMLQmVUsyIeUJ9eBM






Cheers & Regards ;)


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@niTe_RiDeR_Pr0 's repack is similar to my repack, and the tweaked of the above repack is same as the tweaked of my repack expect @BALTAGY's repack (disable java update, Install x86 and x64 packages by default...........)

my orignial java 7z sfx repack installer (with multi-language SFX) released in 4/22/2016 on WinCert.net Forum

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35 minutes ago, alan_fox said:

@niTe_RiDeR_Pr0 's repack is similar to my repack, and the tweaked of the above repack is same as the tweaked of my repack expect @BALTAGY's repack (disable java update, Install x86 and x64 packages by default...........)

my orignial java 7z sfx repack installer (with multi-language SFX) released in 4/22/2016 on WinCert.net Forum


Yeah... the methods are similar.. but I have not stole anything from your repack unlike @angel.

My method: I took the 50~ MB installers & edited & unpacked them using Advanced installer, and made an "uninstaller.cmd" file (which uses wmic product where "name like 'Java%%" call uninstall /nointeractive command), then compresed all the files into a good 7z (modified module) SFX with LZMA:27 BCJ2 compression,. :)


Cheers & Regards ;)

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