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Stunning Video Reveals Why You Shouldn't Trust Anything You See On Television


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In recent years, many have voiced increasing concerns with their ability to place trust in official data, and have faith in conventional narratives.

And for good reason: just yesterday a University of Chicago finance professor, while being interviewed at the Ambrosetti Forum, said that it is all about preserving confidence and trust in a "rigged game": "if people are told enough by smart people on television that the economy has been fixed, and the market is a reflection of the fundamentals, then they’ll blindly support anything the Fed does."

But while the saying "don't believe everything [or anything] you read" and "trust but verify" may be more appropriate now than ever, the following video is an absolute stunner in its revelation of just how deep "real-time" media deception can truly go.

In a recently published paper by the Stanford lab of Matthias Niessner titled "Face2Face: Real-time Face Capture and Reenactment of RGB Videos", the authors show how disturbingly easy it is to take a surrogate actor and, in real time using everyday available tools, reenact their face and create the illusion that someone else, notably someone famous or important, is speaking. Even more disturbing: one doesn't need sophisticated equipment to create a "talking" clone - a commodity webcam and some software is all one needs to create the greatest of sensory manipulations.

Read more, source:   http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-04-09/stunning-video-reveals-why-you-shouldnt-trust-anything-you-see-television
And to appreciate just how profoundly deceptive this technology can (and will) be for mass media manipulative purposes, watch the shocking 6 minute clip below.

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