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Norton Security 22.7 Public Beta


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The Public Beta of Norton Security 22.7 for PC has begun. We are really excited about our newest release of Norton Security. You can access the beta builds by going to the Norton Beta Center.

Please remember that the Public Beta builds are Pre-Release Beta builds. Please do not install these products on Production Systems. While we do not anticipate critical failures, Pre-Release Beta Builds MAY malfunction. If you do install on a computer with sensitive information, be sure to make a complete backup of all your important files to prevent the possibility of data-loss. It is highly recommended that you perform a full backup of your computer before installing beta products and that you revert to this backup before installing new builds.

Please give us your feedback on Norton Security 22.7. Post your issues, suggestions, questions, or anything related to the Norton Security product on the Norton Public Beta Forums. We want this product to be of best quality when we release it.

Happy Testing!


Gayathri Rajendiran

Norton Forums Administrator

Symantec Corporation


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i cant see any sandbox option sorry! where? :huh:

6 hours ago, Rok said:

Finally, Symantec has added  "sandboxing" to new Beta.


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On April 15, 2016 at 8:45 PM, Rok said:

Finally, Symantec has added  "sandboxing" to new Beta.

What is "sandboxing" feature ? :think:

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On 4/15/2016 at 1:20 AM, lyldz said:

i cant see any sandbox option sorry! where? :huh:



7 hours ago, coua said:

What is "sandboxing" feature ? :think:


From Norton:




Sandboxing, or isolating potential threats

Cybercriminals attempt to trick security solutions by “packing-up” malware (often-times within legitimate software files) to prevent it from being identified. Norton is extremely proud to announce a new high-performance emulator that uses these cybercriminals' tricks against them. Norton Security will run and analyze unknown and suspicious files in an isolated protected virtual environment to see how they act before allowing the file to be run on the user's device. This helps to ensure the file is safe before it takes up residence and wreaks havoc on a user's device.

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  • 2 weeks later...

New Beta Build: is Now Available! (April 25th, 2016)

We have new Public Beta builds ( of Norton Security available through LiveUpdate!

Visit Norton Beta Center, download build and simply run LiveUpdate!





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1 hour ago, user@nsaneforums said:




seems the key made by PSN method does not work for beta version:angry:

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  • 4 weeks later...
2 hours ago, Petrovic said:

any new medicine for it ?:angry:

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  • 2 weeks later...


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