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[Double Standards] Adam Johnson


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I find paedophilia disgusting and turns my stomach, however, double standards have prevailed yet again in the British Justice System, the system called best in the world, my arse.


Adam Johnson England and ex Sunderland footballer, found guilty of under aged sex with a minor.

He got six (6) years and had his England caps removed, after being sacked by Sunderland.

She was fifteen (15). Why is a fifteen (15) year old being allowed to hang around with men older than her?

I see everyday men (sixteen (16), seventeen (17) eighteen (18) and older) with their arms around twelve (12) year olds and everyone knows they are procreating.

Three (3) years ago a tabloid had a center spread of a twelve (12) year old one (1) child her thirteen (13) year old sister one (1) child and their fifteen (15) year old sister two (2) children and expecting a third (3rd).

The mother big huge smiling cheesy grin saying how proud she is of her daughters.

U.K. had the largest under aged mothers in Europe.

Recently and illegal immigrant, in the U.K. stole a car, drove it without a licence drunk, ploughed into a bus stop killing two (2) children and severely injuring five (5) adults and he got one (1) and a half years, reduced to two (2) months due to being on remand and was not to be deported as he feared retribution form the government where he came from for crimes committed in the U.K.

Two (2) doctors go t Portugal and leave three (3) children alone in a chalet whilst they go off and get wankered and Madeline disappears, still missing.

Now if those parents where some chav family off some housing estate they would had got jail time, but no, they (due to their bad parenting) cost the tax payers in Britain and Portugal millions looking for the child.


So why is it that Adam Johnson only found guilty of a couple of charges gets six (6) years and the rest of the U.K. indulging in under aged sex gets squat?


I am not pro Adam Johnson, gee he could have any tarty w.a.g. he wanted, he chose a teenager, that is wrong, he may only serve two (2) years, but why are all the others getting away with it.


I am forty seven, I waited till I was nearly twenty (20) to have intercourse with my first love. I have been now with a different woman for twenty five (25) years.


I just cannot understand the double standards and Adam Johnson did deserver time, but what about the others, knocking up girls and making them pregnant under the age of sixteen (16).



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I read somewhere about the case of a 17 years old boy had permanent sexual relationship with his 16 yoears old GF, located in the US. When he turned 18, he was arrested. Actually, I don't know how the case turned out but this looks to me just a distortion of justice.

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He wasn't a 17 year old guy with a 15 year old girl...he is a 28 year old guy with a 15 year old girl. He was grooming her over a period of time using his "celebrity status" as a professional footballer to entice her on. If he hadn't been stopped where would it have ended? When he had full intercourse with her and got her pregnant' Or maybe when he had given her one of the two sexually transmitted diseases that he had contracted from his other sexual activity? The guy is a sicko..they just revealed today that he had been arrested last year for having animal porn on his laptop. A big-headed, overpaid footballer who thought he was above the law of the land. If she was my 15 year old daughter I'd have his testicles in a jar for touching her.

There's no point in comparing his case to other ones,, we all know the Law is an ass at times...but in his case the Law got it right. I hope some big hairy con takes a fancy to him in prison.

From today's papers:-

Kate Blackwell QC, prosecuting, told Durham crown court of seizure of medication for STDs from Johnson's home at a preliminary hearing last year.

She said: "There were perhaps two types of medicine seized from the safe, prescribed to the defendant indicating he may be suffering from one or two sexually transmitted infections at the time.

"That, together with the photos on the mobile telephone that appeared to show images of an infected penis. The prosecution invited the defendant to provide a copy of medical records or to confirm, one way or the other, whether that was the case. At the moment he has refused so to do."  :angry::angry::angry:



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7 hours ago, funkyy said:

He wasn't a 17 year old guy with a 15 year old girl...he is a 28 year old guy with a 15 year old girl. He was grooming her over a period of time using his "celebrity status" as a professional footballer to entice her on. If he hadn't been stopped where would it have ended? When he had full intercourse with her and got her pregnant' Or maybe when he had given her one of the two sexually transmitted diseases that he had contracted from his other sexual activity? The guy is a sicko..they just revealed today that he had been arrested last year for having animal porn on his laptop. A big-headed, overpaid footballer who thought he was above the law of the land. If she was my 15 year old daughter I'd have his testicles in a jar for touching her.

There's no point in comparing his case to other ones,, we all know the Law is an ass at times...but in his case the Law got it right. I hope some big hairy con takes a fancy to him in prison.

From today's papers:-

Kate Blackwell QC, prosecuting, told Durham crown court of seizure of medication for STDs from Johnson's home at a preliminary hearing last year.

She said: "There were perhaps two types of medicine seized from the safe, prescribed to the defendant indicating he may be suffering from one or two sexually transmitted infections at the time.

"That, together with the photos on the mobile telephone that appeared to show images of an infected penis. The prosecution invited the defendant to provide a copy of medical records or to confirm, one way or the other, whether that was the case. At the moment he has refused so to do."  :angry::angry::angry:



I agree Adam Johnson deserved what he got, but removing England caps is not fair and what about all the other under aged sexual activity, that goes unpunished as they're not rich men fiddling girls.


If  Adam Johnson was a steel worker, shop assistant, unemployed or maybe a builder then he would not had made national headlines and he probably would not be eating porridge.


For the life of me, he is a rich young man, that could of had any w.a.g., myself I would choose an educated woman in a well paid profession rather than a tart.

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Lee, I think the removal of England caps is more symbolic than anything else. Football stars are, by the nature of their profession, in the public eye and are role models and inspirations for multitudes of kids (and adults). I think the FA had to show that they did not want football to be associated with or seen to be excusing/supporting this creep's behaviour. The same principal was applied with the removal of Jimmy Saville's OBE etc.

Personally I would just remove the testicles..job done!!:D:D:D

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