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Nmap 7.10 Security Scanner Adds Hundreds of OS/Version Fingerprints, New Scripts


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Includes many smaller improvements and bug fixes


   Nmap was used in The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo movie

Gordon Lyon from the Nmap project, one of the most acclaimed network and security scanner open-source software used by millions of hackers and security experts worldwide, today, March 17, 2016, announced the release of Nmap 7.10.

Nmap 7.10 comes exactly four months after the major Nmap 7.00 release, which was in development for the past three years, bringing countless new features and improvements to the free and cross-platform network mapper and security scanner originally written by Gordon Lyon a.k.a. Fyodor Vaskovich.

According to the release notes, which you need to read if you're curious to know what exactly has been implemented in this release, Nmap 7.10 brings 12 new NSE (Nmap Scripting Engine) scripts, hundreds of OS/version fingerprints, as well as a handful of under-the-hood improvements, along with fixes for some of the most important bugs.

"I'm pleased to announce the release of Nmap 7.10 with many great improvements," said Fyodor in today's announcement. "It's got 12 new NSE scripts, hundreds of new OS/version fingerprints, and dozens if smaller improvements and bug fixes. And that's not even counting the changes in Nmap 7.01, which we released in December 2015."

Available now for Linux, Mac OS X, and Windows OSes

So, as you can see there was a Nmap 7.01 release available sometime around Christmas last year, but Mr. Lyon forgot to announce it. The Nmap 7.01 appears to include a bunch of improvements as well, so you need to check the official changelog inside the source archive for more details on that.

In the meantime, you can download the Nmap 7.10 sources right now Download  Nmap Security Scanner. Linux users should also be able to update their Nmap installations from the main software repos in the next few days. Enjoy yet another great Nmap release!

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