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[Human Race] Well most of em!


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I had to get this off my chest or I will scream.

Today I have had to make a lot of phone calls.

Mainly to councils and call centres.

I cannot believe how stupid and arrogant these people are how do they get their jobs? Nepotism probably.

So call 1. Ring, ring, ring, up comes a list of options so I press six (6) complaints, then I am in a que. They play the most annoying loud hick rap kind of music, instead of some nice calm classical that makes me feel good.

Finally, I get an answer, the woman does not introduce herself, she does not tell me whom she represents and she should had stayed at home. She asks me a question, ''so you did not'' (do whatever) I answered ''yes''.

She replies, ''so you did'' (whatever). I said I did not that is why I answered yes (I felt like adding stupid, where will that get me). She then gets the ump and starts talking down to me like I am some child. She then says, ''here

is their telephone number, O(oh)1732 4*** 9***. So I ask her ''what is O''? She says ''a number''. I reply, ''no it's a letter of the alphabet''. She then repeats herself, I repeat myself and eventually she says zero.

By this time she has called me Sir numerous times, I have requested not to be called a Sir, one(1), I am not a Sir and two(2) I find it patronising.

She just carried on and called me rude.

Wow this happened around fifteen(15) times today, except one(1) where the lovely young lady introduced herself, said Zero called me Lee and was really pleasant.

Britain has become a service industry, we do not open call centres abroad really that much, I wish they would as the people abroad are heaps better than the morons they employ in the U.K.


Back to the O(oh) thing, ninety per cent (90%) of adverts on the radio and t.v. employ some middle class schmuck to read out the telephone and donation numbers.

My Suzie heard one for Macmillan something like 7O(oh)O(oh)24O(oh). She put it into her cell phone, it not work.

So you contact these morons and they do not change it they still leave it. Do they know why they don't raise as much money as they want to?

It's unbelievable the way society has become.


Last thing, when I hear a conversation, instead of hearing, something, or nothing, I hear sumfink and nufink.

What is wrong with these morons.

I am from South London and my Suzie (doctoral student)  East London. We are seen as the poor uneducated working class that brings down Britain. Well shock horror the ones I hear speaking that way are mainly middle England speakers.


I had to get it off my chest, even if it's deleted thanks, as writing it down and thinking people know what I a talking about makes my sole more stable and stops me screaming like a mad man.




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Reminds me that commonplace answering machine telling me "Your call is very impotant for us", lets me waiting a quarte of an hour and than the call hangs up, letting me feel quite impotent because that call was really important for ME. but evidently not for them.

Other nice message is telling me "All our account managers are busy. Please wait till next manager can attend you" . So, after it keeps me waitng for about half an hour... hangs up

So, there is that other answering machine telling you press 1 for.. , press 2 for... etc jumping for sub-menu to sub-menu and... you never seem to find the proper option...

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Here in my country mostly of the call centers have a manual for all the workers. The repeat like parrots what's written in it and they have no idea of what they're saying. They treat you like you're mentally impaired and that annoys me and I treat them worst than that, ask for their supervisor and fill a complain. By the time I get the right person who can handle the problem I have I've lost 1 hour, at least. How stupid can they be?

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get to the point in as few words as possible next time... stop trying to be civil.


  • don't care what your title is
  • are bored
  • are more annoyed then u are
  • are dealing with the same problems each day... this is why they treat u like a retard even if u're not the one calling each day with the same problem
  • they get that u're annoyed and they don't and shouldn't care

don't make a lot of phone calls... ever... u or whoever made u do them has too much free time on their hands.


... u should've screamed.

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21 minutes ago, jbleck said:

get to the point in as few words as possible next time... stop trying to be civil.


  • don't care what your title is
  • are bored
  • are more annoyed then u are
  • are dealing with the same problems each day... this is why they treat u like a retard even if u're not the one calling each day with the same problem
  • they get that u're annoyed and they don't and shouldn't care

don't make a lot of phone calls... ever... u or whoever made u do them has too much free time on their hands.


... u should've screamed.

Please don't use the word retard, it's a word associated with people that have a learning disability. I think in the U.S.A. it's those with Downes Syndrome.

I had no choice than call these numbers today.

If I didn't have to then I would chose to not call them.

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