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jv16 PowerTools X


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jv16 PowerTools X is a complete toolkit to maximize the performance of any PC. With a user base comprising several million downloads, the program is used by both home and power users as well helpdesk and support personnel around the globe. jv16 PowerTools will optimize many aspects of your computer. jv16 PowerTools allows users to remove all traces of previously uninstalled software, to clean the computer's Windows registry for optimal performance and stability, and to fix many registry-based problems with a single mouse click. PowerTools Lite is a freeware version of their professional grade jv16 PowerTools utility package.

Thanks to pamadhilwankalan for the update.


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Portable jv16 PowerTools X Multilingual

By PortableAppZ



Site: https://userscloud.com
Sharecode[?]: /gacsn076rtbj


Extract and run jv16PTPortable.
Settings of installed jv16PT should be preserved.
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Used to be brilliant software once.


Since I paid for a V.I.P. licence it seems to have hit the buffers and is going nowhere.


Hardly an update and has lost it's sparkle.



Used to be brilliant software once.


Since I paid for a V.I.P. licence it seems to have hit the buffers and is going nowhere.


Hardly an update and has lost it's sparkle.



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19 minutes ago, LeeSmithG said:

Used to be brilliant software once.


Since I paid for a V.I.P. licence it seems to have hit the buffers and is going nowhere.


Hardly an update and has lost it's sparkle.



Used to be brilliant software once.


Since I paid for a V.I.P. licence it seems to have hit the buffers and is going nowhere.


Hardly an update and has lost it's sparkle.



I was about to post the same thing.

This program used to be great. But now I wouldn't recommend it to anyone.

I wouldn't use this even if it was FREE. And there are so many silly modules in this app now.

I think the developer is always looking to find ways to release new versions by incorporating ridiculous modules into it.

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Dangerous software ! Better stay away from this crap,it will ruine your system sooner or later...........

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Which alternate?

6 hours ago, Pete 12 said:

Dangerous software ! Better stay away from this crap,it will ruine your system sooner or later...........


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2 hours ago, virk said:

Which alternate?


Image backup software  and put a clean image in or reformat  if you're  PC is sick  there's no magic cure  . If you're pc is slow only buying better hardware  or a better pc  will help. .


Jouni Vuorio and Jani Vuorio who invented JV16 Reg Cleaner  made several of these PC breakers

RegCleaner, RegSupreme Pro and RegSupreme ,





Back in JV16 ran a scam  and took up donations  and said they was going to go open source  and claimed they did not get enough  too do it and they turned around and made JV16 PowerTools X and selling it.



Jouni Flemming, Vice President at Macecraft Software wrote  a blog once on how to get rich off the internet after i read this i  think who make shareware tuneup apps are scam artist  :P




I've got you beat but I've shared this one before. The last time I bought an upgrade from them, within a few minutes I was getting a call from the fraud department for my credit card attempting to verify plane ticket and hotel rooms charged to my credit card. I had not used it for anything else in months. Needless to say, that is reason enough for me to not purchase again.




I use to use it back years ago  back when they had beta testers  and stuff  but JV16 PowerTools X is like  the other 1000 tune up apps out now not tested by the general  public for errors  and really cant be trusted  and  the company itself never could be trusted i use  to use giveaway keys  :) 

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