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British man climbs one of Dubai’s tallest skyscrapers


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British man climbs one of Dubai’s tallest skyscrapers



For most people, the thought of hanging freely off a construction crane 101 stories in the air is the stuff of nightmares. But then, most people aren’t James Kingston, who recently decided to free climb up one of the world’s tallest residential skyscrapers in Dubai, capturing the whole nerve-racking experience on camera.

Uploaded to YouTube on Sunday, the POV footage of his climb has already gone viral, accruing more than 180,000 views as viewers marvel at his stomach-turning ascent of the Marina 101 skyscraper.

“This is by far the tallest structure I’ve climbed so far … I later found out that it’s the tallest residential building in the world. Crazy, huh?” Kingston wrote in the YouTube description of the video. “It took me about an hour and a half to get to the roof of the building using the crane to get up the first 50 meters or so. It was then about an hour of stairs while trying not to die of dehydration. It was the warmest/driest building I’ve ever come across and I only had a small bottle of water with me.”


Perhaps the most surprising part of his video, other than the fearlessness displayed by Kingston, was just how accommodating construction workers at the Marina 101 site were in allowing Kingston to climb the structure.

According to Kingston, at one point in the making of the video, a crane he was on started to spin around, forcing him to descend to the crane driver’s cabin and ask permission from its operator to climb to the top.

“I came across a few workers on the way up who wished me a good day and shook my hand. The workers in Dubai seem to mostly be from India and are some of the nicest people I’ve ever met,” wrote Kingston in his YouTube description.

“When I reached the rooftop the sun still hadn’t risen so I had a bit of time to explore the place and take some pictures … Out of nowhere the crane fired up and things started twisting and moving. I had no idea what was going on so I climbed back down to where the crane drivers cabin was to see if I could see anyone. Turns out the crane driver had managed to get up the crane and into the cabin without [either] of us seeing each other.”

After simply asking the surprised crane operator if he could finish his climb to the end of the crane’s arm, Kingston was a bit taken aback when he was given the green light to complete his ascent, overcoming the oil-slicked metal beams of the crane to get a once-in-a-lifetime view of Dubai.

“It was pretty steep and was completely covered in grease/dust as it had been there for so many years,” wrote Kinston. “Parts of it were like ice! I finally reached the top and as you can see, the view was incredible.”




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