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Blood test reveals 'true age'...


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Blood test reveals 'true age'...


The difference between biological age and chronological age can be used to predict cancer


The difference between a person's biological and physical age can predict whether they will get and die from cancer, a study has found.


Changes in how genes work can be spotted in blood tests and used to work out how quickly someone is ageing.


Factors that speed up ageing include smoking, drinking, a poor diet, air pollution and toxins.


For the first time scientists at Northwestern Medicine in Chicago have shown that the difference between actual age and biological age can be used to predict cancer risk. They found that when the body is 2.2 years older than actual age there is a little chance of surviving cancer.


"Future researchers should focus on the age discrepancy for its potential to show a big picture snapshot of human health and disease at a molecular level"

“This could become a new early warning sign of cancer,” said senior author Dr Lifang Hou, chief of cancer epidemiology, who led the study.


“The discrepancy between the two ages appears to be a promising tool that could be used to develop an early detection blood test for cancer.


“People who are healthy have a very small difference between their epigenetic/biological age and chronological age.


“People who develop cancer have a large difference and people who die from cancer have a difference even larger than that. Our evidence showed a clear trend.”

If someone was living a perfect lifestyle, withouth any toxins, biological age would keep track with actual age, as measured by birthdays.


But environmental factors can speed up the process, which is why people who smoke and drink often look years older than they actually are.


Scientists at Northestern devised a blood test which measures 71 blood DNA markers which are impacted by a person's environment and lifestyle.


They then collected blood samples from 442 people between 1999 and 2013, all who were cancer free at the beginning of the study. Those who will develop cancer were found to have a biological age of around six months older than their chronological age while those who went to die of cancer were about 2.2 years older, the study found.


It is the first study to link the discrepancy between biological age and chronological age with both cancer development and cancer death.


“Our results suggest future researchers should focus on the age discrepancy for its potential to show a big picture snapshot of human health and disease at a molecular level,” said first author Yinan Zheng, a predoctoral fellow at Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern.


Northwestern scientists now are studying whether individuals can lower their bioligcal age through lifestyle improvements such as increasing exercise and having a healthier diet;


The research was published in the online journal EBioMedicine.




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A bit silly. Obviously people exposed to carcinogens will have a greater chance of developing cancers. It has nothing to do with age. Cancers develop when your natural T-Cell immune system gets damaged - this can be by toxins, but also virus infections, radiation or medicine like corticoids. That damage will show up in a blood test. And will be more common in older people, because risk of exposure increases with time. That is a long way from saying that aging "causes" cancer.


We all have cancers every day, our immune system says, "hey, you are not self", and attacks and destroys the cancer before it can produce substances that block our natural immune response.


So ... the article sounds more like an ad for "Eat our Healthy Foods" or "Join our super Gym Club" . Just another War On "X" to make money. Where "X" was "Free radicals" and "lack of anti-oxidents and Omega-3" and "colesterol" that were the hype just a few years ago.


PS Don't forget a lot of cancers are more common in children, others in young people. Some prefer certain races, others are gender specific.

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