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Telephone/Mobile Survey 2016 Help


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My son is 7 years old and is conducting a Telephone/Mobile Survey 2016 for a school technology project that finishes at the end of February.


Please could you spend 2 minutes filling out the short survey which would really help him out thanks?

Here is the link to the survey: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/QTY69W2


The survey contains the following:

1. Are you?

  • Male
  • Female


2. Do you know who invented the telephone?

  • Alexander Graham Bell
  • Elisha Gray
  • Thomas Edison
  • None of the above


3. What do you use your telephone for? Select all that apply.

  • Making calls
  • Texting
  • Emailing
  • Internet
  • Games
  • Shopping
  • Watching TV or films


4. Do you generally use your phone everyday?

  • Yes
  • No


5. What is the longest time you haven't used your phone?

  • A day
  • Two for five days
  • A week
  • A month
  • Longer than a month
  • You have got to be joking! I can't do it


6. How much would you pay for a phone?

  • Under £300
  • £300 - £500
  • Over £500


7. If you could make a phone call to a famous person (dead or alive) who would it be?


8. If you could have one button on your phone that could do something really special what would it be?


Thank you nsaners

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Thank you to all that sensibly helped out with my sons survey and for those that couldn't quite manage to conduct themselves appropriately when answering questions 7 and 8; please remember that my son is only 7 years old and has not been subjected to the madness that has tainted the world in which we live in. At this forum we are "nsaners" and not insane, especially when helping and supporting children.


Thank you again.

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