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Kaspersky Fixes: Activate KAV & KIS 2016 MR1 till 2017 with Chinese lic keys (update key regularly if blocked)


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42 minutes ago, Amirassari2002 said:

Kis 2016 can not update with error: Current licence is missing

License has active status.

what is the problem?

what i do?



just do again the instruction post #1:rolleyes:

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15 minutes ago, coua said:

just do again the instruction post #1:rolleyes:



i had reset activation and reply all instructions in post #1.

application was activated successfully and application as active with all settings running (except Cloud Security) but Update does not work.

you can see attached pictures...

all application modules are working successfully. i think after module update to patch B this happen.








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29 minutes ago, Amirassari2002 said:



i had reset activation and reply all instructions in post #1.

application was activated successfully and application as active with all settings running (except Cloud Security) but Update does not work.

you can see attached pictures...

all application modules are working successfully. i think after module update to patch B this happen.








let me see:ph34r:

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Used KIS installer in OP followed instructs to the letter. Warning says: "The Activation file is corrupted or has an unknown format."

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33 minutes ago, RobrPatty said:

Used KIS installer in OP followed instructs to the letter. Warning says: "The Activation file is corrupted or has an unknown format."

 beacause u use the old version KRT, try krt latest: :P

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9 hours ago, Amirassari2002 said:

is there any way to solve problem?


These are things that would be better discussed by PMs.


Somehow you messed your avatars and you put here, the one who had to put it on ru.board.tIJWwj2.gif?1

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11 hours ago, coua said:

 beacause u use the old version KRT, try krt latest: :P


That was it coua. Used without issues. Activated perfectly. Thanks much for the post and the help.  :)

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On 11/3/2016 at 10:01 AM, coua said:

very easy:P


1. Install kaspersky

2. Activate with copyright code

2. Turn off "self defense" -> Pause protection -> Exit kaspersky

4. Run KRT -> press ctrl + alt -> save activation and choose where to save the lic file

5. That's all:P


tks for help me

but my key file format * .key (not code)
how I can convert the file *.key to *.lic for active?

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7 minutes ago, Why2010 said:

tks for help me

but my key file format * .key (not code)
how I can convert the file *.key to *.lic for active?

no, there is no method to convert *.key file to *.lic file :ph34r:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Update doesn't work at all (worst thing for an AV). Registry had some errors.

Setup is ambiguous (ok, it's a repack, but I'd like to know what it actually does to my computer rather than clicking "ok" to unknown things).

Went back to eset immediately. 

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Dear Coua,

Current license in missing and program not updated....

would you please send new license? (KIS2016 Chinese Repack to English)


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Dear Friends,


Let's use those latest keys for files RePack KIS/KAV CN MR1.

Remember to apply .bat file to block connection to Kaspersky Labs server in registry to ensure keeping keys alive.



Site: KISCN16_30.03.2019_9C48.lic: https://mega.nz
Sharecode[?]: /#!dp0EED7Y!KdciFFZTLNP6UP43SmGI2Hoa_vWANjaPVVb2qlVbhpk


Site: KAVCN16_01.04.2017_545D.lic: https://mega.nz
Sharecode[?]: /#!d9tH1IKB!UWLGUsWfuaTpOAfV9U1bejsPXZfUOgsHYDu5qz_udXI

Good luck!

Source: VNZ

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11 hours ago, Ryanbee said:

Dear Friends,


Let's use those latest keys for files RePack KIS/KAV CN MR1.

Remember to apply .bat file to block connection to Kaspersky Labs server in registry to ensure keeping keys alive.



Site: KISCN16_30.03.2019_9C48.lic: https://mega.nz
Sharecode[?]: /#!dp0EED7Y!KdciFFZTLNP6UP43SmGI2Hoa_vWANjaPVVb2qlVbhpk


Site: KAVCN16_01.04.2017_545D.lic: https://mega.nz
Sharecode[?]: /#!d9tH1IKB!UWLGUsWfuaTpOAfV9U1bejsPXZfUOgsHYDu5qz_udXI

Good luck!

Source: VNZ


Thank you for new license files.

i had applied .bat file but kaspersky give me described error and i must change license file a few times...

with new license KIS has activated and updated again. (before changing license only update module not working and license has active until expire)


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  • 5 weeks later...
On ۱۳۹۵/۱/۱۵ ه‍.ش. at 10:42 AM, Ryanbee said:

Dear Friends,


Let's use those latest keys for files RePack KIS/KAV CN MR1.

Remember to apply .bat file to block connection to Kaspersky Labs server in registry to ensure keeping keys alive.



Site: KISCN16_30.03.2019_9C48.lic: https://mega.nz
Sharecode[?]: /#!dp0EED7Y!KdciFFZTLNP6UP43SmGI2Hoa_vWANjaPVVb2qlVbhpk


Site: KAVCN16_01.04.2017_545D.lic: https://mega.nz
Sharecode[?]: /#!d9tH1IKB!UWLGUsWfuaTpOAfV9U1bejsPXZfUOgsHYDu5qz_udXI

Good luck!

Source: VNZ


Current license in missing and program not updated....

would you please send new license? (KIS2016 Chinese Repack to English)

thank you

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Those keys below are the latest ones.

Let's try friends!


1. KIS16CN_21.04.2019_465B.lic https://mega.nz/

Sharecode[?]:  #!0s93yTyC!IntswTaI2JU7YILS4Y16EB28AP7GY2-L59q7pDPo0zE


2. KIS16CN_05.04.2019_4131.lic https://www.fshare.vn/



3. KIS16CN_01.04.2019_9C48.lic https://drive.google.com/



Source: vn-zoom.com
















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1 hour ago, Ryanbee said:

Those keys below are the latest ones.

Let's try friends!


1. KIS16CN_21.04.2019_465B.lic https://mega.nz/

Sharecode[?]:  #!0s93yTyC!IntswTaI2JU7YILS4Y16EB28AP7GY2-L59q7pDPo0zE


2. KIS16CN_05.04.2019_4131.lic https://www.fshare.vn/



3. KIS16CN_01.04.2019_9C48.lic https://drive.google.com/



Source: vn-zoom.com

















Hi Ryanbee,

thank you for quick reply. it was ok now.

have a nice day.


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