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Kaspersky Fixes: Activate KAV & KIS 2016 MR1 till 2017 with Chinese lic keys (update key regularly if blocked)


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4 minutes ago, jramon2566 said:

you following the instructions on page 1?

remember to use the KTR

:oops: I was using old version of KTR Sorry Guys . Now I Wish Kaspersky may not blacklist this key.

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2 minutes ago, Bhindu said:

:oops: I was using old version of KTR Sorry Guys . Now I Wish Kaspersky may not blacklist this key.

in step  3. Block Kaspersky license checking by regedit: copy and "save this code as a .cmd file and run it" as administrator

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It will be on the blacklist very soon, because it's too much noise around and too many screenshots... and Kaspersky team aren't deaf or blind.


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On 2/24/2016 at 11:53 AM, Chatman said:


It will be on the blacklist very soon, because it's too much noise around and too many screenshots... and Kaspersky team aren't deaf or blind.


things like this need to be on vip not open

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On 2/25/2016 at 10:25 PM, Bhindu said:

Subscription Key Blocked while updating today. So I reset license with KTR and now it's working fine.


Haven't you done step 3 yet ? ^_^

On 2/24/2016 at 11:53 AM, Chatman said:


It will be on the blacklist very soon, because it's too much noise around and too many screenshots... and Kaspersky team aren't deaf or blind.


Don't worry about kaspersky will blocked the keys^_^


See the tilte of my topic ;)


Kaspersky Fixes .... (update key regularly if blocked)

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1 hour ago, Bhindu said:

I had done it after installing Kaspersky.

:please: and now it works correctly? or continues blocked? 

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On 24/2/2016 at 10:14 AM, Leon90 said:

i use original installation kis italian ;) with unlimited key


I'm italian too. So your first metod working or not? And if not can you explain me? I try with the downloaded original italin instyaller but don't work.

Grazie mille. Thanks.:rolleyes:

Edit 17:52 pm

Ok, Right, if not working OK. The old trial reset right for me. Thanks anyway.

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14 hours ago, Bhindu said:

I had done it after installing Kaspersky.


13 hours ago, jramon2566 said:

:please: and now it works correctly? or continues blocked? 


just tested :rolleyes: still work fine :rolleyes:



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12 hours ago, jjj666 said:

The key is blocked now.  Is there a new key? Thanks!

which are the keys blocked, kis or kav ? which ?:ph34r:

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1 minute ago, Leon90 said:


kaspersky alert me can not control the licensing :(

what i do?

give me your screenshot of problem :rolleyes:

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1 minute ago, coua said:

give me your screenshot of problem :rolleyes:

ok the problem is block url activation :(


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17 minutes ago, Leon90 said:

ok the problem is block url activation :(


ok the key is blocked, try another key post #1 :ph34r:

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On Tuesday, February 16, 2016 at 1:19 PM, coua said:

Activate KAV & KIS 2016 MR1 till 2017 with Chinese lic keys (update key regularly if blocked)

Make this method to suit your private languages  ->>> see post reply


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For KIS Chinese repacked to English installer:

Installer: kis16.0.1.445Cn-En_Repack: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0Bw7aNRWEhHt0anhBazIyUUJpM1U

Chinese lic key till 2017: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0Bw7aNRWEhHt0cVRKTzFSNElkMG8


For KAV Chinese repacked to English installer:

Installer: kav16.0.1.445Cn-En_Repack: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0Bw7aNRWEhHt0d0RtLXI2eUxwVkU

Chinese lic key till 2017: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0Bw7aNRWEhHt0OFBlbmVXUFR6SlE


KRT_5.1.0.17: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0Bw7aNRWEhHt0cVVfcUhWTWEtcDg


Install Notes

1. Install kav/kis16.0.1.445

2. Turn off "self defense" -> Pause protection -> Exit KAV/KIS

3. Block Kaspersky license checking by regedit: save this code as a .cmd file and run it

If exist "%Temp%\~import.reg" (
 Attrib -R -S -H "%Temp%\~import.reg"
 del /F /Q "%Temp%\~import.reg"
 If exist "%Temp%\~import.reg" (
  Echo Could not delete file "%Temp%\~import.reg"
> "%Temp%\~import.reg" ECHO Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
>> "%Temp%\~import.reg" ECHO.
>> "%Temp%\~import.reg" ECHO [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\KasperskyLab\AVP16.0.1\environment]
>> "%Temp%\~import.reg" ECHO "LicActivationUrlV2"=""
>> "%Temp%\~import.reg" ECHO.
>> "%Temp%\~import.reg" ECHO [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\KasperskyLab\AVP16.0.1\environment]
>> "%Temp%\~import.reg" ECHO "LicActivationUrlV2"=""
START /WAIT REGEDIT /S "%Temp%\~import.reg"
DEL "%Temp%\~import.reg

4. Run KRT - press ctrl + alt - activate and browse to the lic file

5. That's all & enjoy^_^:P






it was very good with full information. thank you...

I am happy with KIS 2016 Activated until 2017.

can i use this method and license lic file in many pc (more than 3 pcs) on my Lan network? "does not blacklisted?"

i hope this topic regularly updated with new license files.

Best Regards


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5 hours ago, Amirassari2002 said:






it was very good with full information. thank you...

I am happy with KIS 2016 Activated until 2017.

can i use this method and license lic file in many pc (more than 3 pcs) on my Lan network? "does not blacklisted?"

i hope this topic regularly updated with new license files.

Best Regards


no, lan network maybe the key is blocked

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20 hours ago, Why2010 said:

How do I transfer the file *.key to file *.lic? tks :)

very easy:P


1. Install kaspersky

2. Activate with copyright code

2. Turn off "self defense" -> Pause protection -> Exit kaspersky

4. Run KRT -> press ctrl + alt -> save activation and choose where to save the lic file

5. That's all:P


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Any ideas why it does not want to update? "failed to update database" is constantly popping



Nvm im dumb only 2017 license key allows updates now.

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5 hours ago, Gringo said:

Any ideas why it does not want to update? "failed to update database" is constantly popping



Nvm im dumb only 2017 license key allows updates now.

i use this method post #1 and key to 2017. Before i had installed KIS 2016 MR1 Path a (repack file), then KIS auto update to version Patch b, key is still work. I still update database and version KIS, key is not block.

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Kis 2016 can not update with error: Current licence is missing

License has active status.

what is the problem?

what i do?



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