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Kaspersky Fixes: Activate KAV & KIS 2016 MR1 till 2017 with Chinese lic keys (update key regularly if blocked)


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Activate KAV & KIS 2016 MR1 till 2017 with Chinese lic keys (update key regularly if blocked)

Make this method to suit your private languages  ->>> see post reply








For KIS Chinese repacked to English installer:

Installer: kis16.0.1.445Cn-En_Repack: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0Bw7aNRWEhHt0anhBazIyUUJpM1U

Chinese lic key till 2017: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bw7aNRWEhHt0a000S19lX1hxcXM/view


For KAV Chinese repacked to English installer:

Installer: kav16.0.1.445Cn-En_Repack: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0Bw7aNRWEhHt0d0RtLXI2eUxwVkU

Chinese lic key till 2017: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0Bw7aNRWEhHt0OFBlbmVXUFR6SlE


KRT_5.1.0.17: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0Bw7aNRWEhHt0cVVfcUhWTWEtcDg


Install Notes

1. Install kav/kis16.0.1.445

2. Turn off "self defense" -> Pause protection -> Exit KAV/KIS

3. Block Kaspersky license checking by regedit: save this code as a .cmd file and run it

If exist "%Temp%\~import.reg" (
 Attrib -R -S -H "%Temp%\~import.reg"
 del /F /Q "%Temp%\~import.reg"
 If exist "%Temp%\~import.reg" (
  Echo Could not delete file "%Temp%\~import.reg"
> "%Temp%\~import.reg" ECHO Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
>> "%Temp%\~import.reg" ECHO.
>> "%Temp%\~import.reg" ECHO [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\KasperskyLab\AVP16.0.1\environment]
>> "%Temp%\~import.reg" ECHO "LicActivationUrlV2"=""
>> "%Temp%\~import.reg" ECHO.
>> "%Temp%\~import.reg" ECHO [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\KasperskyLab\AVP16.0.1\environment]
>> "%Temp%\~import.reg" ECHO "LicActivationUrlV2"=""
START /WAIT REGEDIT /S "%Temp%\~import.reg"
DEL "%Temp%\~import.reg

4. Run KRT - press ctrl + alt - activate and browse to the lic file

5. That's all & enjoy^_^:P

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2 hours ago, jcvo said:

it could be made to work with the Spanish version

Sorry you, my offer in this topic is available for English language:ph34r:

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18 hours ago, ASIO said:

don't mess your security with cracked products

Most of cracked AV runs exactly the same as legit version... Didn't know about this method, which I don't like for only one reason: adding a threat exclusion in the AV which means that a malware could compromise your host file. Otherwise I used eset with Mara's fix and now with nodlogin/minodlogin and it runs 100% like a legit version.

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55 minutes ago, tiliarou said:

Most of cracked AV runs exactly the same as legit version... Didn't know about this method, which I don't like for only one reason: adding a threat exclusion in the AV which means that a malware could compromise your host file. Otherwise I used eset with Mara's fix and now with nodlogin/minodlogin and it runs 100% like a legit version.

blocking or patching is not provided in legit version

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Not sure what you mean by " blocking or patching is not provided in legit version "... In the legit version you can actually block IP/domains in the firewall (dunno if KAV/KIS can block his own "home" IP).

Nodlogin and similar just insert licences (sometimes trial) without modifying in any way the AV components so it's not even a crack or patch.

For Kaspersky it is now the same story with trial reset, you just have to fool KAV/KIS to make it think it's the first trial.

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51 minutes ago, anhbatu said:


This method means that the trojan installed on the computer. Recommended use trial key 90 days is better than this method.


you're right.

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On 2/17/2016 at 11:40 AM, tiliarou said:

Most of cracked AV runs exactly the same as legit version... Didn't know about this method, which I don't like for only one reason: adding a threat exclusion in the AV which means that a malware could compromise your host file. Otherwise I used eset with Mara's fix and now with nodlogin/minodlogin and it runs 100% like a legit version.


23 hours ago, ASIO said:

blocking or patching is not provided in legit version


23 hours ago, tiliarou said:

Not sure what you mean by " blocking or patching is not provided in legit version "... In the legit version you can actually block IP/domains in the firewall (dunno if KAV/KIS can block his own "home" IP).

Nodlogin and similar just insert licences (sometimes trial) without modifying in any way the AV components so it's not even a crack or patch.

For Kaspersky it is now the same story with trial reset, you just have to fool KAV/KIS to make it think it's the first trial.


3 hours ago, anhbatu said:


This method means that the trojan installed on the computer. Recommended use trial key 90 days is better than this method.


2 hours ago, lee loans said:


you're right.

Hi guys

I have edited post #1


If you don't want block Kaspersky license checking by insert the hosts file and add hosts file to Kaspersky exclusions, you can block Kaspersky license checking by regedit


Enjoy :P


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34 minutes ago, lee loans said:

How to checking by regedit ?

If you use 32-bit Windows, find


If you use 64-bit Windows, find


If you see the value of LicActivationUrlV2 is, you have blocked Kaspersky license checking by regedit successfully

My screenshot (I use 64-bit Windows) :P



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2 hours ago, tecnico said:

We can help you make others languages?

You can repack original chinese kaspersky 2016 MR1 installer to suit your languages ;)

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On 2/18/2016 at 8:10 PM, hihello said:

Can you make it to work on regular versions?

I don't understand what you meant:ph34r:

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On 16/2/2016 at 10:49 AM, coua said:

Activate KAV & KIS 2016 MR1 till 2019 with Chinese lic keys (update key regularly if blocked)


  Reveal hidden contents








For KIS:

Installer: kis16.0.1.445Cn-En_Repack: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0Bw7aNRWEhHt0anhBazIyUUJpM1U

Chinese lic key till 2017: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0Bw7aNRWEhHt0cVRKTzFSNElkMG8

Chinese lic key till 2018: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0Bw7aNRWEhHt0RXJ5RXE4dlRFOUU

Chinese lic key till 2019: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0Bw7aNRWEhHt0N2lYSkh4RmVMZnc


For KAV:

Installer: kav16.0.1.445Cn-En_Repack: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0Bw7aNRWEhHt0d0RtLXI2eUxwVkU

Chinese lic key till 2017: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0Bw7aNRWEhHt0OFBlbmVXUFR6SlE


KRT_5.1.0.17: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0Bw7aNRWEhHt0cVVfcUhWTWEtcDg


Install Notes

1. Install kav/kis16.0.1.445Cn-En_Repack

2. Turn off "self defense" -> Pause protection -> Exit KAV/KIS

3. Block Kaspersky license checking by regedit: save this code as a .cmd file and run it

If exist "%Temp%\~import.reg" (
 Attrib -R -S -H "%Temp%\~import.reg"
 del /F /Q "%Temp%\~import.reg"
 If exist "%Temp%\~import.reg" (
  Echo Could not delete file "%Temp%\~import.reg"
> "%Temp%\~import.reg" ECHO Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
>> "%Temp%\~import.reg" ECHO.
>> "%Temp%\~import.reg" ECHO [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\KasperskyLab\AVP16.0.1\environment]
>> "%Temp%\~import.reg" ECHO "LicActivationUrlV2"=""
>> "%Temp%\~import.reg" ECHO.
>> "%Temp%\~import.reg" ECHO [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\KasperskyLab\AVP16.0.1\environment]
>> "%Temp%\~import.reg" ECHO "LicActivationUrlV2"=""
START /WAIT REGEDIT /S "%Temp%\~import.reg"
DEL "%Temp%\~import.reg

4. Run KRT - press ctrl + alt - activate and browse to the lic file

5. That's all & enjoy^_^:P

work for mr1 other language?

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6 hours ago, Leon90 said:

work for mr1 other language?

These Chinese lic keys are only for original Chinese Kaspersky 2016 MR 1 installer, and we have repacked these original Chinese installer to English language. 

I think you can repack to suit your languages: Russian, French, Brazilian,...... 

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6 hours ago, coua said:

These Chinese lic keys are only for original Chinese Kaspersky 2016 MR 1 installer, and we have repacked these original Chinese installer to English language. 

I think you can repack to suit your languages: Russian, French, Brazilian,...... 

so i installed chinese version and after add language files?


edit: ok I resolved, I renamed the "it" folders of the Italian language in "en" and I replaced all in the Chinese version, I now have the program for my language :) very thanks: P @coua

it is right procedure?

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20 minutes ago, Leon90 said:

so i installed chinese version and after add language files?

No, it doesn't work. You have only 2 option install KIS to use lic key China

+ Option 1: you have to install KIS with Chinese language and you have to use version Chinese language

+ Option 2: you have to install KIS repack ( English language) from Version Chinese language

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3 minutes ago, ghost_tuyen said:

No, it doesn't work. You have only 2 option install KIS to use lic key China

+ Option 1: you have to install KIS with Chinese language and you have to use version Chinese language

+ Option 2: you have to install KIS repack ( English language) from Version Chinese language

read my previous post, I have solved so

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1 hour ago, Leon90 said:

read my previous post, I have solved so

1 hour ago, Leon90 said:

so i installed chinese version and after add language files?


edit: ok I resolved, I renamed the "it" folders of the Italian language in "en" and I replaced all in the Chinese version, I now have the program for my language :) very thanks: P @coua

it is right procedure?

Can you tell me detailied procedure which you have done ? :rolleyes:

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1 hour ago, coua said:

Can you tell me detailied procedure which you have done ? :rolleyes:

I installed mr1 italian and save at desktop also folder "skin", after unistall mr1 italian and install mr1 chinese repack

in the "skin" folder there are other folders and so I renamed "it" folders (other words for other language) in loc folder and resources folder to "en" folder

Remove skin folder chinese and put italian skin folder changed :)

And work now


sorry for bad english :P



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